Ekkehard Maas - messenger of Shamil Basaev
posted by zaina19 on March, 2006 as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 3/17/2006 2:17 PM March, 17, 2006 Ekkehard Maas - messenger of Shamil Basaev Zaurbek Galaev, CHECHENPRESS Propensity of the Russian so-called analysts to give out desirable for valid already for a long time has resulted to that borders between analytics and propagation in Russia are dim. It is necessary to prove crash of America the nearest two months - there are no problems, the party will order - the inhabitant will believe. Tightrope-walking with the past - a separate theme. On an example of changes in the description of a history for last decade, it is possible to be convinced of validity of the statement that at Russia the past is unpredictable. Stories about "Glorious Soviet past" go on telescreens in a mode of non-stop, and the inhabitant is perplexed, how the power might be disorganized such successful - safe in every respect. And the inhabitant, who had not time to live in the USSR full age, is difficult to blame for naivety ... >> full
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Putin after 2008: a liberal emperor - chairman of the Constitutional Court
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 3/18/2006 12:27 AM President Putin Eyes a Constitutional Role By Sergei Shilov The Moscow News Putin after 2008: a liberal emperor - chairman of the Constitutional Court Russian: Место в строю. Путин после 2008-го It is difficult to think of a more effective way of nurturing an independent judiciary and a real rule-of-law state than the installation of Vladimir Putin as chairman of the Russian Constitutional Court after 2008. This scenario is not in conflict with the president's remarks at a recent news conference (January 31, 2006) concerning his career when his presidential term expires and he steps down in keeping with the Constitution. As for the idea that Putin might head up a state-controlled monopoly, the president said in no uncertain terms: "Neither in character nor track record do I feel like a businessman." Indeed, judging both from his character and his track record, Putin is, above all, a lawyer. It is not a matter of the president's professional abilities, but rather what has ... >> full
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posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 3/18/2006 4:37 AM Putin's Russia by Anna Politkovskaya Click to enlarge Former KGB spy Vladimir Putin, named Prime Minister of Russia in 1999 and, one year later, President, has been something of a media darling in the West, having successfully marketed himself as an enlightened leader with both feet planted firmly on the Eastern borders of Europe. Anti-establishment journalist and human-rights activist Anna Politkovskaya disagrees strenuously with this point of view. In her new book, she trains her steely gaze on, as she puts at, Putin 'without the rapture'. From her privileged vantage-point at the heart of Russian current affairs, Politkovskaya reports from behind the scenes, dismantling both Putin the man and Putin the brand name, arguing that he is a power-hungry product of his own history in the security forces and so unable to prevent himself from stifling dissent and other civil liberties ... >> full
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Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs resigns
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 3/21/2006 4:
Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs resigns
The Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Laila Freivalds, announced
resignation from office on Tuesday. The background for her decision is
a political scandal regarding shutting down a web site belonging to a
right-wing political party.
The Swedish right-wing party Sverigedemokraterna (Swedish Democrats)
published the notorious Danish cartoons of Prophet Muhammed (saws) on
their web site in February. Hereby the Swedish MFA and the security
police SДPO contacted the service provider Levonline, in order to force
a shut down of the site. The pressure from officials made Levonline
follow these official instructions.
When this incident became public, it caused a political turmoil in
Sweden, as the government has no right to interfere in mass media.
Freedom of speech is a fundamental constitutional right in Sweden. Only
a court has the authority to decide about restrictions, and only based
upon a few obvious criterions such as racism, pedophilia and similar
... >> full
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Roman Tarnavsky, for CHECHENPRESS
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 3/27/2006 5:08 AM March, 27, 2006 Gordian knot Roman Tarnavsky, for CHECHENPRESS "Putin, keep your promises!" the Youth action under this slogan, planned on Friday March 3, at a building of embassy of Palestine in Moscow, was forbidden by prefecture of the Central administrative district of the Russian capital. Organizers of picket - youth social movement "Defense" -, nevertheless, are going to carry out it regardless of interdiction. On the refusal of prefecture which is motivated with nothing, the reference in court is being prepared. The action is dated for forthcoming visit to Moscow of high-ranking delegation of HAMAS. Movement "Defense" makes Kremlin pay attention that KHAMAS is considered in the whole civilized world the terrorist organization on which account there are hundreds of acts of terrorism and many hundreds victims among which as emphasize "Defenders", there are also Russian citizens. As it is known, KHAMAS does not recognize the state Israel and promises to recognize it only in the event that all Jerusalem ... >> full
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