TOL: Cultivating a Martial Spirit
posted by circassiankama on March, 2010 as ANALYSIS / OPINION
Cultivating a Martial Spirit
In the wake of war, Georgia adds "military patriotism” to the curriculum. Part two of a series. by Tamar Kickacheishvili 16 March 2010
This is the second in a series of articles on the challenges to education in post-conflict societies.
In mid-January, Nona Mikiashvili found out that her 11-year-old son,
Lasha, would begin studying something the authorities here are calling
military patriotism in the fall.
Lasha was excited at the prospect that he might get to handle a
weapon, but his mother had doubts. "I don’t object to a military course
if it includes emergency situations, but it should never be mandatory
for all students,” she said. "As for patriotism, it’s impossible to
teach at school. I’m really curious how they’re going to teach it. What
will they do? Telling students that we [Georgians] are the best, only
to have them find out differently later in life, it might cause
Lasha also does not know what ... >> full
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Stop NATO: Georgia: Simulating War or Provoking It?
posted by circassiankama on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
March 16, 2010
Georgia: Simulating War Or Provoking It?
Rick Rozoff
On the evening of March 13 Georgia’s Imedi television channel ran a
30-minute prime time "simulated” newscast about a Russian invasion of
the South Caucasus nation complete with a report that the country’s
mercurial (if not megalomaniacal) president – Mikheil Saakashvili – had
been assassinated.
The show was aired "by the Imedi TV’s weekly program Special Report,
which started just a couple of minutes before 8pm – the time when Imedi
TV runs its usual news bulletin Kronika.” (Unless otherwise indicated,
all quotes are from Civil Georgia reports of March 14, 2010.)
The Special Report’s regular news anchor, Natia Koberidze, opened
the program with the words: "Have you ever thought about the end of
Georgian statehood? Probably yes, because we have already seen this
threat in the summer of 2008.”
The reference was to the five-day war fought between Georgia and
Russia after the first launched an all-out assault on neighboring ... >> full
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Let Our Fame Be Great, Review by Justin Marozzi
posted by circassiankama on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
 March 15 - Financial Times Let Our Fame Be Great: Struggle and Survival in the Caucasus By Oliver Bullough Allen Lane £25, 478 pages FT Bookshop price: £20 When
Oliver Bullough sets out his store in the opening pages of this
wonderful travel history, preparing the reader for a journey through
the little-known Caucasus, I couldn’t help recalling the words of
Winston Churchill to the Royal Commission on Palestine in 1937: "I do
not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger
even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit
that right. I do not admit that a great wrong has been done to the Red
Indians of America or the black people of Australia. "I do not
admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a
stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly-wise ... >> full
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Window on Eurasia: To Advance, Circassians Need a Lobby like The Ones Others Have, Commentator Says
posted by circassiankama on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
To Advance, Circassians Need a Lobby like The Ones Others Have, Commentator Says, by Paul Goble
Window on Eurasia
Vienna, March
8 – The Circassians need the kind of ethnic lobby other groups have to
set priorities, work with other nations when possible and put pressure
on the Russian government when necessary not only to achieve their
goals but also to allow the numerous Circassian public organizations to
recover their influence rather than continue to fight among themselves.
That argument is advanced today by Osman Mazukabzov, the
director general of and, who says that the
Circassians must take this step in order to combat "the lack of
respect” that the Russian Olympic Committee and the Russian government
more generally have shown their nation ...
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Window On Eurasia: ‘Putin Must Go’ Petition Gains Signatories Despite DOS Attacks On Sites Pointing To It
posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
Paul Goble
Vienna, March 11 – Arguing that the only way out for Russia is the complete overhaul of the system of power Vladimir Putin has put in place, leaders of Russia’s so-called "extra-systemic” opposition are circulating an 870-word petition on the Internet calling for the ouster of the from any position of power in the country. The appeal, posted online yesterday, has already attacked more than 600 signatures, including both prominent opposition figures and ordinary Russians, at the site despite what appear to be denial of service attacks today on some opposition sites that point their visitors to that appeal which is still open for additional signers. Among those behind this effort and whose names appear at the top of the list of those signing the appeal are Elena Bonner, Lev Ponomaryev, Vladimir Bukovsky, Garri Kasparov, Boris Nemtsov, Yevgeny Ikhlov, Yury Mukhin, Anatoly Baranov, Aleksandr Ryklin and ... >> full
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