The apostate ringleader Kadyrov has once again publicly declared whom he is worshiping and for whom he is ready to give his life.
Kadyrov said that he wants it very much Putin to be president of Russian once again and that him to be rule for life.
"I want him to be president of Russia for life", Kadyrov told journalists.
"Putin is my idol. I love him. I respect him. I'd give my life for him. I owe my life to this man" Kadyrov said.
In the course of his statement the ringleader of apostates kicked Medvedev, publicly revealing an open secret that Medvedev is a temporary puppet, who solves nothing, who represents nothing and he was chosen by Putin's circle, and not by the Russian people: "Medvedev is a strong, wise, and proper politician", radio "Echo Moscow" quoted Kadyrov as saying.
"If he were any different he wouldn't have been elected by the team, he wouldn't have been supported", Kadyrov said. - Putin again showed his strength and that he's a servant of the people.
He, without feeling shy, lowered his status to the post of the chairman of government, on the most responsible place to serve for the people, for the state. And my attitude toward Putin doesn't change. In order to not to let him down, in order to him not to blush because of me, I'd give my life", the apostate chief promised.
We would like to remind that the official doctrine of puppet ringleaders in occupied Chechnya is a slogan, which Kadyrov constantly reminds to his circle circle - tarikat, Shariat and the Russian constitution. And the "chosen way" is the "way of Akhmad-Khadzhi Kadyrov". This is the so-called "traditional Islam", which is being imposed by Moscow stooge in occupied Chechnya.
In practice this ideological abracadabra is expressed in a mixture of quasi-nationalism, subordinated to "big brother", russophilia, a monstrous hybrid of Islam and pagan cults with the Russian constitution over it in the form of brutal occupational regime, which gave dictatorial power to evil oligofren.
Kadyrov's practice of "marriages" is a typical example of that "traditional Islam".
About a month ago, Kadyrov was taking a vacation in Sochi. His personal Mullah, Adam Shakhidov, ordered an elite prostitute from Moscow and arranged her "marriage" with Kadyrov according to Sharia procedure. After the vacation, Kadyrov divorced his "wife".
Meanwhile, the Mujahideen, who declared that they are worshiping Allah, giving their lives for the sake of Allah, and the way they had chosen is the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), are declared "Wahhabites, terrorists and extremists".
We would like to remind that the name Al-Wahhab is one of 99 names of Allah and means The Bestower. And cursing with Almighty's name is, in fact, a demonstrative act of disbelief.
Ruslan Sinbarigov,
Kavkaz Center