To the President of the Russian "International Circassian Association” ICA
This letter is meant to be sent through Internet to the President of the International Circassian Association (ICA) who is guarding the Russian hostage that was hijacked by the Russian backed KGB/FSB employees who took over the leadership and administration of the association, and even changed its principles and the goals and objectives for which it was founded in the early 1990’s.
The truth should be known by Circassians and all those who are interested to know the hidden information that was intended to be concealed, in regard to the election of the President of the so-called International Circassian Association, Kanshobi Azhakhov, who was elected in a way that the representatives and attendees of the 8th ICA session that was meant to be held to elect (witness the appointment) of a president, and to re-appoint members to the council of the association.
It is not secret anymore that the setting and organization of the meeting or conference as it was described by others, with selecting the committees and mechanism of the election was not and it is are not yet clear or understood by those who attended (witnesses who saw nothing), with confidentiality of different places for meetings and side plots that was tens of kilo-meters apart as some reporters had indicated, to implement the sitcom in order to come up with results prepared in advance about the person who was not known by anybody, to lead and guide the helm of the ICA to suit the policies of the Russian imperial state!
To serve the real national aspirations of the Circassian nation, a real national agenda that depend on the Circassian identity is required to tackle all the factors and aspects that national and cultural interests are part of, that would assist in solving the problems that were created by the Russian occupying forces more that 145 years ago.
Seemingly the President of the ICA has forgotten that the ICA itself is a dead body as of a real Circassian entity is concerned and it had diverted its path and objectives contrary to the objectives they were originally intended to be. By transferring and moving its headquarters to Nalchik, and at the same time the KGB/FSB staff had taken and assumed overall control on all of its operations in a Soviet style, which showed its real ugly face during the ICA 8th session’s elections held in an atmosphere of mistrust and terror.
Instead of expressing the need for Circassian national reconciliation and holding meetings, conferences, forums, and gatherings to raise the Circassian question to where it suppose to be, it seems that the ICA and its staff’s main task followed is to consolidate the Russian plans and tactics which deepen the roots of the reality that Russians are trying to create on the soil of Circassians. The association had failed to direct positive potential towards useful matters!
The Circassian associations should organize and hold conferences such as Tbilisi Conference that was held recently and was attended by representatives from 15 different countries in a Caucasian host center, in Tbilisi, Georgia, which included more than 22 Circassians who came from the occupied homeland and Diaspora countries! The Tbilisi Conference turned out to be the most important conference about Circassian and Caucasian issues that had been held in recent years, where experts, academicians, and concerned had joined to meet in the Caucasian country of Georgia for a meaningful meeting that Caucasians from different nations have not been able to have on the soil of their homeland in the occupied parts of the Caucasus for long time.
We must not overlook the role of other conferences held in Diaspora about the Circassians’ affairs. Definitely, a person, who attends a conference without being under the effects of certain agendas, would present and produce more than those who are acting in accordance with set instructions given to them by the imperialists who are controlling the fate and destiny of the occupied nations.
That shows a question of repudiation! It is obvious that the President of the ICA thinks, it is not worth the efforts and financial spending, together with gathering all the experts, academicians, and concerned to meet in the Caucasian country of Georgia for a meaningful meeting that Caucasians from different nations have not been able to have on the soil of their homeland in the occupied parts of the Caucasus for long time.
Circassians should work and to be concerned to promote the values of human rights and to seek justice and to work for United Nations recognition, in which such resolutions will be very effective towards restoring legitimate rights such as self-determination.
The ICA and its president are coordinating with the Russian plans to hold the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, which appears when promoting the idea of improving the area of Sochi, and Black Sea coast by having infrastructure, facilities, jobs creation for the tiny minority left of Shapsough, the ICA President is seen as amalgamating and mixing disproportionate elements in order to distract the attention of those who listen to unreasonable heresy!
ICA, its president and staff should know and understand by now that Circassians are not Russians; but their homeland is occupied by the Russian state, and Sochi being the last Circassian capital city before the total occupation of Circassia and the official end of the Russian/Circassian War in 21, May, 1864, marking the symbol of Genocide of the Circassian nation.
Ranting about the tiny number of Shapsugs who are currently in their historic homeland as an example of benefiting of the use of "the infrastructure, facilities, jobs created by the holding of the Olympic Games 2014”, is totally fabricated information because the Sochi Olympics’ structures and buildings are making life miserable and very expensive for people who are still living as strangers on the soil of their own homeland, and who are barely making their living for getting basic human needs to stay alive, let alone other needs!
ICA should have the attention that people over there are deprived of citizens’ fundamental rights, homes, villages and homeland. The Circassians who filed lawsuits in Russian courts in the recent years, that started before the Sochi issue had even erupted in the courts of Sochi and places elsewhere, were treated in contempt and humiliation, and the Circassian Shapsough people could not and still not able to restore their lands that were occupied and confiscated by the Russian occupational authorities!
So, it is necessary Mr. Kanshobi Azhakhov and all your partners in the so-called ICA, who are passing and who are dedicated to the Russian colonial policies to look after Circassians in Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Shapsoughi and other Circassian enclaves of "Great Circassia” to restore their dignity and basic rights instead of jumping across the continents and oceans to implement Russian policies upon Circassian associations in countries of Diaspora, to address a Russian issue that is related to discouraging and stopping people who got the sense of humanity with integrity and live-consciousness, from demanding the restoration of the Circassian nation’s rights of freedom and self-determination.
You have to know Mr. Azhakhov and all your partners that people whether they are Circassians, Caucasians or from other nationalities who are in the picture of what the Russian State and its occupying authorities and power structures such as the "SILOVIKI” are doing and how they are treating Circassians and all other nations who are living under the yoke of the hateful occupation.
It seems that people who are still living under the Russian role have not yet realized that living in liberty and freedom is different than preferring and being accustomed to stay under the slavery of the FSB/KGB system of the of the Russian State, or similar conditions in other Diaspora rouge states.
What action did you take about the two Circassian Shapsough women that were offended in Sochi by an influential Muscovite Russian officer, Lieutenant Colonel Roman Nistratov in Aug., 2009? They never had the chance to restore their rights through the so-called Russian courts! It is obvious for everybody that there are areas which Circassians will not be able to enter or to go to, in the Sochi area, and even before the Olympic structures had commenced! There are people who lost their homes, who are not able to get adequate compensation and housing in a dignified way of treatment; but all what they got and still is the inhuman and ill-treatment by the brutal authorities’ power forces.
Why to be a messenger to the Russian masters and try to execute their inhuman policies? When you are going to stop opposing any real Circassian awakening, to demand and claim the inalienable rights. You may relay a message to your superiors though that there is dependable material which proves the Russian Genocide against Circassians, and there are lots of documents that were obtained from the Georgian official national archives that are presented as goodwill from the great Georgian nation to the great Circassian nation.
Yes Mr. Kanshobi Azhakhov, everybody cares about the Circassian Question and other Circassian issues except you, your partners in the so-called "International Circassian Association”, which is suggested to be called the "International Russian Adaption of Circassian Association”, which was described by Haci Bayram Polat in, "THE INSTITUTIONAL FACE OF COLLABORATIONISM”, as because people will not have the worries about looking for legitimacy of what is described as ICA, before dealing with you, but they will understand you and your mission depending on the title mentioned.
That is the typical Russian way to tackle the problems that they face, in order to turn topics up-side-down.
The recent Circassian activities are bothering the Russians, their collaborators, agents and spies, therefore they want to go in parallel with the current activities to get all the attention, and then make people through their nonsense to reach nowhere with no proper objectives which they will be rhetoric with baseless and empty contents. They think that way of monopoly, the Circassians will stop asking the ICA to do something for the Circassians instead of their typical Soviet type gatherings and meetings, and it would be a getaway method to run from criticism, and at the same time they distract the positive intentions and trends in order to present an agenda with Russian fabrications that would not present any tangible results, which would lead to state of confusion within the Circassian communities.
A wise man had described men as five types:
The first type serves his homeland by money, the second type by work, the third by his pin, the fourth with his life, and the fifth by silence. All of them would betray their country if they fail to do what they must do towards their homeland at the proper time.
A Real Circassian
11, May, 2010
Justice For North Caucasus Group