rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 4/8/2005 11:27 AM
“He Was the First Pontific, Who Entered a Mosque with the Mission of Peace”
Today the theme "Terrorism" is unknown, probably, only to an innocent child. What does this well-known term mean? The first thing, which is associated in consciousness of a normal person, is blood, death, and suffering. With growth of globalization and approach of the western way of life to the east, the value of this terrible word also extends. Simply “blood” is already not enough for some people, and they try to connect "Terror" with what is the basis of the democracy: freedom of thinking, sights and, at last, religion, and not without a success.
Inherently, the struggle against "Terrorism" as it is imposed to the world community is the main tool for struggle against democracy. Societies, in particular western ones, begin to understand the fatal consequences of the aggressive adventures of their politicians; anti-war demonstrations have become more mass and frequent, the discontent of simple citizens grows. Probably, the time is coming, when some presidents will have to begin an open struggle against own people, having acknowledged all of them "terrorists" or their "assistants". There is a precedent; the Kremlin has openly accused the Polish people of complicity to "terrorism" in reply to that Polish legislators have dared to name one of the squares of Warsaw after the first president of the Chechen Republic Ichkeria Dzhohar Dudaev.
Many mass-media, forcing conditions, purposefully exaggerate rumors about growing influence of "extremist" organizations and Vahhabism in the countries professing the Islam, and in Russia as well. But for some reason none of them tries to analyze the reason of influence of these currents.
When an aggressor comes to your country armed with modern tanks, planes and rockets, destroys your houses, kills your relatives, tramples your religion, having thus the hundredfold superiority in alive force, what is it possible to oppose to him, except for easy small arms? Certainly, spirituality, in hope only for the God! The spirit cannot be won by force of the weapon; it has always been like that.
We shall remember 1941, when German soldiers were standing on the threshold of Moscow . The tyrant, who had destroyed millions of his fellow citizens including priests, appealed to people with Jesus Christ's words. Stalin named the citizens Brothers and Sisters. All Churches were opened; priests were let out from camps. Icons were taken to besieged Leningrad and Stalingrad . Stalin during that moment unequivocally doubted of invincibility of people, and only after a while he realized, that because of fright he had said a lot of superfluous things.
And as we have already concerned those far tragic days, it would be desirable to add. In my opinion, any nowadays existing politician has no moral right to arrange banquets and meetings with other presidents, in occasion of the victory over the fascist aggressor, for two reasons. The first reason is that the majority of them, as a matter of fact, is aggressors and is spotted with blood of innocent people. And the second one - a simple soldier, who has survived, beggarly exists in all without exception countries of the former USSR . And the front-line soldiers, living in the Caucasus , risk receiving a "gift" in the form of "casually let out shell or a bomb blown up "by mistake".
Today, when the Islamic world tests the open attack at its principles and views, during this moment even the instinct of self-preservation before the approaching threat will promote the unknown revival of spirituality and rallying of Muslim believers. It simply can not be in another way. Not so long ago the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev directly reacted to the threat of the Kremlin to strike preventive blows on the bases of "terrorists" abroad. He noticed, that terrorism existed there, where there was a discrimination and injustice.
Politicians of the majority of the western states try to keep silent cowardly, and prefer to observe the pernicious processes in the world. In this connection, existing tyrants regard this silence to be consent with the policy carried out by them. I think, there is no need to deceive us with the tales about threat of the "Islamic extremism". Politicians, because of their actions, and we, because of our inactivity, are guilty of its existence.
The other day Papa John Paul II, the person, who has devoted his life to reconciliation between all people, has died. He was one of those few people, who publicly condemned all wars of the last time, he constantly asked for excuse, and also he forgave everybody. Papa was the first pontific, who entered a Mosque with the mission of peace. It will remain a secret, why the God has not allowed him to visit Moscow . "He could not meet the Patriarch of Moscow and Russia Alexei and realize his dream to visit Russia " (BBC)
Yaras Valyukenas , Vilnius , for Chechenpress