November, 29, 2005
Washington - Moscow: wars in exchange for... Democracy?
When in black September 1999 in Russia, as if on a fatal chain, houses with peacefully sleeping people were blown up, I remember, I was engulfed with a presentiment: they will start with "final decisions of Chechen question", and will finish "final decision of democratic question in Russia". But that time still the hope was glimmering: the West will not allow neither that, nor another. And that, what for the meaning of the life of the West after the Second World War was "cold war", what for reformer M.S.Gorbachev was enthusiastically met, what for so much hopes were submitted to the Soviet dissidents?
I remember, the candidate in presidents of USA George Bush-junior in 1999 - declared in pre-election debate 2000: "no cent to the Russian government, until it stops the Chechen massacre and returns to democratic reforms".
Nevertheless, after fatal September, 11 Bush so trusted in the president of Russia that he did not notice where his new "friend" was getting at. At first the leader of world democracy pretended, as if in "Evil Empire" the processes of democracy had been continuing, the genocide of all people - Chechens had not been conducted, the zone, subject to any legality, for freedom of criminality and for secret cultivation of "army" liars, executioners and murderers had not been created in the Chechen Republic. Such policy of Bush concerning the Chechen Republic still continues until now.
However, in parallel and synchronously though the destruction of the Chechen Republic there was a destruction of the best gains of the brief period of the Russian democracy. Mean murders of the purest souls of Russia, in the beginning of 90's still were not so often. But from Galina Starovojtovoj's murder, November, 20 1998, murders go in succession - and all those whom the authority felt the real unmasker of its crimes or the carrier of spirit of freedom, worthy of life for the majority, instead of for selected, the truth and honesty: Artem Borovik, Sergey Jushenkov, Victor Popkov, Nikolay Girenko, Jury ShChekochihin... non of their cases are opened.
They have begun with punishment above NTV - have finished with "clearing" of all information fields, except for two-three newspapers - They have begun with gradual exile of "international presence" («Peace Corps», «Salvation Army») - and finish with the destruction of an independent civil society, revival of "espionage activities", "kafkainsk" punishment above the only people from the Russian businessmen, taking care of not revetment of their own latrines by a marble and gold, not milliard yachts and not elite football clubs, but their Fatherland, - Michael Hodorkovsk; more and more impudent running on Fascist lines of Russia from top to bottom...
All this became possible owing to doubtful "friendship" of Bush and the European leaders with Putin! More precisely, - owing to haggling with successors of KGB "Iraq and business in exchange for the Chechen Republic and democracy in Russia".
... Five years ago in Russia the "orange" evolution still was possible, in the presence of significant support of democratic forces by the West it was possible to elect the greater democrat, than Putin. Now, it sees that, the historical moment is lost: in Russia, there did not remain any significant democrats - pretenders to presidential post.
But the West, including, unfortunately, even administration of Bush, goes further away, than simple "supply" of supports of shaky democratic forces of Russia.
Nobody can see the conclusions of the fact, that on the program "Oil in exchange for food" more than all have heated up their hands by high-ranking Russian businessmen and officials: Jirinovski, Primakov, Ziugaev, Ragozin, Voloshin... Do not convince Americans to reconsider the "friendship" with Purin and deliveries by Russia of nuclear technologies to Iran...
Political haggling with Putin, seems, has driven Bush even further. Who, for example, has prompted him phrases: "The one who is not with us, is with terrorists" (September 11 2001), "We will not recede up to a full victory above terrorists" (September 2005, in some days after impact Katrina!), "We help Iraq people to build democracy and freedom"? Do not these phrases remind us: "The one who is not with us, is against us" (V.I.Lenin), "The victory of socialisms at any cost, full and final" (I.V.Stalin), "On freedom - with pure conscience" (on a gate of the Siberian Stalin camps), "We help Afghani people to build happy life" (L.I.Brezhnev)?
Certainly, at all external similarity of slogans America - not Russia. America will not start to destroy whichever people completely, precisely to exterminate civilians of the country to whom struggle, throw in prisons without analysis and with tortures to extort the necessary indications, to block for the whole people vital prospects, to close MASS-MEDIA and NPO, to throw opponents for a lattice... And Iraq will not be transformed into a criminal zone - on the contrary, eventually, Americans will help Iraqi peopel to modernize the country and will open before it prospects of more favorable participation in the world trade and cooperation. The one, who doubts, let him have a look at Japan and Germany to which helped America to revive (it does not mean, that I justify Hiroshima! Evil deed of such scale against peaceful Japanese does not cease to be those even if it may be proved by military necessity. Under revival, I mean the help in restoration and modernizations of economy of Japan and Germany after the Second World War).
However, the way and the price with which they try to reach this purpose now, cause sharp objections.
Bush and his nearest environment have insisted to overthrow Saddam Husein through the military way, having rejected all arguments of opponents of such actions. Nobody, except for dictators (and among them - "friend" of V.V.Putin, up to last moment trying to screen Saddam, and at last moment with the help of mates having taken out from Bagdad the most valuable documents containing the facts of relation of Saddam's regime with Soviet, - and were only the archives taken out on the eve of intrusion?!), had and may not have other attitude to the executioner of Iraq people, than hatred. But is this basis enough for undoing the American - English political coalition (to which some countries of the East Europe have adjoined, it is obvious from political reasons, for it appeared before a choice of "orientation": USA or Russia) full-scale wars against sovereign Iraq? And accusations of Saddam that he has the elements of the weapon of mass destruction, most likely, were not groundless. Advisers of Bush have simply failed or have not found necessary more fundamentally to prove the reason, which has pushed America on "preventive impact". And in this deed Bush and Putin were reflected as though in a curve mirror to each other. Putin has decided, that the reason for war with Chechen people can be created, having organized acts of terrorism. Bush has decided, that it is possible not to prove at all the reason of war with Iraq, only it is enough to proclaim the "doctrine of anticipatory impact" and to specify on "worked out by Husein the weapon of mass destruction and his contacts with terrorists". Did somebody from his environment think about what kind of box of Pandor is opened by this unpersuasive step in other world?!
... Now, in 2 years after intrusion, when Iraq is covered with blasting war, in which have mixed up the regrouping true servants of Saddam's regime (as well as in Russia after overthrow of communism), and opponents of the American military presence, and bandits, - Bush does not have other approaches to the Iraq situation, than "ruthless destruction of terrorists"? But in Iraq each day the American militarians and tens peaceful Iraqi people are dying, and the end of this is not visible! Probaply, the president of USA should have listened to the American military analysts, the most explanatory prospecting analysts, to intellectuals; - they agree upon that the situation in Iraq is much more complex, than Bush represents it. Perhaps, if to limit military presence, having replaced with its expanded international humanitarian presence (like Bosnia, Kosovo, East Timor), would it appear more effectively? After all other opportunities have not been tried!
There are also other symptoms that Bush tries (freely or involuntarily) to adopt the most terrible experience of "Evil Empire". His command seriously puts on the agenda a question on legitimacy of tortures of prisoners, "suspected of terrorism" (i.e., prisoners of war), and at that on a stage of suspicion!!! And how it is possible to distinguish the data received from prisoners, - are they authentic or necessary testimonies achieved by tortures? And did the adherents of "severe measures" think about what resonance receives the similar approach inside USA, as well as abroad? How does it "promote" the attraction of Iraqi people on their side? And what will be with the moral right of America to struggle against infringements of human rights in other countries? And do not the similar methods give a food for assumptions: perhaps, the truth and reliability of actions of proceeding on terrorism are not necessary for authorities of USA, and the main thing - to report in capture of such number of terrorists? And, at last, the main thing: In the opinion of many analysts, war not only does not eliminate terrorisms, but even more hundredfold strengthens it!
The thing which eliminates or, at least, reduces a social base of terrorism, reduces interest in it, to advisers of the president of USA, it seems, long was known. It is a freedom of positive opportunities of realization of personality in a combination to a standard of living of the majority of people (middle class) "not below the human dignity". According to this, large-scale humanitarian measures, like the plan of Marshall, in the third world including in Iraq, should have prevailed over military measures immediately after overthrow of Saddam (military operations should have been used only after exhaustion of all other ways). However, the administration of USA has for some reason decided, particularly, in Afghanistan and in Iraq to operate frequently in an opposite direction. Is not it under the influence of "friend"?
And who has taught Bush not to react to million manifestations of protest of the American citizens? At last, neither the president, nor his environment never plainly has explained, what exactly they mean under "entire and a final victory above terrorism". After all in this war the American forces are resisted by the non-organized army, which leader might capitulate (or win - here in any war, 50:50!), and isolated, amorphous network structure, a certain international gang which anyhow may change the structure, appearance and leaders. By the way, the identification of terrorism is only from one of world religions, even at external use of its attributes and a formal belonging of the majority of terrorists to it, - in my opinion, only withdraws from essence of terrorism and limits its understanding. And Is not the white supremum a version of terrorism?
Anyway, the further lasts the Iraq war the more doubtful is "friendship" with the dictator of Russia, the stronger becomes the sense, that in any point of the Earth and at any moment of a day some of us, ordinary people, risks to be blown up. All this became possible because the present administration, seems, most successfully acquires the most important lesson of the "friend". Instead of operating, proceeding from a reality and quickly correcting a course according to promptly varying reality, Bush and his crew try, in spirit of the Russian governors, without comprehension of reality, to re-create the concept, and then to adjust a reality under it.
However, in Russia, everything, that is not located in the bed of Procrustes, - are destroying. And Americans never named a similar regime democratic. They name it "Empire of Evil" and do not make friends with it. How the democratic power America treats with that part of reality which is not located in the present American concept, is visible even on assurances of multiply repeatable officials about the "success in Iraq", and also about the "terrorism in Chechen Republic" and about "stability in Russia".
The next year Russia will preside in Big seven"
Nore Banchik, for CHECHENPRESS, 29.11.05