rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 4/6/2007 9:23 AM
Hypocrites throw down their masks
Publication time: Today at 18:46 Djokhar time
Allah calls in the Holy Qur'an:
66/9 O Prophet! Strive hard against the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell,- an evil refuge (indeed).
The so-called "council of Rusnia mufti's", named among Muslims by "council of Rusnia munafik's" (CRM) published sequential libel, in which called "organs of state power and all citizens of country to make impossible to enemies of Islam to drive the wedge between Russian state and Islamic world"...
As usually munafik's lament to obtaining of significant financial resources on driving the wedge between Rusnia and Islamic world. Apparently to them pay insufficiently for their canine work, once they see the reason for their defeats only in financing in best traditions of Marxism-Leninism. These wicked people never thought, that in order to conduct Jihad at ideological front is enough small money for Internet- cafe visiting. For military confrontation it suffices to take house kitchen knife or axe in order to kill and to take away machine-gun from russian kafir. Our brothers -mujahideen aren't awaiting grants neither from east nor from west. It is sufficient to us Allah and we hope only for Him.
Phrase is interesting from point of semantic construction view that by "enemies of Rusnia and Islam" is prepared a number of propagandistic actions, directed toward discredit of "Russian Federation" in eyes of world Muslim community ".
These munafik's led in the first place hostility with Rusnia, after forgetting, that Islam never was associated with Rusnia and all more with kafir's of Rusnia.
Apparently Ravil Gaynuddin, after beginning to play with his doggies, forgot prince Vladimir's phrase, about the fact that "diverting in Russia is getting drunk". Apparently, he so was mixed with kafir's that forgot even to dress his, as spoke prophet (SAS), dressed- undressed daughters, counting himself "muptiy" of Rusnia.
Isn't a bit better than this hypocrite-actor another "leader" - become senile Talgat Tazhutdin, whom paranoid delirium must be written into medical map of patient.
They forgot and that how drunk russian kafir's massacre tens of thousands Muslims of Kazan, without having spared even women and children hiding in mosque. But Muslims didn't forget it.
Until now this day is celebrated by kafir's, disregarding of fact that there are more than 10 millions Tatars in Rusnia. They spit upon serf Shaymiyev with his agreement. Earlier "great lords" of Rusnia on elbows crept up to yurt of Tatar khans, but now slaves of Shaymiyev type run into Moskoviya for obtaining label on reigning.
Nationalism and great russian chauvinism - here is main national idea of Rusnia kafir's until today. With respect to remaining nations and creeds in Rusnia, the proverb acts: "uninvited guest is worse than Tatar".
Speaking about some mythical rapprochement and dialogue of Islamic world and Rusnia, we advise Gaynutdin leave in evening in his fakir's dressing gown and turban to Moscow streets. If through half-hour his hadn't killed by crowd of skinheads, then it means, dialogue in reality did not take place.
Or we advise to arrive in Caucasus, where "peacemaker" Geydara Gemal had tied by munafik's from "state structures" with their own belt from trousers, sent home without cell phone. After this dialogue Geydar Gemal is no longer butt to separate belligerents.
We remember Mukaddas Bibarsov, whom, after getting drunk instead of "mineral water" "growl- sou", argued about Muslim problems of Caucasus. But cart and now is there. Pull on turban or skullcap and stir nonsense can everyone, but not everyone will have enough conscience and impudence to slander to Muslims and Allah religion, retaining from Sunnah of Prophet (SAS) - Jihad.
We know Satan from kafir's parliament - Shamil Sultanov and sequential "ideologist" - Khalidov, parents very correctly called whom "money". Apparently posthumous garlands and laurels of munafik's Varisov and Arukhov don't give to them quietly to sleep.
This entire FSB camarilla attempts to let out vapor of agitated by cruelty Moslems, show some invisible enemies over oceans and deserts, leaving those, which we each day see and hear with our own eyes.
Enemies, who kill and torture our brothers and sisters, who alive burn Muslims, supporting same alim's from number of munafik's at the places. These kafir's and munafik's willn't succeeded in disorienting Umma.
In Volga Region and in Idel - Ural already act groups of mujahideen and, insha Allah, their quantity will grow. Muslims don't believe in fairy tales about "good" Putin and "poor" Nurgaliyev, knowing that place of second one on the short leash next to Putin labrador.
Speaking about discredit of Rusnia in Muslim eyes of entire world let us recall that munafik's from SMR, however as DUMD of Daghestan kept silent, when Russian kafir's - soldiers defiled Quran (we ask forgiveness of Allah for our idleness) in Botlikh in 1999 or when Russian officer vomited Quran very recently, in 2006 year, in Khasavyurt region.
Munafik, "mupti of Daghestan" on "thin" nickname preferred not to see these facts, after giving the proof of fact that if he didn't see it by his eyes, then this is cannot be. Imams of mosques, including Saaduyev read dua against Muslims. And munafik "mupti" openly prays for kafir soldiers good health. Insha Allah, in Hell they will prove to be together with those, whom they loved.
For some reason munafik's from SMR keep silent, while Rusnia kafir's narrower than 16 years kill Muslims of Caucasus, give not mercy on women, children, old men. Is it possible that rivers of blood more than 250 thousand killed Muslims of Chechnya, including 42 thousand children, don't cost one statement, one paper in 16 years?!?
This munafik Gaynudin and similar him cannot say anything even in response to daily murders of Moulims on entire Rusnia, especially in Moscow and Petersburg. Kafir's authority actively supports russian fascism, beginning from "law-enforcement" organs, where on base of "OMON" band, skinheads are prepared and concluding kafir's "courthouses", setting free killers directly from court room.
Kufr lessons or "orthodoxy" on other actively spread under quiet puffing of munafik's from SMR. They whimper because they understanding, that priests by quiet puff conduct Christianization of settled on entire Rusnia "blackness". And it means they take away their bread from mavlid and ziyarat. We remember humble apologies of "going too far himself" "cochairman" of SMR - Nafigulla Ashirov apropos of orthodoxy lessons introduction.
Apparently stability inside country, about which munafik's from SMR tell is consist on retention of existing situation, when intoxicated by poison of SMR snakes Muslims must with submissiveness of sacrificial ram lie down under knife of drunk russian kafir. Subkhan Allah!
This actor Gaynudin arranged tour through Caucasus on order of his masters from Kremlin. Slave on guide of Ramzan Kadyrov, he forgot about how several days before his arrival, that Kadyrov invited "prostitutes" for title of "miss's of world". Apparently, Gaynutdin soon instead of himself and his daughters will also soon advance on Ramzan joy.
Such "tazhudin's" and "gaynudin's", and hedgehog with them "saidov's" arakan tsarist authorities in times of imam Shamil jihad repeatedly sent to sow fitna among Muslims. History is repeated...
Sitting at the table with kafir Magomed-Ali and munafik's from Dumd of Daghestan they attempt to lead Muslims away from Jihad, and at that time squabble for the authority and alms in mosques between themselves. "Gaynutdin's" don't release in territory of "their dioceses" munafik's from DUMD, but those, in turn, forbid their books in Daghestan, declare them belong to "wakhabism". Muslims of Rusnia divided by "Doumers", "dumd's" and other "duums", where ignoramus's and charlatans of all colors fool heads to simple average men.
Praise to Allah, sincere Muslims begin to understanding hypocrisy and treachery of these mule, which are covered by religion. Our brother Abuzagir Mantayev, after leaving this herd of chatterers and deceivers from SMR, embarked on path of Jihad and was honored the lot of Shahid (insha Allah)! That, who yet didn't understand his way let us to say that if there would be some benefit from this entire pseudo-Islamic activity of munafik's from SMR, then he, probably would not leave Moscow and didn't join ranks of djamaat "Sharia".
After being gathered all together these "workers" from SMR devised nothing clever as to write turning to Putin - sequential letter "in village to grand-dad". Apparently they forgot that precisely Putin gave command to kill Muslims.
Subkhan Allah, this herd, with uneducated donkeys in larger partly; in their letter cite words of some pitiful kafir, which one cannot check his own bowels, to say nothing of rest. Without having recalled Allah, this herd of donkeys, according to hadis of Prophet (SAS) after sitting before flourishes of dead donkey, sent this "carrion" to kafir Putin.
Instead of Allah words and requirement of Muslim rights restoration, these munafik's are degraded to degree of servility, referring to some "constitution", by which Putin and Yeltsin wipe as needed. Speaking against some guarantees, these munafik's forget, that only and omnipotent is Allah, and his word from Quran - here only one Guarantee to Muslims.
Apparently this herd of "scientific" rams not one night conducted above the floridity of phrases and formulations with fear as if of what didn't come. From fearing and humiliation before kafir's they fell into shirk. Reading this letter, you involuntarily visualize not muslim similar to Umar al Khattab, subdued before Allah and inflexible before kafir's, but, on contrary, some slave with chain on his neck, that whimpers that they would beat and would degrade him but not very strongly.
In Petersburg, where without FSB permission even flies don't fly, skinheads in groups gad on the streets and parks in searching for sequential victim. Justification of Vietnamese student killers, as ridiculous term for killers of Tadzhik girl is showed that there are patrons and accomplices in highest kafir's instances.
For those, who don't know, let us elucidate situation around Astrakhan mosque. Command "attack" to removal of mosque gave precisely kafir Putin during his arrival into Astrakhan. He wasn't pleased to it, that house of Allah is located on the visible place, through the passage from airport to city. And therefore neither law court usual nor supreme nor governor not to carry head, if a question is solved otherwise in this police state. Munafik's from SMR are more easily conduct thousands of pickets in defense of distant al-Aqsa than to protect one mosque in Astrakhan.
The serfs of Russian satrap, main prison overseer of "nation prison" again play on faith in "good tsar- father" and the "poor boyars". Being expressed by language of "scientific neighbor", they write about some average and ground floors of authority, thus, recognizing that they themselves are located in cesspool of rusnia statehood.
Complaint of S.Nursi books prohibition for some reason doesn't tally to same prohibitions of Quran translations and books of outstanding Muslim theologians such as "Sakhikh" Bukhari and "Book of the monotheism" of Abdul Wakhab, which are signed by same mushrik in skullcap M. - Rasul Saaduyev. Islam, all praise to Allah, this first of all Quran and Sunnah, which these munafik's attempt to forbid, after leaving in Muslims memory only sufiy flannelettes and fictions.
Mudjahideen of Daghestan prevented them about fact that kafir's soon will undertake also these "priests" from Islam. Apparently "sufiy" forgot as only 2-3 generation back of their "scientists" of Ali-Haji Akushinskiy or Saypulla Kadiy Bashlarov type, and 20 additional thousand people shot with them and buried in the sands of Caspian Region the same state security agents, descendant of whom is Putin.
Statement of our brothers -mudjahideen in Daghestan and Ingushetia about the nonparticipation in attempts and murders of imam part operating authority speaks, that Putin's kafir's, using disturbance of military time, are straightened with local munafik's by themselves. Allah into edification punishes them by hands of those they attend upon with canine faithfulness.
Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an:
Those who believe say, "Why is not a sura sent down (for us)?" But when a sura of basic or categorical meaning is revealed, and fighting is mentioned therein, thou wilt see those in whose hearts is a disease looking at thee with a look of one in swoon at the approach of death. But more fitting for them (47/20)
Those who turn back as apostates after Guidance was clearly shown to them,- the Evil One has instigated them and busied them up with false hopes. (47/25)
This, because they said to those who hate what Allah has revealed, "We will obey you in part of (this) matter"; but Allah knows their (inner) secrets. (47/26)
Or do those in whose hearts is a disease, think that Allah will not bring to light all their rancour? (47/29)
Those who reject Allah, and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah, then die rejecting Allah,- Allah will not forgive them. (47/34)
Be not weary and faint-hearted, crying for peace, when ye should be uppermost: for Allah is with you, and will never put you in loss for your (good) deeds. (47/35)
Behold, ye are those invited to spend (of your substance) in the Way of Allah:
But among you are some that are niggardly. But any who are niggardly are so at the expense of their own souls. But Allah is free of all wants, and it is ye that are needy. If ye turn back (from the Path), He will substitute in your stead another people; then they would not be like you! (47/38)
Victory or Paradise!
Source: JamaatShariat
Translated from Russian by Hamza Z.