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Vasyl Ivanyshyn: For Our and Your Freedom!

posted by zaina19 on January, 2007 as ANALYSIS / OPINION

Vasyl Ivanyshyn: For Our and Your Freedom!
Publication time: 20 January 2007, 18:47

This is an exclusive interview to agency "Kavkaz-Center", given by the leader of PPO "Tryzub" name's of Stepan Bandera (Ukraine), colonel Vasyl Ivanyshyn.

Ali Bekhan: Russia during centuries kept Ukrainian people in colonial dependence. Ukraine has suffered irreplaceable damage, however authorities of Ukraine constantly go on concessions to the Kremlin, declaring about necessity of adjustment of friendship with Russia. How you estimate such situation?

Vasyl Ivanyshyn: Friendship it both an ideal, and norm, and criterion of efficiency of interstate policy of the national states. But Russia not the national state: it is empire. And the imperial politics by definition cannot be under construction on principles of good neighborhood and mutual benefit, equality and friendship. It's destiny either to extend, or to collapse. All world history convinces of it.

Any state which appears the neighbor of empire, too has only two opportunities: or to agree on this or that form of enthrallment by empire, or to resist to imperial intentions affirming as the independent state and consolidating the anti-imperial efforts with other countries interested in this.

Trouble of Ukrainian people is that after disorder of the USSR Ukraine from external, imperial occupation has got under internal occupation of not Ukrainian and frankly anti-Ukrainian forces. And now the policy of the Ukrainian authorities is defined not by national interests of Ukraine, and aspiration its authority of powerful to personal authority and enrichment. And as all means of formation of public thinking and opinion in their hands also the significant part of the population supports this policy of a collaboration and defeatism in front of Moscow. Other part sees rescue from imperial embraces of Russia in imperial embraces of the USA. Follies of post-imperial thinking in Ukraine are those, the postcolonial policy is those also.

To become the national state, and, hence, the independent subject of interstate attitudes, only it is necessary to Ukraine.

In Russia not once varied regimes, however it's expansionistic and the imperialistic essence remained constant. Is this possible, in your opinion, change of this essence of Russian state?

No changes of governors, regimes or political system could, cannot and will not  change neither imperial essence, nor imperial politics of Russia while it remains empire. Will not change Russia and Russian: people which centuries accustomed to see patriotism in capture of the another's grounds, instead of in appropriate arrangement own, cannot think and operate differently, than in categories of imperialism and chauvinism.

The imperial essence of Russia will be changed with national-liberation movements of enslaved peoples. Moscow knows this, and therefore not only exterminates Chechens as avant-garde of this anti-imperial movement, but also liquidates national autonomies, quickly transforming them in territorial. In vain tries: this can delay, but not stop wreck of empire.

How do you estimate present political conditions in Ukraine? In what you see the decision of the main economic and political problems of the Ukrainian state?

Political conditions in Ukraine now is defined with struggle for authority between those who sees the future of the country as neo-colony of the Moscow, and those who sees it as neo-colony of the West. The Ukrainian nation is separated and decapitated, the regime of internal occupation becomes stronger, a graphic evidence of that fact, that we have already the third government in general without Ukrainians. The robbery of people became such shameless and total, that already about 10 million of Ukrainians have left the native land in searches though any earnings.

Output in one: transformation of Ukraine from ownerless and pseudo-democratic neo-colony in the normal national state with total system of national democracy. Without it any problem (political, economic, national, social, cultural, religious, etc.) will never be solved in favor of people. Now more and more people becomes to understand this, and this encourages.

Can you explain for the readers of KC in brief a situation with the Kiev mayoralty? How is this possible, what mayor of capital (Chernovetskiy) so openly ignored a state language, not being able at all to read on it?

The attitude of authorities to the Ukrainian language testifies to their attitude to the Ukrainian nation. Present mayor of Kiev is one more example of not Ukrainian by language and the anti-Ukrainian character of authority in Ukraine. The history of his accession is instructive also: it appears, if years to not cultivate in a society national values and criteria the whole generations degrade as representatives of the nation and are ready to mount upon to themselves a neck of any rascal.

The position of our Organization towards Chernovetskiy is stated in the Application printed in 8 (62) newsletters "Banderivets" for 2006, and also on our site. Unfortunately, Chernovetskiy is not annoying exception, and quite natural consequence of those policy which brightest representative has appeared Victor Jushchenko.

Russians consist about 20 % of the population of Ukraine. Many consider them some kind of the fifth column of the Moscow. Representatives of various Russian chauvinistic gangs make sometimes bloody evil deeds on the territory of Ukraine which frequently remain unpunished. Recently Russian gangsters have in a pointed manner killed a Muslim, Lamin,  from Gambia. What is your position? How do you regard such actions, and what is your vision of prospect of struggle against these displays?

Let's specify: Russians in Ukraine is twice less, it is representatives of national minorities at whole about 20 %. But a mistake would be to consider both those, and others as the fifth column of the Kremlin. Only two convincing arguments: first, 91 % of voices in 1991 for independence of Ukraine; secondly, among our oligarchs there are no Russians. And our Russians win nothing from economic, territorial or language wars and the anti-Ukrainian provocations.

The truth in other: they, as well as all Russian-speaking population in Ukraine, are hostages of policy of Moscow which skillfully covers the imperial aspirations with their interests. And as we do not have any pro-Ukrainian policy, and Ukrainians in Ukraine stay on position of deprived of civil rights and silent derelicts is not present alienation of national communities from the anti-Ukrainian actions of their fellow tribesmen. The fifth column at us is, and not one, but at each of them is not national (Russian, Jewish, American, etc.), but imperial by character.

As to murder of student Lamin, I consider, that would comprehend it same fate, if he was a Christian: most likely this murder performed on racial, instead of on religious, ground. The purpose of similar murders is beatings destabilization and discredit of Ukraine. And any guarantees, that similar will not repeat, is not present and cannot be: our authority is capable only to plunder own people and to trade by Ukraine, and other does not excite it. In the criminal state - criminal orders.

In the past year in Lviv tablets with indexes in the street of Dzhohar Dudaev have been broken, vandals have "renamed" it into Stalin's street. How do you think, who stands up for these provocations?

Well, who has made it to guess not difficultly: certainly, not friends of Chechens and Ukrainians. It is clear also why it have made. Dudaev was and remains a symbol of uncompromising struggle for Freedom even with such imperial monster before whom shivered all world. Another is indicative. Authorities till this time have done the utmost to not find guilty. In fact if them to find, it is necessary to punish. And how the toady can punish servants of the master?..

How do you estimate a policy of Russia in Chechnya and on the occupied Islamic grounds as a whole?

In the same way, as policy of USA in Iraq, as gangster.

Russians in Crimea constantly try to construct churches on the places of Muslim cemeteries, to profane monuments of the Tatar history, to set up crosses in Muslim settlements, to not admit use Tatar (and Ukrainian language too) language in due scale and when similar evil deeds meet repulse, they says that Muslims kindle inter-religious hatred. How can you estimate such situation? Whether really have Russians the right to lay claim on a leading position in Crimea?

Russians in Crimea are the same hostages of imperial politics of Moscow, as well as Russian in Russia. What in Russia belongs to Russian? And unless do in Russian pockets Russian gas and petrodollars flow? And in Crimea Russians use as covering of interests of empire, the thinking and a way of behavior of colonizers is artificial supporting in them. Both churches in Crimea erect crosses at all are far from Christian promptings.

In our Program of realization of the Ukrainian national idea during the state construction, and also in work the Crimean unit which is on our site in a Ukrainian and Russian languages, we have stated a position of our Organization and have offered the Crimean Tatars ideology of joint struggle for the decision of problems of Crimea in interests of Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars, and all national minorities of peninsula.

Crimea sees to us as an integral part of the Ukrainian state in the form of the Crimean Tatar-Ukrainian autonomy. Unfortunately, Crimea-Tatar public associations, Majlis also, which, not without the bases, reproach the Ukrainian side for an inattention to their problems while have not reacted in any way to our offers, that rather and rather strange.   

It is known, that authorities pursues being on territory of Ukraine of Chechens, it is enough to remind a case with delivery of Beslan Gadaev, which happened this summer in spite of the fact that this person was under jurisdiction of the United Nations. Are Chechens really undesirable visitors in Ukraine?

The shameful case with delivery of Beslan Gadaev once again shows dependence of the Ukrainian authority from Moscow and more than anything. To try to make out behind these actions the true attitude of Ukrainians to Chechens is empty business.

The Ukrainian authority has closed in due time a bureau of "Chechen-Press". In your opinion, are necessary functioning of information Chechen structures in Ukraine? If the version of "Kavkaz-Center" on Ukrainian language, for example, will be started, whether will it find the reader? Do you see advantage and prospect in start of such version?

Ukrainians in Ukraine practically are completely deprived own mass-media, and gains only the Internet. Our independent (from Ukrainian people) the mass-media, especially TV, retell the Moscow versions of events in the Chechen Republic, the Caucasian region and in the world as a whole. Occurrence of the version of KC on Ukrainian language would be the important alternative to the pro-Moscow and westernized sources of the half-truth and frank lie.

In your opinion, is the Ukrainian-Chechen cooperation perspective? How do you concern to idea of creation of a society of the Ukrainian-Chechen friendship?

Now we separately counteract imperialists, that essentially reduces efficiency of our actions. Joint efforts can be made much more in national-liberation struggle of each of our people. It is necessary now, it will be perspective always. And to idea of creation of a society of friendship I take a positive view rather. But there is also a caution: it is necessary to think over carefully the concept of this society, its purpose, a problem, sphere and the form of activity, differently personal structure of the organization will make its impracticable, and even harmful to a common cause.

The authority refuses in registration of your organization. Why? In what is your "extremism" shown?

Pan-Ukrainian organization "Tryzub" name's of Stepan Bandera is created without the knowledge of and influences of competent bodies, it cultivates ideology of healthy Ukrainian nationalism, has for an object realization of the Ukrainian national idea political self-affirmation of the Ukrainian nation and creation of the Ukrainian national state on principles of national democracy. On all elections we support only those, who agrees to act with these ideas and helps us to expand them in a society. From the same positions we estimate both authority, and opposition. It is enough of in total it, that a fourteenth year to not register us.

It is known, that such national thinkers as Dontsov, Bandera, Konovalets, Boyko, Lenkavskiy were cool concerned to the West, condemning a policy of double standards and a cult of democracy. However, present OUN-members admire the West, eulogize westernized position of Jushchenko, do not react in any way and the more so do not condemn an atrocity, performing on the Islamic lands. In what is difference of your position?

We did not think out any own nationalism, and we divide and we develop sights of our predecessors named by you, we continue in new conditions their ideals and we see prospect for Ukrainian people only in successful end of the Ukrainian national-liberation struggle and creation of the Ukrainian national state. Others consider a present regime of internal occupation as realization of dream all dead, alive and not born (T.Shevchenko) Ukrainians, and us, accordingly, as the enemies of Ukraine. Results of ideological degeneration and regeneration of national associations are those.

To a word about empire. Was there a necessity to the Ukrainian soldiers to die for another's interests in Iraq?

On our site you can find my work about Iraq crisis and a political situation in Ukraine from 9.04.2003.  Here some citations: the Iraq crisis is a synonym-euphemism of two close , but the different phenomena: political gangsterism (not provoked aggression) coalitions (actually a criminal gang) the USA, England and their puppets against Iraq; the beginnings of war of the USA for world supremacy; Absence of consolidating national idea, ideology of national state construction and nation-protecting politicians fatally influences both on internal, and an external political practice in Ukraine;

Our state and this time acts not as the subject, and object of a world policy; Only precise ideological and political definiteness, presence of perspective ideology of national state construction with unequivocally formulated purpose, the concept, program directing and priorities of the state construction and foreign policy will provide political consolidation of a society, will define our foreign policy, will improve an internal political life and guarantee us against lacks and weaknesses of our leaders.

In the conclusion can you address through agency KC to Chechen people, mojaheds, to our readers?

To Chechen people I wish a victory, the peace and prosperity in own independent state. Islamic Resistance I wish religious unity on the basis of the doctrine of the Prophet. To find Colleagues from among believing in One God, and those who professes other religion. Also wisdom in definition of the true enemy: it is not a  people of other belief, and always someone's imperialism and chauvinism. How much I know, in the Qur'an it is told: "Surely, those who believe and the Jews, and the Nasara and the Sabians, whosoever believes in God and the Last Day and performs deeds of  righteousness, they shall have their reward  with their Lord, no fear shall be on them, nor shall they grieve" (2:62).And to the readers of KC I wish to find an opportunity to join sacred national-liberation struggle against devilish forces of modern imperialism for there is no love above that when someone the life for one's friends . In it is the great truth. And protection of great truths approaches a human soul to God, more than a life. So Stepan Bandera learned.

Thank You for interview


Brief information: Colonel Vasyl Ivanyshyn is an outstanding Ukrainian politician and scientist. He is the author of some politology and historical works, senior lecturer of Drogobych' pedagogical university. V. Ivanyshyn is the head and ideologist of PPO "Tryzub" name's of S.Bandera.

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