Paul Goble
Staunton, March 21 – Nurmagomed Guseynkhanov, the nom de plume of an Avar adept of the late Sufi Sheikh Said Afandi, says that Sufism, not Salafism, is the real force in Daghestani life, that it controls the Muslim Spiritual Directorate there, and that it has its followers in various government offices, including the force structures.
In an interview with Avraam Shmulyevich, an Israeli expert on the Caucasus, that was posted online yesterday, Guseynkhanov says he is using a pseudonym to talk about Sufism because his doing so would infuriate both Sufis and their opponents, at least some of whom might be inclined to kill him (
The Sufis of Daghestan represent "a historically more stable community than the salafis,” Guseynkhanov says, "but over recent decades, [they] have partially mutated and transformed themselves.” The Sufism of the Imam Shamil in the 19th century was both militant and directed against both internal and external ...