Excerpts from a new book by Mikhail Poltoranin, who was a close associate of Yeltsin and a Russian minister of press and information:
"Russia is gradually sinking to Hell. People are already feeling sick from sulfur smell of the Underworld" (p. 485).
"Even within the CIS group of countries, Russia is among the worst by economic indicators. $ 100 billion, allocated from the budget for anti-crisis measures, have been shifted by Putin and Medvedev to their cronies and buddies (the money was immediately transferred abroad) and given to money-lenders. And the manufacturing industry, electronics and others branches where the innovation is needed in the first pace were left without help from the state and collapsed ...
Innovations fell 15-fold. In terms of production of combines, Russia was thrown back to 1933, tractors - back to 1931, cars - back to 1910, textiles and footwear - back to 1900..." (p. 464).
"Social degradation and primitivization of economy continues, dependence on oil and gas production ...