From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 3/17/2006 2:17 PM
March, 17, 2006
Ekkehard Maas - messenger of Shamil Basaev
Zaurbek Galaev, CHECHENPRESS
Propensity of the Russian so-called analysts to give out desirable for valid already for a long time has resulted to that borders between analytics and propagation in Russia are dim. It is necessary to prove crash of America the nearest two months - there are no problems, the party will order - the inhabitant will believe. Tightrope-walking with the past - a separate theme. On an example of changes in the description of a history for last decade, it is possible to be convinced of validity of the statement that at Russia the past is unpredictable. Stories about "Glorious Soviet past" go on telescreens in a mode of non-stop, and the inhabitant is perplexed, how the power might be disorganized such successful - safe in every respect. And the inhabitant, who had not time to live in the USSR full age, is difficult to blame for naivety when on the central telechannels give out pearls, in spirit of German "Folkische Beobacher" of times of the second world war, like such:
"While American automobile industry has failed from petroleum crisis of 70th years, in the USSR begun to release the legendary automobile "Niva" for which did not think to limit consumption of Gasoline".
Firstly it seemed, that it is the clause of authors of a documentary serial or unsuccessful comparison. However, after couple of days, in the following series of "Great Deeds", are found out not less amazing "Historical facts". Having listed achievements of the USSR in military area, authors inform, that, not having sustained such race of arms and having lost in cold war, the president of USA Reigan was compelled to ask for peace.
Certainly, anyone interested, even if he has grown and has learned to read after disorder of the USSR, without effort will find the information on a real picture of that time. But whether are a lot of them in Russia such interested, if tens of millions gather at telescreens to contemplate Petrosjan? It is necessary to assume, as the Russian majestic propagation is directed on such, all-Russian petrosjan level.
There is one direction of the Russian propaganda pseudo-analytics which as it absurdly sounds, but it is possible to name: "denunciation to western enemy". As it is known from a modern Russian historical science for masses, the West always bore plans of conquest of Russia. However the given circumstance periodically does not prevent to remind Russians of the merits in front of the West and to take offence at an ingratitude of Europe on anyone, suitable in their understanding, to an occasion. For example, if will consider, that ungrateful Europeans have condemned the Russian sportsmen, the Russian commentators may quite seriously, with insult and reproach remember "how Russians have rescued Europe from mongols".
Recently, continuing war for colonial presence on Caucasus, Russian have thought up for themselves as if they are at war on Caucasus against the international terrorism. Have thought up and have believed. Against what terrorism Russia waged on Caucasus war of 200 or 100 years back is not known, but not important, as, as is known, Russia is the unique state in the world which past is not predicted. Now Russians complain that the West does not estimate in a due measure their effort on Caucasus and grants asylum to Chechens. It is interesting, that the West thus, in understanding of Russians, continues to remain the same enemy of Russia, thirsting her enthralment, and Russia, meanwhile, protects herself from the Chechen international terrorists.
To make out a russian salad in heads of the Russian propagandists acting in a role of patriots, article, on a plan of the author - whether exposure, whether the complaint placed on site is rather characteristic in this line. The author, Alexey Bajkov, too struggles with NATO, complaining on "Asociation of Germanî-Caucasian friendship". The addressee of the complaint, strangely enough, all same NATO on behalf of the head of the state - a member of the NATO and its special services to which the author appeals, asking to arrange to "Asociation of Germanî-Caucasian friendship".
The set of "revelatory facts", stated in "complaint to enemies on enemies" is worthy of attention. The chairman of "Asociation of Germanî-Caucasian friendship", German E. Maas, is embodied in the photos which have been shot during ten years during his meetings with different politicians in the different countries, including: President of CHRI Aslan Maskhadov, vice-premier of CHRI Shamil Basaev, Akhemed Zakaev, the present Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, with journalists Anna Politkovskaja and Andrey Babitsky and other persons of suspicious Caucasian nationality. Feel connection between Basaev and the Chancellor of Germany?
Unfortunately, the author of such sensation has not developed further the idea, and how many interesting chains would be possible to trace in such way. For example, photos of journalist of CNN where on one is embodied as he converses with Usama Bin-Laden, and on another - with the President of USA. A good connection, don't you think? Or two photos, on one of which Berezovsky converses with Maskhadov, and on another, the same Berezovsky converses with Putin? It is terrible to imagine, to what exposures, on logic of Baikov, may result picture of Merkel with Putin!
If you do not see connection between these events, means, to you are lucky and do not have those ears on which it is possible to hang up similar noodles. The given publication, with sticking out of its donkey ears of FSB, is taken as an example not for a refutation, - there is no necessity to protect E. Maas from lubjanka hairy mongrels, - and as the sample of dullness shown by the Russian propagation. Unique in this connection remaining not clear, whether a traditional question - it is valid they it is so incorrigible are stupid or it is superfluous acknowledgement of that they count stupid all population of the country?
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