School Texts in Post-Soviet States Present Russia as the Enemy, Study Finds
By Paul Goble
Window on Eurasia, December 1, 2009
the exception of only one country and the partial exception of a
second, ten post-Soviet states are now using textbooks that present
Russia in all its historical forms as the enemy of the peoples of these
countries, a pattern that is likely to make it more rather than less
difficult for these countries to cooperate in the future.
That is
the conclusion of a 391-page report released today in Moscow on "The
Treatment of the General History of Russia and the Peoples of the
Post-Soviet Countries in the History Textbooks of the New Independent
States" (; a summary is
available at
by a grant from the Government Club Foundation to the Moscow Center of
Social Technologies, a group of researchers examined 187 school history
textbooks and teacher guides from 12 non-Russian countries (books from
Tajikistan and Turkmenistan are not included) to see how schools in
each are presenting both Russian and national history.
The scholars
concluded "with regret" that "except for Belarus and (to a lesser
degree) Armenia, all the remaining countries have moved to present the
rising generation with a nationalistic view of history, based on myths
about the antiquity of one's own people, about the high cultural
mission of its ancestors and about `the cursed enemy'" – the Russians.
these textbooks present these messages together. In an Azerbaijani
history textbook, for example, there is a report that in 914, "Slavic
militias" for months "without stopping" attacked and despoiled
"population points on the Azerbaijani shores of the Caspian Sea …
killing peaceful residents and taking women and children prisoners."
in a history textbook for Estonians, students learn, the authors of the
Moscow text say, that "the Baltic crusade was part of a conflict
between East and West, between the Catholic world and Orthodox
Byzantium and Rus," adding that by not pressing its advantage against
Rus at that time, the West "missed a chance" to change the world in a
positive way.
Alternatively, they separate these issues but place
primacy on the way in which Russia and Russians were and are the enemy.
A Georgian textbook says that "enemies did everything to sow hatred
between the Georgian and Abkhazian peoples with the goal of taking
Abkhazia away from Georgia."
But some of the most problematic
passages of the textbooks, the authors say, concern efforts to promote
the antiquity of nations, many of which most historians say emerged far
later. Thus, an Estonian textbook traces that nation back to "the stone
age," and an Azerbaijani one suggests that Azerbaijanis descend from
the Sumerians.
More recent history, the Russian authors of this
study say, is even more distorted in an anti-Russian direction. One
Georgian text they cite says that "the final goal of the colonial
policy of Russia was the weakening and destruction of anti-Russian
forces sin Georgia," the takeover of Georgia's natural wealth, and "the
assimilation of the Georgian people."
After 1917, this same text
continues, "Soviet power pitilessly struggled against the national
movement, attempting by all means to reduce Georgian national
self-consciousness and deprive Georgian culture of its uniqueness and
nationality," a program that provoked rather than stilled the national
movement there.
And as for World War II, the Georgian text says,
"the majority of people conceived the war as a patriotic one. But
another part of the Georgian people recognized perfectly well that in
this case, Georgia is a conquered and dependent country, that namely
Russia had deprived the Georgians of their state independence and …
forcibly united it into the Soviet Union."
But according to this new
study, "the Soviet version of history" is mostly being driven out of
the minds of young people mostly by neglect. Thus, according to a poll
they cite, 58 percent of young Uzbeks have not heard about the 20th
Congress of the CPSU, and 50 percent of young Armenians do not know
anything about the February 1917 revolution.
The figures for other
countries are even lower, and as the authors say, these figures are
what the students in these countries claim. The real figures, the study
concludes, are 10 to 20 percent lower, and suggest that it is clear
that in many of these countries, eliminating any positive memory of the
Soviet past is "one of the tasks of the national school."
"If these
tendencies continue," the new book concludes, "then after 15 to 20
years, the events of the 20th century will be completely forgotten by
the population. In the consciousness of the peoples of the former USSR
will be formed an image of Russia as an evil empire which for centuries
destroyed, oppressed and exploited them."
(What this study does not
do is focus on how some Russian texts are doing exactly the same thing,
blaming all the problems of Russia on others and projecting Russian
history implausibly back. To give but a single example of this: one new
book traces "Russian" history from the time of Noah