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Iaras Valukenas: "The world, deprived from morals, is doomed to destruction"

posted by zaina19 on March, 2006 as ANALYSIS / OPINION

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/8/2006 7:50 PM
March, 8, 2006

Iaras Valukenas: "The world, deprived from morals, is doomed to destruction"

The full version for CHECHENPRESS

Photomontage of Iaras Valukenas.

Having met in the Internet -ocean with articles of Iaras Valukenas, I was struck with their non-triviality. And asked Iaras to share his ideas, especially since we have the vacuum of the information from our former "republic-sisters", Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, recently awarded with the highest honour of the today's world: to be accepted in the Eurounion. Especially - recently it has got 15 years old by foreign date. January, 13 1991 - tragical date for Lithuanian people and a critical boundary of the beginning of disorder of "Evil Empire". Then, in reply to the announcement of the Lithuanian parliament for the separation from the USSR, Moscow drew the tanks into Vilnius. The inhabitants of Vilnius and the visitors of city came out at meeting of the protest against intrusion, but tanks had time to make some shots, and 13 persons died... This action had caused the storm of protest in the world and initiated the chain of reaction of USSR disintegration.

Iaras Valukenas, by profession - programmer, is engaged in publicism. His several views, probably, seem too categorical, but as it is represented to me, as a matter of fact he is right. I offer you our Internet - interview.

- Iaras, tell about yourself, that will consider necessary.

- If to write everything it is possible to write the whole book. I give this honour already to my children. And briefly... Our family was subjected to repression by bodies of the Soviet authority literally since the first day of secondary occupation of Lithuania, in 1945 when hundred thousand Lithuanian citizens at one moment had lost everything, wit what they had been living, on what they had been hoping, of what they had been dreaming. My father's parents had been sent to Siberia, and my father in 1946, in special meeting was sentenced to 10 years penal servitude, with its serving in Kazakhstan where I was born. Mum - the greek woman, from Crimea, also with all family was sent, after the liberation of Crimea in 1944.

The image of the present Lithuanian in my consciousness from the earliest childhood developed on an example of my father. In our family environment of those years the uttermost was international, among family friends of Lithuanians was slightly. My "godfather" was Jew David Tsgoev, he was my neighboring emigrated to USA at the end of 60, and God mum was Lithuanian. All our family environment of those years, anyhow, has passed one way - Soviet concentration camp, subsequently replaced with references. By virtue of the usual circumstances, probably, and in me the spirit of the protest 50 - 60th years was printed. Especially I have remembered how father had torn my first pioneer tie, and only years after I realized the danger of this act. To our family the spirit of disobedience - not only communistic, was always inherent, but also in nazi ideology. Father told, how during occupation of Lithuania by fascist Germany in 1941 our family in Kaunas rescued Jewish family of Volf Shuster.

- Can you tell me about it more in detail? What is this family? What happened to Volf?

- these were completely unfamiliar people before war. They were threatened with inevitable death, therefore it was decided to shelter them. During the war this family rather quietly might live in the territory of occupied Lithuania, their little daughter Elfrida secretly managed to be taken out in the village, to make the sign of the cross and to give her a new name Maria. You, probably, may imagine, with what such act at that time might turn back. Right after wars the girl was taken away by her parents. Literally in couple of days my father was arrested, and the next 15 years nobody from my relatives to Lithuania got any more. Communication was lost. Father recollects, that after the termination of war little Elfrida might communicate with the present parents already only in the Lithuanian language. The girl, by age, should be alive even today. My father who lives in Kazakhstan, does not lose hope to see her.

-15 years later after the tragical January, 13... What would you  like to tell in connection with this date?

- According to the official information, during tragical events in Vilnius there were died 12 persons - civil persons. I was not at that time in Lithuania, unfortunately. But unequivocally I can assert one - events of January, 13 were nothing but the next rehearsal of well fulfilled script which earlier had been successfully carried out by Moscow in several cities of former Soviet empire, such as Alma-Ata, Tbilisi and Baku. I think, that the Vilnius events were not the last attempt to revive the Russian empire in borders of the former USSR. Anyway, the regret about its disorder today openly is stated by many first persons of the Russian authority. Other question - how the senario of return to a point X will look. In a modern policy all economic levers are more successfully used, and I think, the tendency to growth of their influence, for realization "world" expansion, will increase.

But let us return to events of fifteen-year prescription. That year for Lithuania, undoubtedly, was year of hopes, consolidations and spiritual revival of the nation. It is necessary to give due to politicians of that time, first of all, certainly, Vitautas Landsbergis and the organization headed by him at that time "Saiudis". They managed to consolidate in due time the Lithuanian society. Support was important also on the part of the Russian democratic forces. In connection with tragical events in Vilnius, protest actions have swept on large cities of the USSR. Many Russian democrats of that time personally arrived to Lithuania and filled up the numbers of resistance. I remember, that, not being at all the Lithuanian citizen, being in Novgorod, I received many congratulatory bells from the friends from various points of the former Union. Moral support was felt from everywhere.

By the way, about reception of the Lithuanian citizenship I submitted inquiry still in 1989, the answer, the signed gene is kept by public prosecutor Paulaskas, this is for me a relic. But, much to our regret, 1991, for the majority I remained year of hopes. However I am sure, that Lithuania, having passed the difficult way of ablution, will revive and will be the great state.

- What now occurs in Lithuania in the political and economic relation? What changes after the introduction into EU?

- For the majority of citizens of Lithuania the introduction into the Eurounion of positive results yet has not brought. The eurounion pursues only one purpose - economic well-being of the certain virtual state in which certain virtual citizens live. Not only that it is favorably far from being everything, but it is even more dangerous, that completely there are no basic elements of morals, that initially makes this union vulnerable. Easier speaking, this association temporarily on the nature. Me simply at times surprise, that in us, that is in "modern" civilizations, completely there is no elementary instinct of self-preservation.

Here it would be necessary to all of us to recollect an elementary history from the general educational school program that is to analyze the destruction of all before existing empires and, moreover, civilizations. The reason of their destruction always was one, and I do not think, that we are a certain exception of this rule. You, probably will tell, what here again smells as revolution? No, I am not the supporter of violence, but, am afraid, that today occurs in Europe in the economic plan, sooner or later may provoke the disorders connected to violence. Autumn France - only the small prevention.

- "The Rome empire of time of decline kept visibility firm order" (B.Okudzhava) - Do you mean that? But after all, a basis of modern European morals as it seems to me, - the Universal Declaration of human rights and basic directions of philosophical idea after the second world war. Other business, that the Declaration is not always observed, its moral - ethical principles are too easily sacrificed to economic and political interests. However unless there is something more suitable for a modern civilization, with its natural globalization, the world cooperation and gradual, painfully gived comprehension of unity of all sorts of human? Religion? But it now serves in its traditional forms both to goods, and harm, how it "swing" politicians. Probably, new forms of religions, more universal, with a stress on a generality of the basic ethical values in all creeds are necessary?

- Roman empire has fallen victim to own well-being and riches. And surprising here anything is not present. The script, on which all earlier existing civilizations were dying has only repeated. Recollect, how all developed in Rome. From all ends of the world people aspired to get to Rome, but high-grade citizens of empire became farly from being all. Yes, people having citizenship were well off. But their prosperity was supported by what price? And if we speak about destruction of Roman empire in comparison with modern Europe it is necessary to recollect and those who has finished power of Rome. Yes, it were the so-called barbarians environmental empire from different directions.

Our history repeats with an enviable constancy. The script you see has not changed at all. Who today creates material "well-being" industrial world? All the same cheap labour from the same immigrants. The majority of radical Europeans, as well as the Roman citizens of that time, today interest only a prosperity and shows more.

Shops are filled up, fights of gladiators are replaced with virtual fights and murders on computers. And as a matter of fact nothing has changed. And in general, about what moral - ethical principles in general it is possible to speak? Then blood flew, and all clapped, It flows and today near to safe Europe, and everyone keep silent.

Moral principles and declarations of the modern world existed in the industrial world when it laid in ruins and there was a threat of communistic intrusion. There was no open threat, priorities - have exchanged and principles have gradually disappeared. On change by it there came rigid market relations for which the morals and spirituality are alien.

As to Religion I shall allow itself to not agree. Between all existing religious faiths there is the uniform important part connecting them, - belief in the uniform Founder. I think, what exactly it might serve as a certain consolidation of believing people before the person of the common danger. In the relation of new religious forms I shall not discuss - such form already exists. It is artificial the created religion of material welfare.

- Do you consider, already there is no threat of invasion to Europe postSoviet "barbarians" from the former retaliatory structures which have turned into mafia groups? Or invasion already was held? It seems to me, a main role in destruction of principles they have played - well, both their secret and obvious adherents in the West.

- I once again want to repeat, postSoviet "barbarians" in the essence, both were, and have remained. The ideology and its principles are alive, and I think, will live up to the end. Other question, under what mask and they use what levers of influence. In one instant people serving to fascist and communistic ideology, have become "democrats". Does not it happen so? In my opinion, environment to which they should adapt in the same Europe or Russia here is important. As soon as the inhabitancy becomes favorable for them, they at once reduces the masks. I only can regret for one - the environment of our inhabitancy every day becomes more and more adverse for moral and spiritual revival. From here also judge.

- Do you consider, material welfare should not be? But, you see, to vagabonds, freezing in the street; to the refugees wandering on the world; fatally the patient who is not having means for a worthy care, - not up to philosophies. Means, full somehow nevertheless should develop the moral standards forcing them to share with hungry?

- Material welfare, anyway, should be always necessary to aspire to it, but at all not endowing moral principles. And moreover, I will tell, - moral values should prevail above material. In this case the question about starving and freezing will disappear in itself. I admit, I can not eat in the street the bought pie or a roll when I see, that opposite to me the hungry poor person who are asking for alms sits. And when I do not have opportunity something to give him I for some reason think myself guilty.

But let us return to your question and try to assess an event in Lithuania after the introduction into the union of the European states. In my opinion, the today's authority of Lithuania is not interested in preservation of a civil society, more important for it is a certain indicative economic growth of the state, instead of the society as a whole. And you see the main riches of any state should be its citizens. Today tens thousand persons are compelled to leave Lithuania in searches of elementary means for existence, they simply are unprofitable to steel in the state. Go on earnings in all countries without exception, including to Russia.

Here there is nothing new, the law of the free market is those, unfortunately. Certainly, the standard of living of the few surprisingly quickly begins to raise, but the standard of living of the majority goes down much higher rates.

- When your way it was better: in 80th years (when Baltic and, in particular, Lithuania, was considered "Soviet West" and a place of pilgrimage to a floor - dissident of intelligency) or now?

- I can not answer this question as neither I, nor my parents did not live in the Soviet Lithuania, but, by publications of interrogations in the MASS-MEDIA, many inhabitants with nostalgia respond about Soviet times. And I think, that for this purpose there are bases. The example can result, referring only on our experience of life in "Free Lithuania". First, I think, that economic reforms have brought spirit of mercantilism to Lithuania, having made a basis of life I shall drive behind money, and at all destroy interhuman attitudes. As believing person it causes special alarm in me. Second, that I would like to note, it is horrifying incompetence of the Lithuanian officials. Probably, it is connected to unwillingness to incur any responsibility. Laws very difficult, frequently contradict each other, the skilled lawyer not always manages to reach true. A legislature also cause the big regret. At times, similar, our legislators spend the most part of time for the internal intrigues reminding fight for own material welfare. All is very difficult and for the majority is completely not clear.

- But, it seems, and back under Russia nobody will want, and in "bright" socialist past of road, apparently, already is not present. What to do, if last dream - about well-being in the European Union falls?

- If the moral condition of Europe will not undergo changes anybody will not ask about desire of it. The given choice will be insignificant - material welfare or freedom. I do not think, that will be possible to combine one with another, sooner or later we should choose.

In this connection, I for myself for a long time have selected a way to Lithuania, the way this will be hard, but at the same time necessary for our state. We with small group of adherents plan to create completely independent information center in the Internet which will trace the most negative facts occurbing in Republic and in general in the Eurounion, and subsequently to place them in a network, switching and videomaterials. Certainly, there is a set of problems, including even financial, but we hope with the Divine help to overcome them in the near future.

- What would you tell in connection with a question "responsibility for crimes of communistic regimes" and "about the prevention of revival nazi ideology", discussed on past session of PACE? After all, crimes of communistic regimes are taken out for the international discussion for the first time?

- And why only communistic and nazi, let me ask? I so believe, that the world community has decided to take out a verdict nonexistent already to a signboard. As inspectors, "there is no liked to repeat GB persons, are not present problems". But people of this ideology have remained and, that it is typical, have remained with authority. Lithuania as not exception. In my opinion, it is more similar to performance. Who will indemnify survived millions victims which to this day remain the most unprotected class? And in general, you look, that is created in the world. The ideology of nazis and communists is alive; having replaced a signboard, it continues to sow death in all regions of the world.

Take, for example, the Chechen Republic. I always repeat, that today's events in the Chechen Republic - it is yesterday's events in Lithuania (1940-1991). All occurs under the script written by one hand. And how at it looks "free Europe"? Whom will judge PACE? Stalin and Hitler? But whether from it it will be easier same Chechen To the refugees scattered worldwide to whom as not them, to know that the ideology is alive, and, besides, it pursues them even in Europe. I do not think, that starving more than month at a building of PACE S.Ibragimov will believe in fair court above the ideology destroying to this day his people.

- What in your opinion it is necessary to do to keep even the basic human values and senses in the world which how it seems, is more and more immersed in chaos?

- I am afraid, that the given process is already irreversible, and we anyhow should pass a way through ablution. The material world own hands has tired out itself in a trap, he became the hostage of own technical progress. Now on politicians does not depend completely anything, we live in epoch total globalization by a network principle. This principle does not provide independence, each member of this network web we depend from each other and may not work independently, in it and there is a basic vulnerability of the global - industrial world. The slightest failure in this internal network is capable to destroy all network entirely and then we are waited with chaos. You represent, to whom the immoral society may turn, not receiving a habitual material prosperity? I very precisely present it. And in general I think, it is done deliberately. The author of the new world order realizes all of weakness of the given project and consequently hastens to take under the control all society entirely.

- One author or a little? At me such sensation, that today the world correct uniform evil. In different forms it proves in various regions of the world, communication is simply obvious. Especially one tragical circuit toughening of war on Caucasus, presidential elections to USA and war to Iraq rushes to eyes - is event in Beslan. It not seems to you, what participants of these events, probably even necessarily, are actors of one performance put by one director? We shall recollect 2004. Bush obviously loses teledebate of Kerry in election campaign, here there are known events in Beslan, the American MASS-MEDIA exaggerate hearing about attempt of penetration of the Chechen insurgents to USA, and rating Bush as supporter of war instantly grows. And, at last, all becomes on the places. Bush becomes the president, and war in Iraq flashes with new force, Putin receives cards - balnsh and justifies the crimes on Caucasus. Also that it is typical, both presidents in the internal policy make a deep roll aside authoritative board. By the way, this roll is felt and in Europe.

- With Beslan, certainly, communication is not so rectilinear, though indirectly wars in the Chechen Republic and in Iraq inject each other. Bush, certainly, has not reached and, I dare to hope, never will reach such marasm as security officers in Russia have reached: the American society will not allow. But his many steps guard and cause alarm for destiny of democracy. Interception of telephone conversations without the sanction of court, confidential prisons in the countries of the East (even, until recently, in Uzbekistan!), "blessed" with "humanism"... Yes in general, these wars, vague, not clear... And the main thing, asserting the main values - in the East! - a prevalence of a material prosperity... Any ambiguity, an ambiguity, uncertainty in all... But, it is possible, so was and in XX century, it is simple much we did not see and did not know, as did not live in the open world? "Democracy - awful build, but the mankind did not invented anything better" (U.Cherchill''...

- What to do, in your opinion?

It is not necessary to invent a bicycle. Our way was registered millenia back and translated into all languages of the world. It is not given us to construct that contradicts a plan of the Founder. During all history, the mankind is at war among themselves, asserting ideals of freedom and validity, and never for this time has reflected what to achieve the treasured purpose similar methods still to nobody it was possible. Today us the next time want to force to come on a raker. Sweeping aside all constructive offers of the opponents, Putin and Bush nevertheless do not lose hope the next time to prove to the world that there is only a powerful variant of the decision of world problems. Here that also would be necessary to recollect ancient east wisdom: the Dragon to kill it is impossible - having killed a dragon, you become it.

- I too do not believe in universality of powerful methods, especially when the precise border between war and the world is erased, war becomes more and more amorphous, not clear, where original war and where it is bad worn-out show. But how to coexist the Dragon? Probably, we should reflect above your words on the Uniform Founder and about the responsibility for our small willage under the name Earth. In one interview it is impossible to solve all questions, and, I hope, we still shall meet you and with authors of your site.

 The conversation was conducted Californian journalist with Nadejda Banchik.

The reduced version of interview - in the largest Russian-speaking American newspaper "West - East" (

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