posted by zaina19 on November, 2005 as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 11/28/2005 12:45 AM Awaiting The 'Big Fire' Kremlin-watchers buzz about who will replace Putin. But Russia's real future is outside Moscow. By Michael Meyer and Anna Nemtsova Newsweek International Nov. 28, 2005 issue - Ramazan Tembotov hardly cuts the image of a hardened Islamo-terrorist. A soft-spoken human-rights activist, he's clearly more at home with legal briefs than a Kalashnikov. He's also an elected representative of the Kremlin's ruling party, United Russia. Yet none of that kept him from being rounded up in a massive counterterrorism operation in the Russian town of Nalchik, deep in the volatile north Caucasus, where masked militia recently grabbed him from his car at gunpoint and carted him off to jail. What greeted him there was almost Dante-esque: prisoners crowded into small rooms and corridors, "howling like animals" as they were beaten. "Wait, you will be next," a police investigator told him, offering no explanation for his arrest. "They were torturing people like the Gestapo," Tembotov told NEWSWEEK, adding that ... >> full
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Russia's Big Problem Is a Three-Letter Word
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 11/28/2005 1:09 AM Monday, November 28, 2005 Russia's Big Problem Is a Three-Letter Word By Alexei Bayer During U. S. President George W. Bush's recent trip to Asia, there was a sharp contrast between his public call for more freedom and democracy in China and his closed-door meeting with President Vladimir Putin. Apparently, the White House has become convinced that Russians are only fit for a stunted kind of freedom and a mongrel "managed democracy." It didn't seem that way during the 1990s, when Russia aspired to become a modern industrial democracy and a full member of the community of nations. What went wrong in recent years can be summed up in a single three-letter word -- oil. The Soviet Union may have been repressive and sclerotic, but it was an industrialized state. Soviet citizens produced goods and performed services -- however shoddily or inefficiently -- and earned their modest bread by the sweat of their brow. After the fall of communism, mistakes were made by ... >> full
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Draft copy of the Slav - 2
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 11/29/2005 9:22 AM November, 28, 2005 Draft copy of the Slav - 2 It is possible to try to understand a phenomenon of the person living in territory, designated as the Kiev Russia. It would be desirable to leave thus from political and formal historical generalizations and pathetics, which is quite enough. It is possible to speak much about what macroprocess occuring in consciousness of a society as a whole, in different layers of "population" and "elite", including inertial-historical and modern "transitional" psychohistorical-diffusive and mutational. Is it bossible to look with a steadfast sight on "details", at concrete ideas of the person - child, on what is? Thus, not applying "grasp the immense" and to not move in the Buddhist approach which, undoubtedly, is reference meter for all postreligions, psychologies and sciences in what they, certainly, will be convinced in the far future. Everyone "word", told "in the begining", nevertheless was told with all the heart, but then, not finding support in space ... >> full
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posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 11/30/2005 7:50 AM About Money Edward Limonov By Edward Limonov ( type=text/javascript> //<![CDATA[ email = 'nbp&#' + '64' + ';'; document.write('' + email + '<\/a>'); //]]> </SCRIPT> <NOSCRIPT>nbp at limonka net</NOSCRIPT>) Almost a million of inhabitants in Russian prisons are money-lovers. 99% of motion-pictures made in Hollywood are about struggle for money. Profession of an American millionaire is about activities to gain and to collect money. Only landscapes: mountains, steppes, only them are not about money. But the wind is about money, because one can build a wind-mill, to became miller and made money by grinding grain. The sun is also about money, because you may build a sun-batteries. The river is also about money just enough to build a hydro-electrical station and you can sell energy to everybody asking for it. The small birds are not about money. Who is going to buy a dozen of sparrows? But big birds oh, you can sell ostrich eggs and meat for some dollars. After some reflection ... >> full
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Putin Should Give Us Warm Coats
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 11/30/2005 8:03 AM Putin Should Give Us Warm Coats Edward Limonov By Edward Limonov ( type=text/javascript> //<![CDATA[ email = 'nbp&#' + '64' + ';'; document.write('' + email + '<\/a>'); //]]> </SCRIPT> <NOSCRIPT>nbp at limonka net</NOSCRIPT>) 1) President Putin has no ideology. For his personal usage he is practicing belief in Supremacy of Russian Leaders Power. No matter how leader is named: Tzar or president or general secretary. 2) President Putin believe that Russian people are his subjects, not fellow citizens. Although Putin may call them "citizens," he relates to him as subjects. 3) President Putin is arrogant towards his subjects. He never ever asked their opinion about important question of nation's life. Even more: he aggressively doesn't want to hear their opinions: Putin's State Duma voted unanimously for such harsh procedures of public referendum that to stage a referendum in Russia is practically impossible. 4) President Putin is arrogant towards "his" people because for 15 years of his adult life he was a privileged officer ... >> full
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