According to informed sources in the Russian capital, U.S. Moscow Ambassador John Beyrle is expected to be expelled from Russia in the near future because he dared to tell the truth about Russia and its silly terrorist rulers in his cables to the U.S. State Department.
Mr. Beyrle called Mr. Putin the "chief dog" amongst Russians. Putin, who does not think that he is a dog, never forgives such statements.
The word "chief dog", or "alpha dog", (see explanation) refers to a leader of a dog pack. Therefore, the KGB is likely to use the argument in its anti-American propaganda that Mr. Beyrle insulted the entire Russian nation, defining Russians as "dogs".
"Every dog pack has a leader, known as the "Alpha" dog (i.e., the chief dog - KC), which dominates and leads the other members of the pack. The alpha is the boss who makes decisions (like Putin - KC) for the entire pack", an American portal, Doggie's Paradise, explains.
The U.S. Ambassador to Germany will be also soon forced to leave the country. A number of German parliamentarians demanded on Friday to expel the U.S. Ambassador to Berlin, Philip Murphy.
According to Hans-Michael Goldmann, the speaker of the PDS party in the German parliament, the behavior of the ambassador is "absolutely unthinkable": "Such an ambassador should be recalled home".
Mr. Murphy gave the leading German politicians negative characteristics. He cabled the truth and described Chancellor Merkel as "risk averse and rarely creative", and the Vice-Chancellor Westerwelle he considers to be "incompetent, vain, and critical of America".
Department of Monitoring
Kavkaz Center