From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 7/29/2005 3:22 AM
Jule, 26, 2005
Some facts from the biography of Taus Jabrailov
Sahlam alleikum, dear brothers from Marsho. The constant visitor of your site is writing to you. One of these days I read an article about Ljuba Bashanova and was pleasantly surprised, that you have printed this article. Many thanks to you that you have written the truth about the swindler and the agent of FSB. I am trying to add to your article the additional information available for me.
Approximately in the beginning of 1992 in Nalchik I got acquainted with Taus Jabrailov and his wife Ljuba Bashanova. I was working at that time in a bank as the supply manager, and the banker Kabardinian Ashurov A. and was on friendly terms with Chechens very much. Subsequently, Ashurov was arrested and jabrailov Taus which was involved in the criminal liability was detained after him . Soon was arrested his wife Ljuba Bashanova as well for the use of false letter of advice.
While Jabrailov Taus was sitting in an investigatory isolator, his spouse Ljuba Bashanova was noticed in the company of officials of FSK And the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. After the expiration of imprisonment in SIZO Jabrailov T., was released from prison and settled down in his region on AGS, selling the gasoline to the local residents.
But it was only covering, since he actually imported mineral oil into Kabardino-Balkariya, realizing them through the employees of FSK. I on several occasions was with him at home, had made friends with the host and his family.
Approximately at the end of 1993 Ljuba Bashkanova was engaged in monetary indemnifications allocated by Russia for the inhabitants which were subjecteds to repression. She used to fetch documents and directly at my home prepared them. She had also different stamps, seales and forms with. At that time Ljuba Bashanova received monetary indemnifications for thousand families of the Chechen refugees, whereupon she accurately shared this money with employees of FSK and Ministry of Internal Affairs KBR.
The husband and the wife were proud of family relationship with national-traitor Gantamirov, declaring us, that all of them are able to determine everything in the Chechen Republic . When in 1993 in Grozno happened armed conflicts, I thought Gantamirov was smashed up, Jabrailov A'. and Baskhanova Ljuba came to me.
During the whole evenings they had been communicated with representatives of FSK from me, transferring them some important documents. Afterwards disappeared Jabrailov Taus, and his wife began to live in Nalchik , leaving frequently for the Chechen Republic . Soon, "moslem" Ljuba started to come to have shashlik with Russian employees of FSK, frequently returning therefrom drunk.
After the first Rassian-Chechen war I went to Jabrailovs to the Chechen Republic and neighbours told me, that they were living in Moscow . Approximately in 1997 Ljuba Baskanova again arrived in Nalchik , having stayed the whole week at us and when she left, she stole gold things of my wife. As I found then the telephone number of Jabrailov Taus, I called him, having demanded to return the stolen gold products immediately. in response to, Jabrailov A'. was compelled to return the stolen things.
When the information appeared that Ljuba Baskhanova was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Peace I got shocked with this news, asking myself how it is possible to put forward such a dirty swindler on this important premium.
Now I know, that married couple Jabrailov Taus and Ljuba are working in a puppet government of the Chechen Republic Today, unfortunately, it is their day. But I am sure, that in the near future everything will be change and glorious sons of Chechen people will take an authority in their hands. I am sure as well and exactly know, that Chechen Mojaheds will soon throw out Russian invaders not only from the Chechen Republic, but also from all Northern Caucasus, my grandfather used to tell about it in due time who was mullah, in 1965. I am sure, that Jabrailov T and Baskhanova L are not Chechens and Allah will judge them.
I have written as I could, but from the heart and the naked truth.
Rasulov Mohammed, Nalchik,, 26.07.05.