The announcement of Mairbek Taramov
posted by zaina19 on February, 2006 as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 2/6/2006 3:23 PM February, 7, 2006 The announcement of Mairbek Taramov CHECHENPRESS, the Department of letters, 07.02.06. In Mass media There is a certain category of organizations, as well as of people, not disdaining to build for itself the appropriate name on scandals. Infamous people tell about such category.The Popularity of the same sorts of people no way can be entered into the canons of Moslem doctrine. Nevertheless, people of that sort have divorced in the Chechen environment. The question is, first of all, about the infamous Akhmed Sardali and his organization ASP of CHRI. I have long observed the actually provocative activity of this person, whose cherished secrets I know for sure, and his organization which from the very beginning get the position to oppose a lot of members of CHRI Government, though the activity of Sardali presents as criticism. I frankly hoped, that these groundless attacks sooner or later would be stopped. But, by the last interview of Akhmed Sardali, "conflagration is ready ... >> full
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Dagestan Needs More Than a New Leader
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 2/21/2006 3:53 PM Wednesday, February 22, 2006. Page 8. Dagestan Needs More Than a New Leader By Yulia Latynina There was rejoicing last Thursday at government headquarters in Makhachkala. Magomedali Magomedov, who had ruled Dagestan since 1991, was in Moscow to meet with President Vladimir Putin. Immediately after the meeting, Magomedov called to say that he would be staying on as head of the republic. Rumors of Magomedov's retirement had been circulating in Dagestan for years, fueled by the leader's advanced age, the chronic corruption of his regime and the epidemic of murders in the republic, where the body count surpasses that in Chechnya. In the last few months the retirement rumors had intensified. The biggest players in Dagestani politics began traveling to Moscow with suitcases full of cash to ask for the republic's top job. Anyone with presidential ambitions sent agents to search the offices of his rivals. Those who didn't aspire to lead Dagestan feared that their blood enemies would replace Magomedov or ... >> full
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About the mysterious explosion in Moscow
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 2/23/2006 1:25 AM February, 23, 2006 About the mysterious explosion in Moscow Zaurbek Galaev, CHECHENPRESS, 23.02.06. February 16, about 14 o'clock in Moscow there was a mysterious explosion. Eyewitnesses from different parts of city confirm that they heard a sound of explosion, windows jingled and the automobile signal system snapped into action. However, what and where it actually happened remains unknown. Silence of authorities and the inconsistent information have caused suspicions that the initiative of individual politicians to block the information about the incidents though have not been accepted officially, but have begun to put into practice. According to the edition «», referring to sources in the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs, explosion has taken place on the Old area in the center of Moscow. The explosive has worked at an attempt to neutralize it. According to the other information of the same edition, the explosion did not happen, and the hydro-jet devices, the certain water gun intended for neutralization of explosives, caused the ... >> full
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