The "political scientist", who makes appearances under the pseudonym of Mr Kalashnikov, and whom the current formal leader of the Kremlin Medvedev holds in 'favorites', was forced to admit in an optimistic (for non-imperials) material, laid out in the Moscow's edition of the "political news agency" about the inevitability of the dismantling of Russia, resulting in a so-called "Russian" restoration of its national identity and once again become those people who they were prior to their enslavement by Muscovites.
The analyst points out:
"Russians as a nation no longer exist. In the years 1991-2009, a full dismantling of Russians as a united people had taken place. Henceforth, their masses - a kind of stagnant, passive swamp, which has some "heap activity." But they are terribly divided ideologically.
The rest of society - a swamp, assemblage of autism. Some - with a beer in front of TV, others - in front of computers, but all are only able ...