From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 11/4/2006 2:52 PM Chief Russian Jew: Chechnya Is Not For Chechen Muslims Publication time: 3 November 2006, 20:46
Russian chief rabbi Lazar said on Wednesday that Chechnya is not for Chechen Muslims.
"Today they shout 'Russia for the Russians' in Moscow, tomorrow in Kazan will shout 'Tatarstan for the Tatars', and the day after tomorrow in Grozny (Russian occupation name for the Chechen capital of Jokhar, KC) they will shout 'Chechnya for the Chechens' and Yakutsk 'Yakutia for the Yakuts'. If we allow all that, we could lose Russia," the rabbi said in a statement circulated in Moscow on Wednesday, according to a Russian news report.
Yakutia is a Russian colony in Siberia rich in gold and diamonds. Russian invaders rob the local Turk people of Yakuts of their national riches and sell the looted property to the West, as they do with the Chechen oil.
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