From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/6/2005 3:35 AM
August, 4, 2005
We are written - we answer
The edition of the “Chechenpress” continues the publication of letters of our readers and answers to them.
"Where can I find the text of the interview to Basaev?"
Dear colleagues! Once again I ask for your help with information. It is a question about the opportunity to receive the text of the interview of S. Basaev to the American TV channel ABC from you. Could you tell me, where I can find it in the Internet? I would be very grateful.
Alexei, a journalist, Novosibirsk
From Chechenpress: Dear Alexei, we also try to have this interview through our representatives in the USA . We hope, it will be possible for us in the nearest future.
"They are obliged to apologize to the Chechens, living near the Terek!"
Assalam Alleikum, The Council of Chechen alims.
On the 26 th of July I read your application on the site "Chechenpress".
You wrote everything very well, but you made a great mistake, having emphasized, that Albert "terkho", "Digaev Albert is light, thickset, low, his mother was a Tatka, and father half-Jew – half-Avarian, according to other data – he was a Terkho".
You offended me very much, the honor of many Shahids, and pleased the same kafir special services, having divided the Chechen people (it is not slander). Think how many people will read it and by your fault will hate Chechens, who live near the river Terek. Your way, Terkho, Lamro, Myalhi and Martanhoi, etc. are peoples? We were named Terkho, Lamro, etc. by Russian special services to separate us from each other.
If you the people, really respecting yourself and your people, I ask you to apologize officially before the Chechens, living near the river Terek.
Laramtsa, Islam.
From the Chechenpress: We consider that Islam is right: it was not necessary to emphasize, from what region of the Chechen Republic the named subject was. Also Jews and Avarians, who will hardly be proud of their relationship with the specified man, have the same bases to be dissatisfied.
"You have made a mistake, wishing to stop evil"
The critic is fair, but you should take the moments about suicides, chastisers, etc. out of the article about Digaev (it is a bad example for others), and also take out the extract about Aushev – maybe, he does not even know about it. It is necessary to be very cautious with the Internet. Chechens do not have enough operational experience with a computer and they do not know, how those, who are guilty of the war exercise their wit and try to avoid the responsibility and to muffle the information voice of the Chechen Republic . With desire to stop one evil, you can make even greater one. If you think it is slander, why do you make it public, in fact, you do the same. It is not slander, but a mistake of sincere Chechens, who wished to stop evil. You should have corrected them.
From Chechenpress: The situation is very delicate, as that you suggest taking the main charge of the “Council of Chechen Alims” out of the text from the text. as we understood about Aushev, in the letter of alims it was emphasized, that the former president of Ingushetia managed to protect his fellow countrymen from Digaev's dirt. We hope, that the Chechen authorities and law enforcement bodies will manage to do the same.
Rams with mutton brains
We hear much, we see and we read about some mythical "Chechen terrorism”, but I, as a person, who has served in the Russian army, have a question: and what ideology did this army have? And the ideology was following: a soldier of the Soviet army should never surrender. A citizen of the USSR everywhere, irrespective of the location, should liquidate the enemy. And this ideology was not considered to be terrorism, or any other kind of “ism”. It was so, because it concerned Russia , but as soon as it concerned Chechens, at once they began to howl: "terrorism", "extremism", etc.
So, in fact, in the war against Hitlerism in Germany the Soviet people were engaged in terrorism according to the new terminology, but the world keeps silent about it. Or America has attacked Iraq under the pretext of that they struggle against the weapon of mass defeat; it was not a struggle against the weapon of mass defeat, but an aggression against a sovereign state. It seems to me, that there should be parity for balance in the world in everything, including the ideological parity.
Why the world is sure, that an Islamic state can make a nuclear attack, though there are Islamic states, which have it? If the world community supports peace in the world, first of all, there should be a Nuremberg process against America for Vietnam , Hiroshima and Nagasaki , against Russia - for GULAG and Afghanistan and deportation of many peoples.
Now let's look, with what weapon are these so-called terrorists at war: worldwide, where there is a war, in hands of terrorists there are Kalashnikov's machine guns or an American rifle M16. At once there is a question: how do these people get this weapon? Or there is one more question: why does the world struggle against the weapon of mass defeat, which will be applied by nobody (if not for Russia or the USA ), instead of against Kalashnikov's machine guns and M16, which take away so many lives now? And at the same time you think that the terrorism is generated by manufacturers of this weapon in order to operate and manipulate the weaker states more easily. It seems to me, that all international and public organizations should demand or organize courts first of all against "great powers" for the crimes committed and being committed by them.
It would be desirable also to note the crimes of the Chechen puppets which, having betrayed the people and having hidden themselves behind the back of invaders, make excesses and commit crimes against people. I do not even know how to name them, because I have got only one feeling for them - contempt. I am sure, that the Russian party also has the same contempt to them: because having betrayed once, they will betray another three times more.
Sometimes, reading Russian newspapers, I burst with laughter. There is a lot of staaf for Zadornov in them. First, when all members of the so-called "government of the Chechen Republic ": Alhanov, Kadyrov and other fools begin to speak, you are surprised, what “rich” Russian they speak! Their speech is a continuous meeee…….. beeeeeee…… Just like some rams!
And they cannot understand with their mutton brains, that, awarding them with crosses, their Russian owners laugh at them, and hint to theirs: look at this worthless things, they are ready to accept not only a crass, but adopt any religion for authority. I was especially intrigued, when in Znamenskoe they liquidated a militia gang. The Russian TV shows the president from the furniture factory and says: everything is controlled. And there is a sociological interrogation on their site (chechenfrei):
Do you trust?
1. The president - 7 %
2. The government - 0 %
3. Elders - 3 %
4. Law enforcement bodies - 4 %
5. Nobody - 71 %
And now judge, how they control.
From “Chechenpress” : There is nothing surprising: this is the nature of this crowd. Everyone remembers, how "the nationally elected head of the Chechen Republi" Zavgaev, nicknamed "stewardess" among people, sitting in August, 1996, in some fired by Chechen fighters Hankala bunker, assured Russian TV viewers, that he “controlled everything in the Chechen Republic". Furniture "president" Alhanov controls the Chechen Republic no more than a stool, made at the factory "Terek", behind the concrete walls of which, covered with thousand invaders, he hides from the people, who have "unanimously elected" him.
"How can I join the Chechen Resistance?"
Mudzhahids of the CRI have repeatedly called to join the Resistance, but how can it be done? I, and many Muslims, do not know, and nobody tells us, how? Where? When? I understand, this is because of conspiracy, but anyway, how is it possible to join mudzhahids? I have repeatedly asked you, whether there are representations of the ChRI in Baku , yours, of the site "Caucasus-center", or anything else? Answer, please. Publish the answer on your site or send to my e-mail.
From Chechenpress : Dear Kamal, for the last days we have really received some letters from you with such questions. We answer: the official representation of the ChRI in Baku was cancelled by the Azerbaijan authorities because of the demand of Moscow after the known events in the "Northeast" in the autumn of 2002. We do not know, whether there is a representation of the news agency "Caucasus-center" in Baku: it is better for you to ask them about it. Our agency does not have a representation in Baku, but there are voluntary correspondents, including Azerbaijanis, who sometimes supply us with news. Naturally, we can not tell you the names and e-mails of these people. And the Chechen news agencies are not engaged in transferring of mojaheds to the Chechen Republic, therefore we hardly can help you with your noble intention (the Most High will repay everyone, who sincerely empathizes our struggle!)
"It is bad, that they carry out ceremonies with you"
I am a Dagestanian, and I completely support the actions of the Russian authorities. The only thing is bad, that they carry out ceremonies with you, but you, Ichkeria's pigs, must be shot ruthlessly and pressed, like smelly cockroaches from a railway toilet, which you really are.
Kazbek Aliev,
From Chechenpress : Judging by your bright metaphors, Kazbek Aliev, you, possibly, have some adjacent trade between a mechanic-sanitary technician and a zoologist-zolotar. We explain that "zolotar" has a rather remote attitude to gold, which for such morons as you are, really consists in silence. We suggest you to enjoy the miasmas of Putin's water drains further and not to distract us from work with your lackey letters.
"Success to you and prosperity!”
Dear brothers... I have your severe instructions to the authors. I offer this immediately:
To correct the grammatical mistake in the phrase: "1.The edition of the agency has the right for the publication of your letters and materials at own discretion with possible updating of spelling and graMatical mistakes, which do not change the general sense of the publications".
And it is better to take out this prevention at all, if you can not correct your own mistakes... What preventive impacts on vanity of potential authors? The opportunity of fine editing is standard, if only you really do not change the sense.
After this I stretch a hand of peace and friendship to you: I consider your site to be the best one among all Chechen and pro-Chechen sites. I love more only KVestnik. Org of Mairbek Taramov, but this an edition of absolutely another character, it is not a competitor for you. It is better with that it respects all those, who write to it and answers all letters: in fact, sending an article or simply greetings to a site, you always remain in uncertainty: has it reached, or has not (and, on the contrary, has it got to the Federal agency of government on communication and information)?
Success to you and prosperity for your and our blessing! I wish the employees stability of organism and stability of soul.
Hitler kaput!
Michael Filinov
From “Chechenpress” : It has really, turned out to be funny. It is like that publisher of XIX century, who placed an announcement in a newspaper, that his publishing house undertook not to make any grammatical mistake in published books, but in the most this short newspaper announcement he managed to make several such ones. For our answers to your letters, here there is a proof to you, that we answer, nevertheless, but for some objective reasons, we have an opportunity to do it not every day, but only once a week. We shall take your offer into consideration. We were very glad to get acquainted with you.
No pasaran!
Chechenpress, 04.08.05.