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MARCH 2013

Window on Eurasia: Corruption is the Communism of Today, Russian Analyst Says

posted by eagle on March, 2013 as ANALYSIS / OPINION


Window on Eurasia: Corruption is the Communism of Today, Russian Analyst Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, March 26 – For Vladimir Putin’s Russia, corruption is the communism of today, Stanislav Belkovsky argues, and the struggle against it is like the struggle against the CPSU a quarter of a century ago, a battle that will lead to "Perestroika Version Two” and a series of events resembling those that lead to the unraveling of the Soviet Union in 1991.

            In an interview posted on the "Osobaya bukhva” portal yesterday, the Moscow commentator argues that "the situation in Russia is repeating the situation of the USSR in 1991,” when because of Vilnius, the closing of a popular television show and "odious cadre changes,” "all expected the triumph of reaction.”  But in fact, the outcome was just the reverse (

            Many opposition figures today who are extremely pessimistic about the direction Russia is taking under Putin, Belkovsky says, forget "there was exactly the same trend at the end of the 1980s” and ...

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Window on Eurasia: Putin’s Call for a Single History Textbook Recreates Another Soviet Problem, Orthodox Commentator Says

posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION


Window on Eurasia: Putin’s Call for a Single History Textbook Recreates Another Soviet Problem, Orthodox Commentator Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, March 26 –President Vladimir Putin’s call for a single Russian history textbook will inevitably mean that children will hear different versions of the past from the schools than they will hear from their parents, a problem familiar to those who lived under Soviet power but one that few in the Russian Federation have had to worry about.

            In a commentary in "Novy sad,” Vladimir Berkhin, who earlier taught history but now heads the Orthodox Predaniye Foundation, raises for the first time in many years the old Soviet-era question: "What is to be done, if parents and the school teach something different” (

            Berkhin says that he does not see "anything terrible” in the Kremlin’s plans to introduce a single textbook with a single point of view. Indeed, he says, this is "a manifestation of good sense” on the part of the government because "in order to ...

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Window on Eurasia: Efforts to ‘Save’ the Aral Sea Could Leave It Truly Dead, Expert Says

posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION


Window on Eurasia: Efforts to ‘Save’ the Aral Sea Could Leave It Truly Dead, Expert Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, March 26 – Those working to "save” the Aral Sea in Central Asia now face a Hobson’s choice, according to a senior Russian biologist. They can increase the surface area of the sea by redirecting fresh water into it but only at the cost of killing off the fish in it which are used to more saline waters.
            Nikolay Aladin of the Russian Academy of Sciences told the Kazakhstan newspaper "Karavan” that it is necessary for those concerned about the Aral Sea to make a choice between restoring some of its surface area through the diversion into it of more fresh water or ensuring that its fish stock, accustomed to saline waters, will remain or grow (

            Aladin, who has been studying the Aral Sea since the end of the 1970s and who first marked its decline in size in 1981, has written frequently about the dying ...

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Window on Eurasia: Sufism Not Salafism Now the Real Force in Daghestan, Avar Says

posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION


Window on Eurasia: Sufism Not Salafism Now the Real Force in Daghestan, Avar Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, March 21 – Nurmagomed Guseynkhanov, the nom de plume of an Avar adept of the late Sufi Sheikh Said Afandi, says that Sufism, not Salafism, is the real force in Daghestani life, that it controls the Muslim Spiritual Directorate there, and that it has its followers in various government offices, including the force structures.

            In an interview with Avraam Shmulyevich, an Israeli expert on the Caucasus, that was posted online yesterday, Guseynkhanov says he is using a pseudonym to talk about Sufism because his doing so would infuriate both Sufis and their opponents, at least some of whom might be inclined to kill him (

            The Sufis of Daghestan represent "a historically more stable community than the salafis,” Guseynkhanov says, "but over recent decades, [they] have partially mutated and transformed themselves.”  The Sufism of the Imam Shamil in the 19th century was both militant and directed against both internal and external ...

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Window on Eurasia: Contraction of Russia’s Smaller Cities Creating Serious Social, Economic and Political Problems

posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION


Window on Eurasia: Contraction of Russia’s Smaller Cities Creating Serious Social, Economic and Political Problems

Paul Goble

            Staunton, March 21 – The death of Russian villages is already an old if very sad story, but that country’s economic decline is now leading to the contraction of the population of many small and mid-sized cities, a development that has received little attention but that entails enormous social, economic and political problems.

            In an article posted on, Sergey Zakharov says that all of Moscow’s big talk about increasing the amount of Russia’s housing stock largely ignores what he calls "an extremely unpleasant problem,” the contraction in size of many of the smaller and mid-sized cities of the county (

            Moscow is continuing to grow despite the country’s demographic problems, "but in a majority of other regions of the country,” the population is falling and that in turn means that the challenge for the authorities is not the construction of new housing but rather tearing down existing stock ...

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