From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 7/29/2005 3:11 AM
Jule, 24, 2005
The strange proceedings have been going on in our elites since last month. Strange words have been pronounced. Strange feelings cause these proceedings and words - by articulating their ideas Russian VIP-officials and attached experts are to be reassured, encouraged and calmed somehow.
Vladislav Surkov recently published on a site of "Freedom" of speech complained of fatherland: It is terrible, begining from its population and ending up with politics, to give people civil rights, " we are afraid ". Vladimir Putin at the yesterday's meeting with protectors of rights tensely listened to the music of revolution which is ordered and paid in the foreign centres, and what about the chief of FSB Patrushev had reported even earlier. Kremlin's political technician Pavlovsk, having made comments on these different kinds of fresh news, sympathized with the American tax-payer. In his opinion, the money allocated in this year with the Congress of USA for the support of our democracy, will be plundered - firstly in America , and then in Russia .
It is sad to listen to all this. Even somehow you sympathize these high-ranking victims in their own tragical unbelief. More optimism, gentlemen!
Not so terrible is , our Russia . Most probably it is unlucky. Along the centuries leaders have not had any success in their native land : sometimes executioners drop out , sometimes reformers - with an axe, sometimes the voluntarist, sometimes the idler, and recently the security officer has dropped out.If only somehow to understand with this question if not to dump all problems on " poor and difficult " inhabitants, if gradually and patiently to train in its rules of civilized behaviour, instead of to spread wildness, contempt for the right and other pre-election terrorism int that case it will not be so terrible, and people will regain consciousness from the inspired horrors.We will succeed in everything, Vladislav Jur'evich, providing that we work fairly and selflessly, not showing a great interest in desperate masochism.We will see, when we take a look from a different angle.
Now you, Vladimir Vladimirovich. " Let us we decide our internal political problems on our own , we are not in a primitive society ", - you said yesterday, addressing to chosen representatives of the public. Let's not do that. Since, only in a primitive society people live, without suspecting about the existence of far transatlantic tribes. In a nonprimitive society citizens and authority submit to the laws of remedial globalization.To speak simplier, civilized neighbours on a planet always interfere with another's internal affairs if these internal affairs do not correspond to the generally accepted standards or even smell slightly of cannibalism. And if you with your kids, contrary to the law, blow up the whole region with the war , take away private MASS-MEDIA from people and from owners ,saw the another's property and judge innocent people, because the direct duty of the civilized world is to indicate you upon your crimes which are worse than mistakes.
I would like to underline: The civilized world, the same America obviously does not cope with its duty by allocating the outrageously small amount of money to the support of nonviolent resistance to your regime. Only about 43,4 million dollars are allocated on development of democracy - It is 2 million less, than it was in financial year,2004 ... The history will strictly make the responsible president Bush and congressmen of USA who too softly talk to you and too stingy they are to provide with the help of your halfly-choked, citizens. And if all this sounds not clear I shall bring an example disgusting, but more accessible for you. With a view of therapeutic, I will remind of citizen Lenine, which took money from the German Joint Staff and had created the state of which you, today, are proud very much. And even you are trying to reconstitue in the mind and under drawings.
At last, I'll calm also you, Gleb Olegovich. The money spent to Russia by the American tax-payers and by the nongovernmental western funds, will reach to destination as reached and benefitted before. They won't be stolen, as they were not - before. It is not necessary to confuse "Memorial" and others Russian protectors of law to those our compatriots who so successfully mastered Kremlin dollars in Ukraine . You have plundered them there together with colleague Markov, have spent up to last cent on dioxine or still on somewhat - I do not know. I believe, however, that in Russia this money would have been more useful and for absolutely other purposes. Even that the native Land of ours and multinational people of the wildness would not frighten your kind, familiar Surkov.
" no single respectful state does not permit to do so, and we will not do not either ", - you believe, Vladimir Vladimirovich, meaning humanitarian remedial help of the West of Russia. You are mistaken twice. Firstly, law protector organizations basing somewhere in America , work worldwide,involving the respectful European countries. Secondly, they operate so that, nobody asks what they are doinf, so you will be asked either .
Ilia Milshtein, Grani.Ru, 24.07.05