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The Russian propagation as the diagnosis to the society

posted by zaina19 on June, 2005 as ANALYSIS / OPINION

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/20/2005 4:00 PM
June, 21, 2005

The Russian propagation as the diagnosis to the society


We are witnesses of that Chechen fighters are named "terrorists" and "gangsters" in the Russian mass-media. It is quite clear even without deep digressions into human psychology that the named terms are not simply "abuse", but a well thought over and purposefully applied propaganda weapon of the Kremlin. The term "terrorists" used by the Russian propagation against fighters of the Chechen Resistance, is called to inspire assurance at the Russian and especially the western public, that Chechens battle not for releasing of their country from the occupation, but they are one of "the fighting branches" of the mythical in many respects "center of the Islamic terrorism", known as “Al-Qaeda”.

In the European and American mass-media they write about the "world net" of “Al-Qaeda”, that its main "political problem" consists in total destruction of the whole Western (Christian) civilization. It is quite natural, that the educated part of the American or European societies can have a question: what for, from what ideological reasons do "Islamic terrorists" wish to destroy the Western civilization? The propagation answers them: because "Islamic terrorists" stand up for revival of "the early, medieval Islam", in which all "heterodoxies", "non-Moslems" were declared to be the deadly enemies of Moslems, and were subjected either to violent adoption of the Islam, or to liquidation.

Certainly, there are such people among the educated people of the West, who even after such an explanation continue to ask questions. They ask: how can we believe, that "Islamic terrorists", supporting the revival of "the medieval Islam", concern the western civilization so irreconcilably hostilely, if during the epoch of the Middle Ages Moslems and their governors concerned Christians quite peacefully? Historians from the western countries can remember, how Christian scientists, who made the pride of the reviving European science, studied at Muslim universities; how in the territories of the Islamic countries Christian churches and Jewish synagogues functioned without any fears and prosecutions; how tens thousands of European peasants voluntary moved to the Ottoman empire, attracted by incomparably lower tax laws. In fact, if the modern "Islamic terrorists" wish to revive such a "medieval Islam", it can not threaten the "Christian” ("western") civilization".

The western propagandists also have an answer to this objection. They declare, that the modern "Islamic terrorists" wish to destroy the western civilization "because of envy of the rich life in the West", as "the inhabitants of the backward Muslim East" envy the inhabitants of the West. It is a very simple and very much understandable explanation, but, nevertheless, one fact remains inexplicable: how, for example, inhabitants of superrich Saudi Arabia, who, according to the "authentic data" of the numerous western and Israeli investigations, make the “skeleton” of “Al-Qaeda”, have turned out to be among these "envious people". And the statement that the riches of a New York clerk or a Parisian housewife are "envied" by billionaire Osama bin Laden, the virtual leader of the virtual “Al-Qaeda” does not cause much trust.

But, anyway, the Russian propagation considers it to be its main political problem to connect the Chechen Resistance to "the international Islamic terrorists", to these "envious people" and "haters" of the West. It is understandable, why. For the public of the western countries, who is frightened by their propagation with the "Islamic terrorism", not to oppose the genocide arranged by Putin in the Chechen Republic and not to consider the Chechen fighters to be the "fighters for freedom". And for the leaders of the western countries, informed about the real situation much more and better, than their electorate, to be able even further "with pure conscience" support the positions of the alchemical pragmatism, transforming the Chechen blood into "oil", continuously running to them by Russian oil pipelines.

We shall consider now the term "gangsterism", applied by the Russian propagation to the Chechen Resistance in parallel with the term "terrorism", and, unlike the latter, mainly used for "internal consumption". If "terrorists" including "international" ones, still can be considered to be carriers of certain political ideas, "gangsters" represent a criminal act, under which there is no either policy, or an ideology, if the ideology of criminal enrichment is not considered to be such. Not without a reason the main "propagandist" of the Russian invaders in the Chechen Republic devotes his each second speech to such themes like "dollars", "financing of the NCF" and almost every day he "detains" this or another "financial courier", carrying "currency" (as a rule – a "false" one) to "the leaders of the gangs".

Very seldom there are such people in Russia , who begin to ask "inconvenient" questions to the authorities. For example, such a one: if gangsters are criminals and the vermin of the society, interested only in personal criminal enrichment, what for do the Chechen fighters, spending months and days in continuous fights and living in mountain wood dugouts, need all these "dollars" and other currency? The riches are meaningful for a gangster only if he can eat in luxurious restaurants, buy expensive cars, country houses and summer residences, to spend time in expensive resorts, etc. But the Chechen fighters and even "leaders of the gangs" cannot do it, because in woods and mountains there are no restaurants, country houses, motorways, by which it is possible to drive limousines or a Mercedes. And their families spend their days not on the Canary Islands, but in Kadyrov's torture chambers and in underground prisons of Hankala, in case if these families are not killed yet, like the wife of the President of the ChRI Sadulaev or all Basaev's close and distant relatives.

Propagation of the Kremlin and counter-propaganda of the Chechen Resistance in "the pure theory" assumes that "ordinary Russian people" are in the role of the arbitrator defining the false or truthful parties. As though it is considered, that these "ordinary Russian people" either should believe the Kremlin propagation and approve Putin's "policy" in the Chechen Republic, or should believe the counter-propaganda of Chechens and demand from Putin to stop the genocide in the Chechen Republic. Actually, as Irina Smith has recently precisely noticed about the Russian people, quite often they “are practical people, brilliantly guided in the reality". “Ordinary Russian people" without any "Chechen help" perfectly see, who exactly the Chechen commanders, living in woods, are, and who the representatives of the Russian authority living in "the closed protected zones", eating at luxurious restaurants, going by magnificent cars, floating by super-expensive yachts and buying up country houses on the Azure Coast. And they do it having "fixed salaries", which, ostensibly, are "the only incomes" of the Russian authority - beginning from president Putin up to generals and colonels of the "power structures".

Every Russian "ordinary inhabitant", paying a bribe to an official for any document or favor, each Russian shopkeeper, paying a contribution to a militiaman, each Russian businessman, "protected" by employees of the FSB, each Russian oligarch, who pays off tens and hundreds millions of dollars from "arrivals" of the Kremlin, that is ALL RUSSIANS from the top down to the bottom perfectly realize, who are gangsters in their state and their society. However, for some reason, each Russian, with rare exceptions, considers the Chechen fighters, being in the hardest conditions for 11 years, losing their friends and relatives in Russian torture chambers, considering the weapon and equipment to be their main "riches", continuing to battle against the huge military group of Putin's murderers for releasing of the Native land, to be "gangsters". It is an unpleasant and sickening business to dig in brain substance of a Russian inhabitant.

If someone is interested, the reader will find a brilliant psychoanalysis of this warped with grave and, perhaps, already incurable complexes brain substance of Russian inhabitants in the mentioned article of Irina Smith. The essence of this mental illness can be described with one phrase: being under the permanent enthrallment of the state, Russians try to self-assert above other peoples by means of their slaveholding state. It is a classical case from psychiatry, when the inferiority complex searches subconscious indemnification in the superiority complex. And as in Russian "public opinion" we see not the reason, aspiring to the objective reality, to correlation of judgments to facts, but with subconscious complexes, and it is necessary to influence this public opinion not with logic of causes and effects, like Chechen publicists try to, but at a reflex level, like physiologist Pavlov did in his experiences with dogs. And there is no desire to offend Russians, because a medical diagnosis cannot be considered to be an insult.

Salamu Talhigov, for Chechenpress

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