Itar-Tass: The Number Of Unemployed People In Moscow AHS Reached 43,500
posted by eagle on March, 2009 as ANALYSIS / OPINION
 |  |  | The number of unemployed people in Moscow ahs reached 43,500
30.03.2009, 23.52
| MOSCOW, March 30 (Itar-Tass) -- The number of unemployed people in Moscow ahs reached 43,500, the city office of the federal employment service said on Monday. A week ago, their number was 42,200. From March 23 to March 27, a total of 119 organisations reported plans to dismiss 2,282 employees.
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Window On Eurasia: In Russia Just Now, No Time For Sergeants
posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
Paul Goble
Vienna, March 26 – Less than two months after announcing a program for training professional sergeants, the Russian defense ministry has postponed this effort, reportedly because of “the extremely low quality” of those who had applied to a program intended to upgrade the military and rein in the hazing of recruits, a Moscow newspaper reports today. One official told “Gazeta” that “in the military schools of Ryazan and Omsk, up to 60 percent of those tested turned out to be incapable of solving quadratic equations and have of them could not” perform other tasks that are expected of students “in the eighth to tenth classes of secondary schools” ( In another military school, in Ryazan, officials said that the selection process had gone “successfully” but that “the beginning of instruction” for the new sergeants “had been pushed back to September 1 as a result of orders from above.” As to why that had ... >> full
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Window On Eurasia: CIS Intelligence Agencies Warn Economic Crisis Is Growing Into A Social And Political One
posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
Paul Goble
Vienna, March 26 – In a warning that could presage tough new government measures in the post-Soviet states, the CIS Anti-Terrorist Center yesterday warned that “the economic crisis is growing into a social one” and that “extraordinary anti-crisis measures” are needed to prevent explosions. In a speech to the heads of the national anti-terrorist centers of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Russian Col.Gen. Andrey Novikov, who heads that organization’s common anti-terrorist group, said that the situation is at least potentially very dangerous in many or all of the post-Soviet countries ( “In all the [CIS] states,” he said, “currencies have been devalued, industrial sites have contracted or even stopped work, unemployment has grown, and serious threats of an increase in crime of all kinds are emerging,” creating a situation to which the governments are now being forced to come up with a response. “In the majority of countries,” ... >> full
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Window On Eurasia: Patriarch’s Call For Celebrating Nevsky Rather Than Russian Independence Receives Unexpected Support
posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
Paul Goble
Vienna, March 24 –Patriarch Kirill’s call for making June 12th a celebration of the birth of St. Aleksandr Nevsky rather than of Russian independence -- “if this was independence from Kyiv then I personally am against it,” the churchman said – has received support from a Muslim leader for reasons the Russian Orthodox leader may not be entirely happy about. Speaking in Kaliningrad on Sunday, Kirill who before his elevation was the metropolitan for that non-contiguous portion of Russia, said that celebrating Nevsky’s birthday would be a better idea than celebrating Russian independence because “many do not understand from what and from whom this independence came” ( The new patriarch commented that the Russian Church casts its net far broader than the borders of the Russian Federation. At the Church assembly which elected him, Kirill noted, “fewer than 50 percent of the total number of delegates” came from within ... >> full
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Window On Eurasia: Ethnically And Religiously Mixed Marriages Threaten Survival Of The Russian Nation, Kurayev Says
posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
Paul Goble
Vienna, March 24 – The increasing number of marriages between ethnic Russians and members of other nationalities and faiths threatens the survival of the Russian nation and should be actively opposed by the Russian Orthodox Church and all those concerned about the fate of this community, according to Deacon Andrey Kurayev. In an interview posted on the “Russkaya nedelya” portal today, the influential churchman says that such marriages helped expand the membership of the Russian nation “when our faith was strong” but now threaten it because the faith of most Russians who enter into such unions is “weak” ( And that means that in contrast to a century ago when most such marriages led the non-Orthodox partner to convert to Christianity and the non-Russian to re-identify with the dominant ethnic community, now that means that it is often the case that the trends are going in the opposite ... >> full
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