From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 10/30/2005 2:47 PM
October, 28, 2005
Strange types
The devil, as it is known, is hidding in details, and hypocrisy of modern international structures and politicians is hidding in formulations. If the United Nations, OSCE, the PASS, NA and others, on arms have the dictionary of terms which are used by them for a designation of the attitude to events in the world, these terms, most likely, are located in the following sequence:
- Attention, interest
- increased attention
- Steadfast attention
- Concern with
- anxiety
- Alarm
Certainly, it was possible to suspect, that in their arsenal should be some other terms but, these were only assumptions. As we were interested only by that concerned war in the Chechen Republic and on Caucasus it is the list of terms which we heared during 11 years for designation of the attitude of these structures and politicians to the genocide untied by Russia on Caucasus. But also these "anxieties" are always dosed strictly out on time and events.
For example, open capture and murder of 11 inhabitants of village Borozdinovskaja, with an arson of the houses, executed by the scenario of the Byelorussian Khatyn of times of the Second world war, has not received from them not only "indignation", but even some "anxiety" or "increased attention". However, as appeared, "watchers" have also other terms, and even emotions which are shown exclusively then, when aggressive actions of Russia receive the worthy answer. Events in Nalchik where mojaheds have carried out military operation, to which do not have claims even on so-called "international rights" and accepted in "free civilized world" rules of conducting operations did not become exception.
What happened with respectable misters, where is the endurance, what "anxiety" and "Concern", aim higher.
For example, the Russian propagation examples the application of the assistant to official representative of State Department of USA Edam Erly, who has told, that "American position in relation to acts of terrorism which are directed against innocent citizens and civilians, is known by all". A creditable attitude to acts of terrorism, but Erly's speech is not about criminal acts of the Russian invaders which eleven years are made against innocent citizens, but about events in Nalchik where the criminals have been forced to be responsible for crimes. If he counts the Russian power structures as "the innocent citizens", means, he justifies the crimes made by them in the Chechen Republic against really innocent citizens, and State Department in this case has enough real information. Unfortunately, he has not specified particularly, about what crimes he talks, and has finished with standard: "administration of USA continues to watch closely for situation".
While America "watched for situation", the European friends and partners of Putin have expressed more particularly.
The chairman of PASE, Rene van der Linder, not philosophizing crafty, has repeated the usual mantra about necessity of "tight coordination of the international actions in struggle with terrorism" which, by his firm belief, "does not have and can not have any excuse". Having excite himself with this introduction, Van der Linden has named military operation of fighters of the Caucasian front in Nalchik the "barbarian attack". "Those who has done it, are nothing but criminals", - in quick temper he has added. Probably, "civilized" can be named those attacks when nuclear powers bring down on heads of the peaceful population bombs, rockets and shells, transforming cities in road metal and destroying hundreds of thousands and millions of people. I wish Mr. Van der Linden to take pleasure of contemplation of one of similar "civilized attacks" directly from its epicentre.
According to the representative of the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "Great Britain was horrified by messages of brutal attack on Nalchik". Here you will be surprised, as, it appears, it is easy to horrify the Great Britain. "We are shocked by that there are human victims", - the impressionable diplomat has added, probably, for one instant having forgotten, that he makes comments not on street traffic in a rush hour, but war.
The secretary general of Council of Europe Valter Shvimer also horrified clasped hands and sobbed: "it is awful, it is a tragedy. It has no justification".
It appears, they have formulations, and they are alive people, even with emotions. Simply up to Nalchik they did not have chanse to show them. You see, murder of 250 thousand people is not an occasion for "horror" and "shock", here is possible to do without fleeting of "anxiety" what visits the pedestrian who has forgotten in cloudy weather to take with himself a umbrella. , These "Titans of policy" begin to feel "Horror" and "Shock", when peoples, who of "highest resolutons" it is offered to be uncomplaining victims of "civilized attacks", do not agree and find in themselves forces and courage to resist. Then these strange human specimen begin to hiss as Siamese cats and show to rebellious "barbarians" furious grimaces which, probably, consider very terrible.
However, no comments are necessary here. It is only necessary to express support to the political course of the President of Ichkerii Abdul-Halim Sadulaev and Caucasian mojaheds on expansion of front of struggle against the Russian invaders before full liberation of Caucasus.
Mansur Mazaev, Chechenpress, 28.10.05.