A crusade against Humanity
posted by zaina19 on November, 2006 as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 11/1/2006 6:32 AM A crusade against Humanity Posted: 31 october, 2006 In recent times, the world has witnessed some of the worst and appalling deeds in history of mankind. The World is embroiled in a terrible crisis owing to the escalating levels of inequity, chauvinism and vindictiveness against the guiltless victims of unjust occupations all across the world. Oddly enough, it is these guiltless victims who are detained and tortured under the pretexts of “war on terror” crusade launched by the tyrants of the world. A sane human would surely agree to the fact that when tyranny becomes the order of the day, resistance turns into a freedom struggle for the victims. In the current cycle of events, it’s evident that the victims today will be the champions tomorrow on account of their undying zeal for struggle against oppression. It might not just be a mere co incidence that most of the troubled regions happen to be Muslim dominated states. Muslims recognize the shariah ... >> full
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Russian Vodka Leaves Annually 700,000 People Dead
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 11/1/2006 4:03 AM Russian Vodka Leaves Annually 700,000 People Dead Publication time: Today at 14:50 Djokhar time Vodka is a major Russian export item in the West. Meanwhile, between 550,000 and 700,000 Russians die from alcohol poisoning and related illnesses every year while drinking this junk and poisonous Russian product, a Russian lawmaker said Wednesday, citing a scientific report. Russia has seen a surge in mass deaths of vodka drinkers, and large numbers of fatalities have been registered throughout their country. "Narcology scientists have prepared a major report analyzing the alcoholism problem in Russia," a deputy chairman of the Russian parliament's health protection committee said, according to a news report. A law requiring certain changes to the composition of industrial alcohol came into force on July 1, he said. A speaker of the Russian lower house of parliament said Tuesday that a total of 17,000 people were already killed as a direct result of consuming poisonous vodka in Russia from January to early September. Up to now, ... >> full
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Former Agent Says Google and CIA in Partnership
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 11/4/2006 2:27 PM Former Agent Says Google and CIA in Partnership Publication time: 4 November 2006, 14:21 Former CIA clandestine case officer Robert David Steele made some very hot comments on his appearance on the Alex Jones radio show. Steele cites his contacts within the agency with the information that Google and the CIA are involved with one another. Steele said, "I think that Google has made a very important strategic mistake in dealing with the secret elements of the U.S. government - that is a huge mistake and I'm hoping they'll work their way out of it and basically cut that relationship off." In reference to Google's fight against the U.S. Department of Justice for the privacy of its users, Steele claims that it was an elaborate charade intended for the public eye. "Google was a little hypocritical when they were refusing to honor a Department of Justice request for information because they were heavily in bed with the Central Intelligence Agency, the office ... >> full
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The War in Chechnya and the Russian Public
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 11/3/2006 1:38 PM October 25th 2006 · Prague Watchdog / Dr. Dmitry Shlapentokh The War in Chechnya and the Russian Public By Dr. Dmitry Shlapentokh for Prague Watchdog The end of the Cold War, which seemed to have reaffirmed the domination of the West, with the USA as a primary force, was soon transformed into a Pyrrhic victory. Non-European/non-Western civilizations have dramatically increased demographic and economic pressure, along with the proliferation of terrorism. The global response to this pressure is uniform. Xenophobic feeling, a sort of defensive attitude to the newcomers from the East and South, is on the rise. In fact, this defensive attitude is visibly different from that of the approach of Europeans—from East and West—to non-Europeans in the modern era. Indeed, from the seventeenth to most of the twentieth century, Europeans and Westerners in general had been confident that they could easily absorb and digest non-Europeans, both economically and geopolitically. Sure of their absolute geopolitical/economic domination, they had ... >> full
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Chief Russian Jew: Chechnya Is Not For Chechen Muslims
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 11/4/2006 2:52 PM Chief Russian Jew: Chechnya Is Not For Chechen Muslims Publication time: 3 November 2006, 20:46
Russian chief rabbi Lazar said on Wednesday that Chechnya is not for Chechen Muslims.
"Today they shout 'Russia for the Russians' in Moscow, tomorrow in Kazan will shout 'Tatarstan for the Tatars', and the day after tomorrow in Grozny (Russian occupation name for the Chechen capital of Jokhar, KC) they will shout 'Chechnya for the Chechens' and Yakutsk 'Yakutia for the Yakuts'. If we allow all that, we could lose Russia," the rabbi said in a statement circulated in Moscow on Wednesday, according to a Russian news report.
Yakutia is a Russian colony in Siberia rich in gold and diamonds. Russian invaders rob the local Turk people of Yakuts of their national riches and sell the looted property to the West, as they do with the Chechen oil.
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