Mr. Putin's Hands Have Blood On It
Edward Limonov
By Edward Limonov ( type=text/javascript> //<![CDATA[ email = 'nbp&#' + '64' + ';'; document.write('' + email + '<\/a>'); //]]> </SCRIPT> <NOSCRIPT>nbp at limonka net</NOSCRIPT>)
What happened
On August 29, in the evening, at about 8.06 p.m. the group of thugs, wearing black masks and white gloves have attacked meeting of Moscow regional organization of National-Bolsheviks Party. It was crowd of more than thirty thugs, armed with pneumatical pistols, baseball bats, and "fires," used by football fanats.
Building near metro "Avtozavodskaia" was guarded by seven National-Bolsheviks, two of them girls. But they stand up bravely against assault. Four NBP activists were wounded: Dmitri Elizarov have both of his arms fractured, Stanislav Diakonov have three fractures on his head, he was also stabbed with knife. Van belonging to NB party was put on fire, its windows were broken. But no invader was let into buildings hall, not speaking about fours floor, were meeting took place. Receiving rebuff assailants fleed towards the bus, ...
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