Jamestown Foundation: Russian Ground Forces Lose Out In Modernization Plans
posted by eagle on January, 2011 as ANALYSIS / OPINION
Russian Ground Forces Lose Out in Modernization PlansPublication: Eurasia Daily Monitor January 11, 2011 04:15 PM

The modernization of the Russian armed forces, as currently planned for the next decade, appears to squeeze resources for re-equipping the Ground Forces. An article in the defense ministry’s official publication, Krasnaya Zvezda, unsurprisingly confirmed that modernizing the strategic nuclear arsenal will take the lions’ share of the defense budget, however, the order of priority places air defense and space troops as well as the air force and navy ahead of the ground forces. Moreover, more broadly, Russia will increasingly purchase arms abroad, though this is unlikely to solve the problems facing plans to modernize the weapons and equipment inventory (Krasnaya Zvezda, December 29, 2010).
Reflecting the weaknesses of the domestic industry to supply a range of products to the Russian armed forces, the shopping list for a foreign spending spree appears to be growing. However, this not only provides evidence about the condition of the defense industry, it equally exposes ... >> full
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Window On Eurasia: Sense Of Imminent But Unknown Change ‘Hanging In The Air’ In Moscow, Commentator Says
posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
Paul Goble
Vienna, January 11 – A sense that Russia is once again on the verge of radical but unpredictable change is "hanging in the air” in Moscow, according to a leading Russian commentator, something that is generating apocalyptic predictions but not yet the political forces that could actually bring them about. In an essay in yesterday’s "Yezhednevny zhurnal,” Antoly Bernshtein says that this sense is infecting almost everyone. Ever more people in the population are becoming concerned, and ever more members of the powers that be, "occupied with their vertical, are not able to control the state” (www.ej.ru/?a=note&id=10710). And the sense that Russia has just heard the "overture” and will soon here the entire piece has only intensified over the last week weeks, with the clashes in the Manezh Square and the new sentences for Khodorkovsky and Lebedev leading to ever more speculation about what will happen next. That ... >> full
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Window On Eurasia: Internet Can Help Consolidate Dispersed Nations Like The Tatars, Expert Says
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Window on Eurasia: Internet Can Help Consolidate Dispersed Nations like the Tatars, Expert SaysPaul Goble
Vienna, January 11 – The Tatar segment of the Internet can play a key role in the consolidation of that widely dispersed nation, providing a virtual meeting place in which Tatars regardless of where they live can come together, share ideas, and recognize their commonalities, according to a leading specialist on the web in the Russian Federation. But unfortunately, Aynur Sibgatullin says, despite the explosive growth in the number and quality of Tatar sites, which may be collectively designated as "Tatnet,” "the obverwhelming majority of Tatars do not even suspect the possibilities which they could make use of thanks to [that segment of the Internet]” (tatar-tribun.ru/news/tatarskij-internet.html#more-1213). To give some indication of the density and richness of this segment of the web, Sibgatullin lists some of the most important sites. In his article, each of these is available via hypertext links, making his survey especially useful not only for Tatars but ... >> full
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Pravda: WikiLeaks Reveals NATO Attack Plan Against Russia
posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
WikiLeaks reveals NATO attack plan against Russia
One of the telegrams are signed by the head of the State Department, Hillary Clinton. "The plan is secret," emphasized Clinton, to the astute U.S. diplomats at NATO.
Luis Britto Garcia
The British newspaper The Guardian printed a telegram reproduced by the WikiLeaks site, this time a NATO plan for a massive attack on Russia. The plan for large-scale war against the Russians predicts the displacement of nine military divisions from the U.S., Britain, Germany and Poland.According to the Guardian, the attack is predicted to include the ports of Germany and Poland to be used to receive the naval assault from the U.S. and Britain. Members of the Russian government protested against the plan - as it is the same thing that has been revealed through the publication of telegrams between embassies and the U.S. government by WikiLeaks. "We have to receive guarantees that such plans are going to be canceled and that NATO does not consider Russia an enemy country," affirmed the ... >> full
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Jamestown Foundation: Have Russia’s Rich-And-Powerful Become Tired Of Mr. Putin?
posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
Have Russia’s Rich-and-Powerful Become Tired of Mr. Putin?Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor January 10, 2011 01:55 PM
In the first week of the New Year Russia started winding down on the vacation period, but Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, was not shown on any ski slopes and remained in charge of urgent problems. Putin controlled the rescue operation in the Sea of Okhotsk and called the captains of the ships frozen in the hard ice and the captain of the icebreaker; he also instructed governors and the energy minister to work extra-hard in restoring electricity supplies for villages blacked-out by the icy rain. Putin’s New Year greetings to the Russian people were very short with the rather unusual key point: "I wish all of us to be satisfied with ourselves,” which he obviously is.
This view might not be shared by a growing number of entrepreneurs, intellectuals and even bureaucrats who are tired not only of Putin’s bossy style, but also and perhaps more importantly of the lack ... >> full
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