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FP: Holy WikiLeaks, Batman!

posted by eagle on December, 2010 as ANALYSIS / OPINION

In Russia, Julian Assange can't tell them anything they don't know.


MOSCOW—Journalists here spent the weekend tensely awaiting the WikiLeaks data dump, having been tipped off that there would be a Russian bombshell in the mix. Would the documents finally reveal just how much of Gazprom Vladimir Putin owned, or how much money he really had? Would they shed light on his personal life? On who really killed Alexander Litvinenko, or all those journalists? Instead we found out that Putin is an "alpha dog"; that President Dmitry Medvedev is not an independent actor; that, by comparison, he is "pale" and "indecisive"; that he is Robin to Putin's Batman; that the Russian state resembles the Soprano clan; that Putin is extremely close to Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. This was about as shocking as the attendant revelation that 9/11 still haunts American politics. Who didn't already know that Putin is Batman?

What we learned, besides a few new shades and details, is that American diplomats in Moscow ...

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HOT AIR: Russians Targeting Wikileaks To Stop New Data Dump

posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION

Russians targeting Wikileaks to stop new data dump


Until now, Julian Assange has selected his adversaries rather well.  Despite humiliating the Obama administration three times, the White House has done little except announce a preliminary probe into potential criminal charges against Assange and his team at Wikileaks.  The Daily Beast reports that when it came to Assange’s next adversary, he may have chosen … poorly:

American intelligence and law-enforcement agencies, outraged by their inability to stop WikiLeaks and its release this week of hundreds of thousands of sensitive U.S. diplomatic cables, are convinced that the whistle-blowing website is about to come up against an adversary that will stop at nothing to shut it down: The Russian government.

National security officials say that the National Security Agency, the U.S. government’s eavesdropping agency, has already picked up tell-tale electronic evidence that WikiLeaks is under close surveillance by the Russian FSB, that country’s domestic spy network, out of fear in Moscow that WikiLeaks is prepared to ...

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Daily Beast: Moscow's Bid To Blow Up WikiLeaks By Philip Shenon

posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION

Moscow's Bid to Blow Up WikiLeaks

As U.S. officials struggle to control damage from the secret cables, Russia is planning to block a similar dump about the Kremlin. And they will be ruthless, Philip Shenon reports.

American intelligence and law-enforcement agencies, outraged by their inability to stop WikiLeaks and its release this week of hundreds of thousands of sensitive U.S. diplomatic cables, are convinced that the whistleblowing website is about to come up against an adversary that will stop at nothing to shut it down: the Russian government.

National-security officials say that the National Security Agency, the U.S. 

government’s eavesdropping agency, has already picked up tell-tale electronic evidence that WikiLeaks is under close surveillance by the Russian FSB, that country’s domestic spy network, out of fear in Moscow that WikiLeaks is prepared to release damaging personal information about Kremlin leaders.

"We may not have been able to stop WikiLeaks so far, and it’s been frustrating,” a U.S. law-enforcement official tells The Daily Beast. "The Russians play by different rules.” He said ...

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Wikileaks Embarrasses The US, Russia Might Not Be So Forgiving

posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION

Wikileaks embarrasses the US, Russia might not be so forgiving
November 30th, 2010 7:02 pm ET

The latest round of Wikileaks materials has embarrassed the Obama Administration, creating a diplomatic crisis.   However, their next target, Russia might not play as nicely as the US.

Access by the military to some of the United States' most sensitive diplomatic information was cut off on Tuesday cut, after Wikileaks released a torrent of information that embarrassed and outraged governments around the world.

It is believed that a former enlisted Army corporal, Bradley Manning, was behind much of the released documents.   It appears that he'll never see the light of day again, facing a likely life in prison sentence.

In another Wikileak development, "National security officials say that the National Security Agency, the U.S. government’s eavesdropping agency, has already picked up tell-tale electronic evidence that WikiLeaks is under close surveillance by the Russian FSB, that country’s domestic spy network, out of fear in Moscow that WikiLeaks is prepared to release damaging personal information about Kremlin leaders."

Maybe ...

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KC: Assange: If Something Happens To WikiLeaks, Key Cables Will Be Released

posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION

Assange: If something happens to WikiLeaks, key cables will be released

Publication time: Today at 18:54 Emirate time 

More than 100,000 people now have "encrypted" copies of the State Department diplomatic cables inWikiLeaks' latest disclosures, founder Julian Assange claimed today in an online exchange with readers of The Guardian.


So, he said, "if something happens to us, the key parts will be released automatically." In other words, if authorities shut down his website, the information will still be public.


On whether his site's leaks have endangered lives, Assange wrote that "there has been no credible allegation, even by organizations like the Pentagon that even a single person has come to harm as a result of our activities."


As for Assange's whereabouts, the Swedish arrest warrant stemming from an alleged rape case (he says he's innocent) or the prospect that he may soon be put in custody, those subjects didn't get much time in the online forum. The one indirect mention: A reader asked about the "personal" nature of the reactions to the leaks ...

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