Editorial Comment of Kavkaz Center in connection with the statement of Alla Dudayeva
Editors of KC has considered that it is important to respond to the statement of Alla Dudayeva in connection with her interview to the newspaper "Kommersant", as the issue raised is of great importance for establishing the truth.
In response, on behalf of Alla Dudayeva stated, quoting:
- "The interview, which become a reason for the accusations addressed to me by Kavkaz Center, I have given verbally. Journalist of "Kommersant" recorded everything on tape recorder, and later the text was sent to me for editing in the mode "urgently." Not having sufficient time to view the text of a well, I run through it.
I confess, I did skip the expression "Shamil was in school GRU (Main Intelligence Agency - K.C.), is a fact" - it can be used by someone toaccuse me. I thought - everybody would understand it correctly. Didn't our guys serve in different units of army of the Soviet Union before its collapse? And they used this knowledge to protect their homeland.. As it is said, one should learn from his enemy. So calm down! Your accusations are far-fetched, I do not accept them. I never lost belief in the correctness of what we fought for! ".
End of quote.
Alla Dudayeva was also angered that in the statement - former members of the government and parliament of the former CRI were referred as "former".
In her opinion, it is supposedly playing into the hands of "enemies of the Chechen state." She also believes that the very statement is directed against the "legitimate Government of the CR-Ichkeria", member of which, she claims she is.
In this regard, it should be pointed out that Kavkaz Center did not make any accusations to Alla Dudayeva. The site KC was issued only a statement Wekalat (General Mission) of Caucasus Emirate.
As for the statement of Alla Dudayeva, it requires some explanation.
Just to remind that the CRI, as well as all structures of the CRI - the government and parliament - were dissolved by a Decree of Caucasus Emirate Emir Dokka Umarov, the former president of CRI.
In accordance with this decision, Ichkeria is not only lost a statehood, but rather enhanced its status, restoring a truly legitimate, one All-Caucasian Islamic state, which was destroyed by Russia in the course of many centuries of military aggression and occupation.
Therefore, there no governments and parliaments of CRI exist in exile. Therefore, all former statesmen of CRI are just a such - former.
Any attempt to create any structure of former CRI abroad is precisely a betrayal and playing into the enemies' hands of, as Chechen state and Chechen people, and Muslims of the Caucasus as well.
These attempts are also open expression of hostility toward the Caucasus Emirate, which has announced a submission to Sharia of Allah, the Mujahideen of CE and all Muslims of the Caucasus.
Failure to recognize the Caucasus Emirate by some of former leaders of former CRI and insubordination to Emir of CE Dokka Umarov is a rebellion, where opposition to the legitimate authorities of the Caucasus Emirate - a crime under Sharia of Allah.
Furthermore. Explanation of Alla Dudayeva that she, saying, "hastily signed the text of the interview" and did not mean that Shamil Basayev is "a GRU agent" as "everybody has served in Soviet Army" can not bear any criticism.
In an interview with "Kommersant" clearly and unequivocally stated that Shamil Basayev reportedly worked for the secret services of Russia and worked with them. Here is a quote from an interview with Alla Dudayeva:
Question of Kommersant: But the result of independence of Ichkeria there appeared people as Shamil Basayev, who had organized a terror throughout Russia ...
Answer Alla Dudayeva:
- It was the terrorist attacks organized by security services of Russia. In those days we were not so versed in politics. In 1991 and 1992 we were just learning to decipher the secrets of secret services, which used cunning and deceit. Shamil studied in school of GRU, it's a fact. When he had hijacked a plane and demanded that our recognition in Istanbul, we already had a legitimate president and the parliament and then we have already taken place in the world. It was a blow to our image. Then there was a war in Abkhazia. Our army did not take part in it. When Ingush people has decided to break away and live with Russia, nobody stopped them - they have gone to Russia. When it is started in Abkhazia, the volunteers went there. In fact, it was all organized by Russia, to take away Abkhazia from Georgia, it was not about freedom of the Abkhaz people there was not even question about it.
End of quote.
From these words it is very clear and obvious that under the version of Alla Dudayeva, Shamil Basayev, in the first place - "studied in school of GRU", secondly, "hijacked a plane and thus inflicted a blow to the image of Ichkeria" and thirdly "went to fight in Abkhazia, under the instruction of Russia, to take away Abkhazia from Georgia ".
With the best will of the world these words could not have any other meaning.
It should reminded to Alla Dudayeva in this connection, when Shamil Basayev, with two associates hijacked a plane and forced it to fly to Turkey, Dzhokhar Dudayev called him a hero and rated a very highly for this action. It was exactly after this action when Dzhokhar Dudayev has ordered Shamil Basayev to form the first Special Forces commando.
The hijack of the aircraft was carried out at a time when Russia first time attempted to suppress the CRI by blood, introducing the so-called "state of emergency" and put forward an ultimatum to the legitimate Chechen authorities.
This was a retaliatory measures on the action of Russia. The hijack of Russian aircraft in response to declaration by Moscow "state of emergency" and the threat of execution of Chechen people, Shamil Basayev, has attracted international attention to Chechnya, and thus seriously prevented the then fledgling democrat Yeltsin to initiate military action.
The need to maintain an image of a just hatched democrat has not allowed Yeltsin straight away to fill Ichkeria with blood, especially in front of TV cameras.
It should be remained as well that Shamil Basayev went to Abkhazia at the appeal of Dzhokhar Dudayev, who responded to requests from the Abkhaz people, who have been attacked by gangs of Yosseliani and Kitovani, who overthrew the legitimate government of Gamsakhurdia with help of Russia.
When in the way of detachment of Shamil Basayev were Cordon of Russian troops, Shamil phoned to Dzhokhar and asked - "What to do?". Dzhokhar gave the order - "to break through with the battle!".
Shamil obeyed orders of Dzhokhar. Then the Russian troops simply did not dare to open fire on the detachment of Shamil, when the Chechens have gone head-to cordon Russian Interior Ministry troops.
Detachments of Shamil Basayev, Khamzat Gelayev, Umalt Dashayev, as well as other Caucasian volunteers had defended the Abkhazians. Another thing is that Russia took advantage of the situation, with whom Ardzinba went on a treacherous conspiracy, although Dzhokhar and Zviad had a plan for reconciliation with Abkhazia.
Whatever happened is happened. At that time Caucasians were not really versed in politics.
But Shamil Basayev, has always been a stateman. So, to be consistent in her version though, Alla Dudayeva must also declare that her husband Dzhokhar Dudayev (Shaheed inshaAllah), together with Shamil was an agent of the GRU and was acting in the interests of Russian security services, about which the enemies are shamelessly lying for many years.
Also, we shall instruct Alla Dudayeva to the fact that Shamil Basayev had never studied the school of GRU. This is a lie.
Shamil Basayev had served in the Soviet army in the fire department of the Soviet Air Force base, and not in the special forces and certainly not in the GRU, for the simple reason that was color-blind from birth and did not distinguish colors.
For that reason he was unable to pass the exam for driving license.
It is very upsetting that Dudayev's widow let herself to be used for unseemly political games. Relatives of Dzhokhar already appealed to Alla Dudayeva in the past to be cautious and not to allow to be pulled into the game of political puppets.
We must assure the distinguished Alla, that the status of Jokhar's widow is incomparably higher than membership in any non-existent "Chechen government." In this status you can do a great benefit to the Chechen people, the Muslims of the Caucasus and all Caucasians, and not belittling your high standing position by membership in the malware groups.
The problem of all the puppets that they do not make decisions without the puppeteer. It does not fit in their minds the fact that someone can act and live not under somebody's orders, not on someone's special instructions, but by his own choice. That person can give himself special instructions, be independent and to make decisions himself, including the decisions in politics.
These are the heroes of Chechen people - Dzhokhar Dudayev, who has awakened people to Jihad and Freedom, and Shamil Basayev who become one of the leaders of Jihad!
The such a person is Emir of the Caucasus Emirate Dokka Umarov as well, who has fulfilled his bounden duty to Allah and proclaimed a Sharia of Lord of the Worlds, raising high the banner of Monotheism on the Caucasus.
Kavkaz Center