Draft copy of the Slav - 3
posted by zaina19 on December, 2005 as ANALYSIS / OPINION
rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 12/9/2005 2:18 AM Decmber, 9, 2005 Draft copy of the Slav - 3 What is happening in the soul of Russian, Ukrainian and the Byelorussian, having and loving their children when he watches video and looks at photo of the mutilated face of the Chechen girl killed by Russian "soldiers"? What then do you want to receive in reply, Great Russian, from her father, brother and sister?! Having seen all this, the mind of any real man gets dim, the blood gets boiled and the burning desire to take a knife and to cut a throat of these "defenders of Russia" takes it shape. These are words do not belong to Chechen, these words are mine, south Slavic. Children of all planet, children of real father and mother - are common children, it does not matter, who their parents are, Chechens or not. Let's recollect film "Afghan break". I think, that it was not accidental that major Bandur was my fellow tribesman and knowingly got ... >> full
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Putin Surprises Chechnya With Hasty Visit
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 12/14/2005 2:18 PM Defender of Islam? By Elizabeth Swanson The Moscow News Russian President Vladimir Putin made a rush visit to Chechnya before flying eastward to Kuala Lumpur where he will attend the ASEAN Summit Putin Surprises Chechnya With Hasty Visit President Vladimir Putin baffled observers on Monday when he landed in his helicopter on a sudden visit to Grozny, Chechnya, to attend the volatile republic's first session of parliament since it was elected on Nov. 27. In an unexpected outburst, the president lauded Russia's role as a "protector" of Islam, blasting those who fought under the pretext of a religious war for giving a "perverted interpretation of the Koran and discrediting their religion." Monday was not only Russia's official Constitution Day, but also marked 11 years since the start of the separatist conflict that the Kremlin says is over while fighting continues as rebel forces battle the republic's law enforcement. Still, despite heightened security at the Grozny building, the hour-long visit surprised many leading ... >> full
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Chechen Capital Grozny May Be Renamed After Slain Pro-Kremlin President
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 12/14/2005 2:25 PM Image by MosNews.com Image by MosNews.com Chechen Capital Grozny May Be Renamed After Slain Pro-Kremlin President Created: 14.12.2005 16:25 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 18:06 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1134572760)); </SCRIPT> MosNews Chechen deputies have proposed renaming the republic’s capital Akhmad-Kala in memory of the slain Chechen president Akhmad Kadyrov. The members of the lower house of the Chechen parliament, the people’s assembly, decided on Wednesday to address the Russian authorities asking them to support their proposal to change the name from Grozny. Akhmad Kadyrov was killed by an explosion on May 9, 2004, during a victory parade in the city. The deputies said the name Grozny was not connected with Chechen history. The city was named Grozny in 1869 after the Russian fortress Groznaya (Severe) that was built in the area in 1818, on the orders of General Alexei Yermolov, the conqueror of Caucasus. In January 1997 the president of the separatist regime, Aslan Maskhadov, called the city Dzhokhar-Kala, in memory of the first Chechen separatist leader, Dzhokhar ... >> full
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Russians feel nostalgic when it comes to the USSR (Pravda)
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
Prev Discussion Next Discussion Send Replies to My Inbox Reply Recommend Message 1 of 1 in Discussion From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 12/23/2005 3:06 AM Russians feel nostalgic when it comes to the USSR (Pravda) Pravda ^ | 11/30/2005 | Vasily Reznichenko Posted on 12/01/2005 10:17:07 AM PST by M. Espinola Russian population is accostumed to being guided by the leader's ruling firm hand Soviet flag. Recent sociological research shows that Russian population feels more and more nostalgic about the Soviet past. However, by full-fledged socialism they mean not a political regime but rather a system that presupposes government's responsibility to provide decent life to the citizens. Getting rid of the communist past is not about rewriting history textbooks and changing the names of the streets. Confusion in people's heads caused by galloping capitalization still impedes them from using their suddenly acquired rights and performing their new civil responsibilities efficiently. The habit of relying upon the government in everything makes Russian society passive and unable to change ... >> full
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posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 10/30/2005 2:47 PM October, 28, 2005 Strange types The devil, as it is known, is hidding in details, and hypocrisy of modern international structures and politicians is hidding in formulations. If the United Nations, OSCE, the PASS, NA and others, on arms have the dictionary of terms which are used by them for a designation of the attitude to events in the world, these terms, most likely, are located in the following sequence: - Attention, interest - increased attention - Steadfast attention - Concern with - anxiety - Alarm Certainly, it was possible to suspect, that in their arsenal should be some other terms but, these were only assumptions. As we were interested only by that concerned war in the Chechen Republic and on Caucasus it is the list of terms which we heared during 11 years for designation of the attitude of these structures and politicians to the genocide untied by Russia on Caucasus. But also these "anxieties" are always dosed strictly out on time and events. For example, ... >> full
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