From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 7/3/2005 3:07 AM
June, 29, 2005
"The primordial Russian lands…"
The content of one of the Russian directories of cities and countries is rather characteristic. We read the letter "G":
"Gorbatov, a city in the Nizhniy Novgorod region…"
" Gorodishche , a city in the Penza region…"
"Gorohovets, a city in the Vladimir region…"
"Groznyy, a Russian city in the Northern Caucasus on the Chechen plain…"
The constantly repeated reminder about Djohar (Groznyy) as about a Russian city in Russian sources and with lips of the Russian representatives is like a spell, which is giving out uncertainty in correctness of the authors and instigators of this myth. When zombied with the official propagation Russians are said, that "primordially Russian city Groznyy" was built on the site of Chechen villages burnt by Russians, and listed the names of these villages, they usually close their ears with fingers and turn on another spell: "The Chechen Republic is a primordial part of Russia ".
It is senseless to argue about “primordiality” of the territories, on which there is a war for destruction. Especially, when it is a question of dispute with Russians. The countries adjoining Russia , have acquired well, in what cases their territories can turn out to be "primordially Russian" and in what not. And not only in the historical retrospective show, but also by the examples of the last years.
For example, such disputes do not threaten China . No one primordial Russian patriot has blathered about the Russian territories transferred to Peking . Unlike the XIX century, in XX century Russia does not have any desire to remember about Poland as about a primordially Russian land. Hardly later, Finland forced the Russian politicians and historians to reconsider their opinion about “primordiality”. Today the scope is not the same any more, on the one hand it is necessary to give hundreds kilometers to China, on the other hand, the Moscow governor should have skirmishes with a former colony because of some area of a donkey's ears size.
However, it is a special case with the Chechen Republic . At first sight, no Russian historian will challenge, that the territory of the Chechen Republic during centuries was conquered under the slogan: "to subdue and to destroy the rebellious". There are conclusive documentary proves to that. Today the war on Caucasus proceeds under the same slogan and with the same methods.
If to try to imagine the situation, when the weapon is put aside and the right of people for their land is discussed at the negotiating table, the Russian party will not have enough arguments even for 5 minutes of negotiations in claims for the Chechen territory.
Certainly, it is possible to object to such an approach. We live in XXI century and, it is useless to solve present contradictions taking for the basis the realities of XIX or XVI centuries, when Russians appeared in the Caucasus for the first time.
Let's then approach this question differently. After the next occupation of the Chechen Republic , already by communists, Chechens lived on the occupied territory for 70 years, excepting the period of deportation. Someone continued the resistance and armed struggle, disagreeing with the occupation. Someone, in spite of the fact that he had the legitimate right to lead such a struggle, accepted the game rules under the name "the Constitution of the USSR ".
Chechens, restoring independence in 1991, observed such a formality, as the Constitution of the state of the invader. The Declaration of independence was carried out in full conformity with the laws of then the USSR . Further, after the governors of the USSR had disbanded the state, the Chechen Republic did not sign, unlike other republics, the federal contract with Russia and was included in the constitution unilaterally by the Russian governors.
This theme already happened on the summons of negotiations in the Kremlin between Presidents Zelimhan Yandarbiev and Yeltsin. And then 5 minutes were enough for the Chechen party so that Russians, except for Yeltsin's low and presence of occupational armies, did not have any other arguments in favor of the claims for the Chechen territory.
Every year of the proceeding war, the dynamics of the operations with their distribution behind the boarders of the Chechen Republic , testify to that the time of stay of the decrepit Russian empire in the Caucasus comes to the end.
When there is a war, the dispute on the right is removed to the background. Chechens understand their right for their land and defend it. The Russians, coming to the Caucasus in the role of gun meat or with the purpose to earn additionally on robberies and marauding, just need myths about “primordiality”.
The war will end, and all these myths and spells will have not greater value, than Yeltsin's low in 1996.
Sirazhdin Sattaev, "Caucasus-center", 29.06.05.