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KC: Ruslan Aushev Offers Himself In Place Of Yevkurov

posted by eagle on June, 2009 as ANALYSIS / OPINION

Ruslan Aushev offers himself in place of Yevkurov

Publication time: 24 June 2009, 15:13 

Former pro-Moscow president of Ingushetia, Ruslan Aushev is ready to replace the blown up last Monday Yevkurov until the ringleader of apostates in hospital.


"I am ready to return while Yevkurov is recovering, until he recovers, and lead the republic, if it is legally approved and to fulfill the obligations of the president until he recovers," he told Echo of Moscow radio.


According to Aushev, "the situation in Ingushetia has come to this state just because" there exists a whole "complex of problems".


According to him, "the fight against social crime, corruption, violation of all laws" must also be done integrated. "To separate a power part from an economic part or from social one - is wrong, everything should be solved there together. Therefore, one person, who heads the republic, must solve all questions", Aushev declared.


Aushev has also commented on Kadyrov's statement that Medvedev instructed him to lead the struggle against Mujahideen in Ingushetia.


According to Aushev's opinion, if there is a desire to entangle the situation in this region even more, then, of course, such decision is correct.


"In Chechnya itself there is a lot of problems", therefore, according to Aushev, Kadyrov should busy himself with his region, rather than to get into Ingushetia. "There your have its own president, its own parliament, and I do not understand how that would happen", Aushev said.


"If the president of Russia is really believe that Kadyrov has a potential and authority to resolve such situations, it is worthwhile to appoint him a representative of the president throughout the region, since the situation is tense, not only in Ingushetia, but also in the same Chechnya, Dagestan, Kabardino -Balkaria", Aushev believes.


It is not yet clear whether the Aushev's statement agreed with the Kremlin. Earlier, Medvedev announced that he entrusts the ringleader of Chechen apostates Kadyrov with task "to fight against militants in Ingushetia".


Moscow's officials have elucidated that the current acting puppet president Gaysanov is "a business executive, rather than a military man", therefore, they say, he will deal with economy and Kadyrov with his gang will fight against the Mujahideen in Ingushetia.


Meanwhile Kadyrov, excited by Kremlin's support, immediately after his meeting with Medvedev, has threatened that he "would not allow anyone to play with Russia and would put things in order not only in the country, but if there will be Medvedev's order, also in other states".


The apostate declared in his interview to "Vesti 24" TV channel - "We have power and resources for that".


Kadyrov's statement on his readiness to conduct terrorist acts abroad caused a scandal.


The Kremlin has taken measures to disavow Kadyrov's statement on readiness for terrorist acts abroad.


Not quoting Kadyrov completely, the Russia media announced that Kadyrov had meant... Ingushetia. To do so, Ingushetia had to be declared as an independent.


So according to the definition, "a state is a particular organization of a society, united by common socio-cultural interests, occupies a territory that has its own system of governance and has internal and external sovereignty".


For example, a Russian "New Region" website has presented it in this way:


"We will not allow anyone to trifle with Russia, and will put things in order not only in the country, but, if there will be an order from Supreme Commander-in-Chief, also in other states", Kadyrov declared.


The statements of Chechen leader allowed political scientists to assume that after this the issue on a reconstruction of the Chechen-Ingush autonomy with Kadyrov at the head, again will be raised".


In reality, of course, Kadyrov's statement allowed political scientists to assume that Kadyrov would continue engaging in political killings abroad of those people whom the Kremlin considers enemies of Russia.


Human rights defenders, who have a certain reputation in the West, have been brought up for disavowal of Kadyrov's statements. Often quoted by the Western correspondents in Moscow, an expert of Human Rights Watch Tatyana Lokshina, has said:


"Since Kadyrov is allowed to Ingushetia, this means the Federal Center highly appreciates his efforts to combat militants and thinks that handles it better. Yevkurov had tried to keep the special operations in the framework of the law, it is unlikely to expect the same thing from Kadyrov. Ingush president worked to stop the abductions, but in the course of special operations in Chechnya are being people disappeared and tortured, including in secret prisons.


After the attack on Yevkurov, Kadyrov can get a "green light to any actions in Ingushetia, will play there almost a dominant role and can threaten on to join a neighboring republic to Chechnya".


Since the time when Ingushetia became a state for Russia, which, by definition, even have the "external sovereignty", and who, for example, is an "extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of Ingushetia" in the United States or Italy, the Russian media did not specify.


Once again we want to indicate that Kadyrov said to "Vesti-24" on June 23 that he is ready by Medvedev's order to conduct operations against "the enemies of Russia" and "terrorists" "even in other states",


"Terrorists are prepared and financed by certain forces that are outside of our country. They are struggling not against the Chechen and Ingush people, but against the whole Russia. Caucasus is selected as a base", Kadyrov indicated, obviously excluding Ingushetia as a "state", on the territory of which he intends to "destroy the enemies of Russia".


On June 23 the statement of Kadyrov understood by Russian media correctly. For example, Rosbalt gave it under the heading "Kadyrov is ready to fight the militants not only in Russia".


Kavkaz Center

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