From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 7/14/2005 2:37 AM
Jule, 14, 2005
The Dismembered People of Russia
The method of treatment by means of embryos of unborn children is created. At once there is a question: why of unborn and why children? We shall name it easier - cannibalism, as, as a matter of fact, it is possible to pound the body of the born child, and to use it for reproduction of the cells. It is more than that: if to think, there is no basic difference, whether to pound it and to enter then in the form of an injection into a direct muscle of the stomach, or, excuse me, naturally TO EAT. In any case the effect will be the same.
For this reason I name this method of treatment to be a legalized cannibalism. It does not matter, whom we are going to eat – an unborn creature, a born child or even an adult person, sense the same.
In this article I wish to consider this method from another point of view. Obviously, we have approached the moment, when people begin to use other people for reproduction. As a matter of fact, it is PRIVATIZATION of a PERSON. We have approached the moment, when people have begun to privatize not only lifeless objects, but also the life of their fellow citizens. I think, any gangster, killing another one and looking at his corpse, thought: and what I shall do with this meat? Really: the meat goes to waste! And how many abortions are there? Again meat goes to waste. There is one way out: to use the meat.
Generally, cannibalism is known since the most ancient times, but there was no such occasion to use another's cells for restoration of your own. Today they have begun to kill much and there are especially many unborn children. It is necessary either to throw them out in a garbage hole or to eat them. You will say that I am speaking some bosh, but look, how rationally a person uses waste: the water drains, for example. Why is it inadmissible to use rationally cells of the lost people? There are millions of them! I shall emphasize that earlier not so many people were lost, as now. We can create it is cities of the dead! The quantity of the thrown out embryos - in view of the amplified sexual life – is too huge.
It is more than that: the increased quantity of people on the planet can also become an occasion for cannibalism. The matter is not that there is not enough food for this population - the matter is that any increased population can begin to use itself as a subsidiary material for increase of the life of the few. For the sake of creation of new species.
Certainly, I speak not only about cannibalism literally (though also this cannibalism can become soon a very actual problem for our society). As it is known, any serious technology, especially concerning reproductions of a person, gets a kind of the SOCIAL TECHNOLOGY. Whether our whole society does not remind an old and sick person, who needs to restore his old cells by use of the young and healthy ones?
We shall look at our army. As it is known, it is a monstrous collective organization devouring millions of healthy young men. Many of them perish not at war, but in barracks, from hands of officers and “old” soldiers. Many of them go mad. Many of them desert, and then they are searched for as criminals. As a matter of fact, it is a kind of a form of the serfdom.
If to think, it has no attitude to "protection of the Native land". The modern army of Russia is not so much military, as much an administrative organization, in which only 20 % of divisions are able to be at war. The other 80 % is a continuous juice squeezer, the purpose of which is to dismember young men and to reproduce its own organism with them. All of us are forced to participate in some strange sacrifice! Some monster chooses young and healthy people to squeeze all juices out of them and to throw them out back in the form of invalids, psychopaths or – (it is even worse than that) in a zinc coffin. If it is not cannibalism, then what is it?
By the way, also other strata of our society are reproduced in the same way: for example, the caste of criminals. The caste of cops. The caste of officials. Whether all these castes are not ORGANS of any social organism? And whether this organism (name it, as you like: a country, a state, the Native land) does not generate from century to century with use of the cells of the youth, like any immortal monster?
I do not know about you, but sometimes it is a shame to me to look at modern youth: many of them could become scientists, thinkers, but they have been transformed into some herd of cops, into soldier of internal armies, into young and haughty officials. But it still at the best, because in the worst case they are transformed into criminals, into the soldier of deserters' battalions, into addicts, into drunkards, and into dead alive people.
They say that we do not have slavery. There is! We make free-of-charge slaves of our own people.
Our army is slavery, compulsory slavery. Our prison, where they send everybody successively is also slavery. As a matter of fact, it is the same system as GULAG, of compulsory forced labor, about which Solzhenitsyn does not write, for some reason. He is silent, son of a bitch, as if he has his mouth full of water! 90 % of the youth go through our army now, and many of them come back home gray-haired. Huge shovels periodically take away people to prisons and corrective establishments, like a snow-removing machine. And there is forced labor there!
When you look at this generation, you understand – there will be no death of Russia-mother. It reproduces itself of any handy material. Whether it is not the same cannibalism?! Whether hundred thousand souls are not grinded in millstones and our state does not let its sick organs grow from them?
Look, how decrepit the Soviet militia was, and how it has been sated with the youth! How decrepit our army was, and now it is updated. In old armies of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs now young well-cared oprichniks serve. And it is the same everywhere. Girls-students turn to teachers, and shout at schoolboys, though they have not forgotten yet, how they were shouted at the Soviet schools. The state despotism reproduces itself from a handy material.
As you can see, cannibalism has some dimensions. Obviously, now we have reached the moment, when people begin to privatize each other, if there is an opportunity of prolongation of your life due to associates. In our country a kidney costs five thousand dollars, but a human life casts nothing. Proceeding from this paradox, it is possible to assume, what can expect us in the future. Unfortunately, the history always goes according to the most trivial scripts: first they seem to be mad, and nobody pays attention to them, and then they become reality. If to think, our human body is the only thing, which is not privatized yet.
There are a lot of inutile people, who are carriers of "alive riches" - cells, organs, donor blood. Each of them is walking five thousand dollars. And if to use a person rationally, then even hundred thousand. (I, certainly, speak now not from my point of view, but from the position of potential "privatizers"). It means that they will begin TO USE them early.
They will begin to use will all people, who cannot find occupation for themselves. Their children, their women, who will be transformed into "suppliers of embryos". Their men, from whom they will begin to take cells. As a matter of fact, we go to the society of dismembered people.
But there can be also another kind of dismembering, besides this one: through specialization of life, through creation of "a caste of professionals", when they will bring up special types of people from children, preparing them for the future trade, as a matter of fact, scratching out soul from them. It is known, in fact, that such a specialization has already been realized: for example, in the Soviet children's homes future soldiers of internal armies "were grown up", who were distinctive with special cruelty. Gangster "brigades" were made of the youth of small cities. According to similar scheme some sports clubs worked. (If to think, the whole youth of the 80-90th, with their overabundance of forces and healthy cells, was specially grown up for fulfillment of certain actions and social specialization). We shall take another example: creation of a caste of “limiters” from the provincials, coming to the capital, and many Muscovites, including representatives of the creative trades, make slaves for themselves of girls-provincials!
The cases are known, when mentally backward children were used as natural meat for transplantology operations or even for the same fetal treatments (speaking easier - for GRINDING - as a donor material for patients, who wish to restore their cells due to these unfortunate kids). There are no any reasons, by the way, that in due course this practice will not concern also healthy children.
Actually all this is not nonsense, but already a practice. The matter is that the elite of the people WISHING TO LIVE FOR A LONG TIME is formed. They have everything: riches, position, and authority. They do not have only one thing: health. For their whole life these people were seeking for this position, and, having reached it, they have found themselves old and sick. Remember Andropov, who reached authority in 1983, but in a year died because of a sick kidney. Whether he could consider it to be fair? And, in fact, sometimes the premature and sudden death of the head can cause failure in the administrative apparatus of the state. (By the way, Yury Luzhkov, having, as it is known, too suspicious health at his elderly age, once tried to state these ideas.
In a word if we have “immortal monsters", they will find a way to justify the prolongation of their lives due to others' ones. Partly there will be, certainly, "sensible judgments" in their logic: they will say that the youth, coming to life, mercilessly superseding old men, quite often not only does not update a society, but pushes to the way of chaos. The youth is a nursery of animal forms of life. It should not dominate in the country, and there should not be too much of it.
One more problem is connected with it - an overabundance of people on the planet.
All ways of duplication are opened for the Mankind, but what is the result? The planet is overpopulated, people, like cockroaches, potter about in huge cities, are alien to each other, there is no necessary distance between them and they are not able to love and to see really each other. By virtue of it a person also becomes shallow. The quantity of people leads to degradation of a person. They make collective organizations of people, in which a human person is erased even more. That is, a person becomes a victim of his own overpopulation on the planet. Also some other creatures are born under the guise of people, and we also see it every year. That is the cult of a person as a collective mankind leads eventually to degradation and destruction of a person.
There is only one way out, the potential “immortal monsters” will say - not to multiply millions of people, but to give an opportunity to the selected to live on the Earth. To two-three tens millions taken place of realized people settled on the planet in regular intervals.
But, as it often happens in history, from one extreme measure they will use another one.
Gradually “immortal monsters” will close road to the birth completely, will establish fascist system of selection, will eat babies. Among them the competition will inevitably begin and everything can end with that they will exterminate each other. Thus a huge number of souls cannot be installed in human bodies. The right for life will be put under an interdiction. In the administrative sphere the few will reign from century to century, but during centuries their defects will collect and gradually they will turn into real monsters. And, the more they will come nearer to natural death, the greater horror before it they will feel, and it means - they will eat the youth with the double force to live a little more.
This is what will be, if we open the way for cannibals.
In the end I shall notice, that cannibalism is already an extended enough phenomenon in our life.
It includes not only practice of transplantology and fetal treatments (that is, a change of organs or appropriation of other's cells taken from a germ), but also, so to say, a NATURAL cannibalism. I have heard about one rich girl from the elite environment, who wanted to try human meat. (Simply so, as a delicacy; however, it will more precisely to say, as a food additive. The matter is that human meat is very rough reminding of horse meat; therefore it is very difficult to regale it. But there is a huge inflow of forces from eating of a person and especially of cheap compatriots.)
Well, what is to add here? Certainly, this girl, who has wished to try her neighbor for five hundred dollars, should appeal to a psychiatrist.
Cannibalism - in its most different displays - is not a myth. There are people eating us; drinking our blood. They are among us, we communicate with them, and we see some of them even on TV.
All of them have suspiciously healthy and vigorous look and some inhuman shine in their eyes. Certainly, they have killed nobody themselves.
Others do.
Andrei Novikov, an independent analyst, for Chechenpress, 14.07.05