rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 12/9/2005 2:18 AM
Decmber, 9, 2005
Draft copy of the Slav - 3
What is happening in the soul of Russian, Ukrainian and the Byelorussian, having and loving their children when he watches video and looks at photo of the mutilated face of the Chechen girl killed by Russian "soldiers"? What then do you want to receive in reply, Great Russian, from her father, brother and sister?!
Having seen all this, the mind of any real man gets dim, the blood gets boiled and the burning desire to take a knife and to cut a throat of these "defenders of Russia" takes it shape.
These are words do not belong to Chechen, these words are mine, south Slavic. Children of all planet, children of real father and mother - are common children, it does not matter, who their parents are, Chechens or not.
Let's recollect film "Afghan break". I think, that it was not accidental that major Bandur was my fellow tribesman and knowingly got his back under a bullet of the Afghani boy when he saw what his group had done on the foreigner's ground.
So why do we, Slavs, repeat the same which we have already held up to shame and hatred?! Why do we allow to send us for murder of children?! What is it? Is it real that, the painful threshold of our human humanity is so drugged by a drug of pseudo-patriotism or something else, that we allow small group of criminals to control and send us as herd of rams, both to aim our hooks and shoot a head at absolutely innocent child through staring him in the eyes?
You, mothers and fathers of Russia how did you allow it? This war - is disgrace and the mutton of dullness, I do not know, what sort of words should I pick up! Tomorrow, the Russian soldier, some kind of politician-fascist will force you because of his "national interests of great Russia" to shoot at a head of the Ukrainian girl. But know, who sows a wind - stub a drill.
If you are not touched with sufferings of the innocent child, you are awaited by the death of the persecuted animal, though the animal is better than you.
Iskender, for CHECHENPRESS, 02.12.05