From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 11/27/2006 3:00 AM The reach of Russia is amazing, not to mention frightening Publication time: 25 November 2006, 21:19
The poisoning of former KGB official Alexander Litvinenko probably is not "directly" linked to the G.R.U. or F.S.B. if anything that I have heard or seen is anything to go by. After all, such direct and traceable action is downright stupid.
No, like the lady journalist who was gunned down on her way back from the grocery store, it was some disgruntled individual acting alone. There seem to be a lot of these disgruntled individuals acting alone, mind you, in the style of some 'Lee Harvey Oswald' fairytale ( of course the Mafia did not want to get rid of J.F.K. ... after all, he was only investigating them and trying to put them out of business ).
One only has to look at Chechnya - and the death Mafia there - for proof of 'tactics' ( in fact the very term 'tactics' seems to be too grand ). Torture and Genocide by the 'back door'. No 'direct involvement'. Lots of P.R. This past week has made me wonder about something that happened in our own tiny little country, on the 03rd. of June 2001. >
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