Jule, 19, 2005
A Chechen Village near Vilnius
First of all, I would like to be understood correctly: the ecumenical community, on behalf of which I speak, has no agreements with the organizations and persons, pursuing latent purposes. Not with the so-called world “behind the scenes”, not with religious figures, including the council of Churches under the aegis of which there is an ecumenical movement. Ecumenism is only our personal belief. And it means that we do not approve any religious extremism.
On this basis we offer cooperation, that is, the realization of the in common developed programs. Taking into account the difficult situation in the Chechen Republic and also the problems of Chechen refugees abroad, we, first of all, also try to involve all Chechen Diasporas of Europe into cooperation.
The offer on creation of a Chechen village in a suburb of Vilnius could become one of the first tasks. Some work has already been done in this direction, that is, there is a site for building, where it would be possible to build 10-15 houses. The first, the problem of employment will be solved. The second, in a certain period of time it would be possible to raise the question about part-time farms and opening of own manufacture; the areas for this purpose already exist.
Not all Chechens want to be doomed on a soup and a bed in exchange for social inactivity. For this reason they draw attention to the question that the European Union would not corrupt them with tips , and would make them full and free citizens of Europe , in particular, would help them to settle in Lithuania . For this purpose single and target help is necessary. Further Chechens would be able not only to survive due to their own work, but also to help their fellow countrymen.
I emphasize, that it is important to do all this within in the frameworks of the ecumenical movement, only in this case it is possible to expect for the aid of representatives of other faiths. The comprehension of the purpose and understanding of that much can be achieved only in a community is necessary. Certainly, at full preservation of the national originality and religion.
The Chairman of the community " Oicumena"
Victor Morshchinin
Chechenpress , the Department of letters, 18.07.05.
From the edition “Chechenpress” : The Chechen community is registered in Lithuania and the site of the Independent group of support of the Chechen Republic Ichkeria “ Lithuania - Chechen Republic ” is open. It is possible to read the materials of the site to the address: http://www.lithuania.marsho.net/
Chechenpress , the Department of letters, 19.07.05.