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Will touch the bird influenza to the Russian authority, which has hen brains?

posted by zaina19 on November, 2005 as ANALYSIS / OPINION

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/9/2005 3:40 AM

Will touch the bird influenza to the Russian authority, which has hen brains?

Everyday question to Kavkaz Center" from the Russian distant village:

- Will touch the bird influenza to the Russian authority, which has hen brains?

Antonina Moiseeva, Tomskaia province

- The authorities of the People's Republic of China categorically reject to accept laws about the cancellation of the capital punishment. The reason for this is simple - any execution brings into the office of the exchequer legendary profits. Each shot Chinese gives income into the sum more than 30 thousand dollars.

Since 1984, which designates beginning of "reconstruction, democratization and humanization" of Chinese society, in the "people republic" acts the law, which resolves to the practitioner of withdrawal and commercial use of different organs of prisoners, after bringing of sentence into the performance. According to instruction - application to the law, "the organs should be withdrawn directly on the spot for execution". Moreover, operation must occur "without the superfluous fuss", and to doctors it is prescribed to arrive in the place of "work", not on the medical, but in the usual machines, "in order not to draw attention".

The most claimed organs of those executed are heart, kidneys and corneas of the eyes, for transplantation of which the rich patients of clinics, who arrive from the different countries, are ready to pay enormous money. Thus, only for the transplantation of kidney they lay out sums from 40 thousand dollars and above.

Despite the fact that the executions in China are achieved almost daily, Chinese doctors complain about the shortage of donors, and they require an increase in the deliveries.

Is not in this connection, looking on its Communist neighbor, whose management recently became the nearest friend of the dictatorial regime of the Kremlin and the main user of Russian raw resources, Russian authorities accepted the law, according to which the bodies, the so-called "terrorists and their accomplices" do not reveal by native and close one? Not for that assumed Duma this law so that the relatives of those killed or tortured in the torture chambers, could not note the tracks of the produced operations on the withdrawal of organs? And not through friendly whether on the spirit China, whose presence in Russia, the points of the intersection of boundary and custom-house, actively "roof" by the governors of near-boundary regions, goes on the delivery of the withdrawn organs?

China has examined its neighbor – Russia as the raw source long ago. From the near-boundary regions with the active assistance of governors, mayors and other government officials, who work under the indefatigable control of greedy Kremlin gang, for a period of 17-18 years exports everything, which, in the opinion of Chinese side, can give high profits. And this is the interminable enumeration of all raw resources, including everything which can be transported and be processed.

From the near-boundary regions to the scrap metal is practically completely exported vessels, military and production equipment, by the direct flow goes forest, aluminum, gold, iron and copper ore. But now, after awarding by the group of Putin- Ivanov of the layers of company YUKOS, in wide railroad flow gushed out oil.

Against the background of total robbery, disintegration, impoverishment and desolation of near-boundary Russian regions, directly on the boundary, in sight, "to spite haughty neighbor", within these short times grew many-stored Chinese megapolises with the prospering population.

Chinese literally took over the near-boundary cities, which they already consider as own in their global strategy. Even on the sidewalk tiles, by which the Chinese lay out streets and areas of city, everywhere pressed the main slogan of the Chinese expansion: "this is our city"!

Under the guise of "cheap labor", in its majority, small productive, goes a constant delivery of Chinese. And this occurs with the mass unemployment of the indigenous population of Russian regions, which authority itself is examined as the "undesirable, dangerously explosive, revolutionary element", and it in every way possible contributes to its draining, extrusion and displacement.

The access of Chinese to the corrupted authorities of Russian near-boundary regions, which already have and which in every way possible develop its own business in the Podnebesn(Under sky), and therefore actively lobby the interests of "yellow side", as a rule, is unconfined and desirable. Indeed, if from credit output under any project, administration inquires beret from Russian owners 25%, then from the Chinese rate increases to 50%. It is not ingenious, that the Chinese, who arrive to Russia (often, not the best, poorest, having problems with the Chinese laws, spies and cheats), rapidly rise, and they become important "owners", who supply their country, to the money of Russian taxpayers.

For the cover of Chinese expansion, and averting of the possible dissatisfaction of population, authority of near-boundary regions from Irkutsk to Vladivostok actively develop "Caucasian track", fan anti-terrorist hysteria, they provoke the arbitrariness of "powers", which use under the local, infernal conditions for the coins, and they simultaneously contribute to the revelry of criminality (shady army and the support of Putin plow), to alcoholism and drug dependence of population. In the military parts, which are stationed in this region, in the law-enforcement systems, reigns sheerest brothel, with all its derivatives: from the envy, the intrigue, to the elimination of objectionable and murder.

Andrey Blagoveshchensky, The Far East – Transbaykal

Kavkaz Center

2005-11-05 18:17:59

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