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Window on Eurasia: Moscow Steps Up Efforts to Reclaim Russian Church Property Abroad

posted by eagle on April, 2013 as ANALYSIS / OPINION

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Window on Eurasia: Moscow Steps Up Efforts to Reclaim Russian Church Property Abroad

Paul Goble

            Staunton, April 13 –Russian Orthodox churches constructed abroad before 1917 belonged to the Russian state, lawyers say, and consequently, as a recent French decision about the Orthodox Cathedral in Nice confirms, the Russian government has every right to reclaim all of them as its state property, a Russian activist in France argues.

            Such an expansive reading of the Nice decision suggests that some in Russian church and political circles believe they can increase their efforts to gain control of these churches, efforts that would further weaken independent Russian Orthodox congregations abroad and give Moscow control of some extremely valuable real estate in key cities around the world.

            On Wednesday, a French appeals court ruled in favor of the Russian government’s claim that it and not the Orthodox congregation at Nice is the legal owner of the St. Nicholas Cathedral in that southern French city, thus apparently ending a decade of controversy ...

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Window on Eurasia: Putin Promises to Support Russia’s Buddhists ‘100 Percent’

posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION

Friday, April 12, 2013

Window on Eurasia: Putin Promises to Support Russia’s Buddhists ‘100 Percent’

Paul Goble

            Staunton, April 12 – Saying that he was proud that Russia is the only country in Europe where Buddhism is officially recognized as a traditional religion, President Vladimir Putin told the leaders of the two million followers of that tradition yesterday that he and the Russian government will back that community "100 percent.”

            During his tour of the Trans-Baikal region, Putin visited the Ivolgin datsan, the seat of the Buddhist Spiritual Directorate the Soviets in 1946 to represent the Buddhists of Buryatia, Kalmykia, and Tuva as well as other regions and met with Damba Ayushev, who serves as the head of that body (

                The Russian president praised Russia’s Buddhists for helping others in both their "grief and joy,” noting that it was "well known how Buddhists helped during the First and Second World Wars,” and he expressed regret that they suffered in Soviet times "just as other confessions did but always remained ...

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Window on Eurasia: Stavropol Kray Becoming ‘Russia’s Kosovo,’ Moscow Paper Says

posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION

Friday, April 12, 2013

Window on Eurasia: Stavropol Kray Becoming ‘Russia’s Kosovo,’ Moscow Paper Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, April 12 – Despite claims by Russian officials that the situation in Stavropol is stable or even improving, a "Moskovsky Komsomolets” journalist says, conversations with ethnic Russians there show that the kray is rapidly becoming Russia’s "Kosovo” as a result of massive in-migration of people from the republics of the North Caucasus.

            Igor Karmazin said in an article published yesterday that "inter-ethnic peace” exists "only on paper” and that "the region has become a new zone of instability” in the southern rim of the Russian Federation (

            Having just visited the region, the journalist continued, he concludes that Stavropol is "the most ordinary region of the country but it borders on the most unusual, Daghestan, Chechnya, and Ingushetia, where everything is anomalous – birthrates, crime, and support from Moscow.”

            Because the indigenous Russian population is suffering as a result, Karmazin noted, people from there are "voting with their feet” and fleeing the region. ...

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Russia Plans Massive Expansion of Nord Stream Pipelines

posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION

Russia Plans Massive Expansion of Nord Stream Pipelines

Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 10 Issue: 68
April 11, 2013 05:10 PM Age: 15 hrs

Russian President Vladimir Putin with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte (Source: Reuters)

On April 8 in Amsterdam, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte witnessed the signing of an agreement of intent to expand the Gazprom-controlled Nord Stream pipeline system into the Netherlands and potentially onward to the United Kingdom. The CEOs of Gazprom and of Nederlandse Gasunie, Aleksei Miller and Paul van Gelder, respectively, signed the document, following Putin and Miller’s recently announced initiative to expand Nord Stream.

This intention forms part of a vast program of building new export pipelines (Nord Stream Three and Four, "Yamal Two,” South Stream—see EDM, April 5), which in combination with existing capacities would far exceed Russia’s foreseeable gas export possibilities to Europe, or any foreseeable European demand for Russian gas. It can only begin to make some sense if Russia totally stops using Ukraine’s ...

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Amid Paranoia, Moscow Increasingly Cracks Down on Human Rights Groups

posted by eagle on as ANALYSIS / OPINION

Amid Paranoia, Moscow Increasingly Cracks Down on Human Rights Groups

Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 10 Issue: 68
April 11, 2013 05:09 PM 

(Source: RIA Novosti)

Since last March, Russian and international human rights organizations—including such prominent ones as Memorial, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Transparency International and others—have been harassed by Russian law enforcement and tax authorities, had their premises searched all over Russia, and had documents and computer disks taken. In all, some 225 human rights organizations have been searched (Interfax, April 10). Before a visit to Germany and the Netherlands this week, President Vladimir Putin, in an interview with the state-financed ARD newscaster, took up this matter head on, declaring that human rights organizations are not harassed, but "must follow the law” and "register as foreign agents.” Putin announced that a massive "network” of 654 "foreign-funded noncommercial organizations” is actively "involved in political activities in Russia, and in the last four months they received some $1 billion from abroad.” Putin accused the media, including ARD, ...

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