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NatPress: Meteorite Fell In Adygheisk

posted by eagle on August, 2009 as ADYGEA

Meteorite fell in Adygheisk  

In one of the kitchen gardens of Adygheisk (near Chetuk) a meteorite fell. At falling it formed a small hole, grass around it was burned down. It was found out by the mistress of the land site when she had arrived there for vegetables.

As TV "Kuban" informed, the meteorite appeared to be about 1 kg. For researches a small piece - and with great efforts – was broken away: it has a high-strength structure, like a diamond.

Krasnodar experts believe that the meteorite is more senior than our solar system. However, the beaten off piece is sent for the further studying to Moscow.

The name of the owner of the meteorite in the reporting was mentioned, but, probably, strongly deformed, therefore we can not dare to repeat it. But, as it was noted in the reporting, she is its lawful owner as it becomes the property of the one who had found ...

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posted by eagle on as ADYGEA

Office of Public Prosecutor of Adygeya reacted to moslem’s complaint  

The Office of Public Prosecutor of Adygeya had received a complaint of moslem Azamat Bzhetsev and already replied it. As an occasion to the complaint served that “unknown armed persons” intruded to the moslem’s house and arranged a search in it.

As the adviser of the public prosecutor of Adygeya Vasily Guk, under his data informed NatPress, the complaint was analyzed by Byzet Hot. “In this occasion he organized an inspection, - the interlocutor told, - and wrote an official reply. We, proceeding from result of consideration, shall initiate a supervising procedure”.


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NatPress: Adana (Turkey) Will Send Group Of Repatriates To Adygeya After Ramadan

posted by eagle on as ADYGEA

Adana (Turkey) will send group of repatriates to Adygeya after Ramadan   

The group of 27 persons, organized by Ankara Khasa and recently visited Adygeya with a purpose of citizenship reception, inspired the other Khasas of Turkey on gathering of people in similar groups for such arrivals. The action takes place under the slogan: “ New opportunity to become inhabitant of Adygeya”.

So, the web-site of Circassian Khasa Federation (KAFFED) published the reference of the chairman of Adana city Khasa Yashar Yalmyz (Dzyba):

“Our Khasa supports the undertaking of the KAFFED and Ankara Khasa and we have made a decision to participate in the action. We are ready to help those Adygs who are going to get citizenship. Adana city Khasa together with the other local Khasas after Ramadan month plans to prepare a new group for traveling to Adygeya. The group will be accompanied by members of our Khasa”.

Let's remind, the first group (from 27 persons) had returned to Turkey last week, having ...

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NatPress: Adygs From Turkey, Wishing To Return, Should Not Work Well

posted by eagle on as ADYGEA

Adygs from Turkey, wishing to return, should not work well  

Adygs from Turkey, owners of the green passports handed out there for their long-term honest work, are not necessary to Russia. They who had arrived to Adygeya for registration of Russian citizenship, were sent back to return with the ordinary - dark blue - passports.

“It is absurd, - one of the repatriates commented for NatPress, - some countries for such citizens of Turkey stated the visa-free mode. Here everything is on the contrary”. As he said, in the organized group from 27 Adygs, arrived to the republic to start the procedure of citizenship reception, there had been appeared three persons with green passports. They had to return to Turkey practically with nothing and if thy arrived again, they should start everything with the beginning.

Aiub Hatukay who had independently arrived to Maykop before the mentioned group, faced such problem, too. The OVIR accepted his documents, started his registration, and now refuses ...

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NatPress: Christian Cross In Adygeya Is Dumped From Fisht Mountain

posted by eagle on as ADYGEA

Christian cross in Adygeya is dumped from Fisht Mountain  

About a cross, cut down on one of the mountain tops of Adygeya it had been informed on August, 18th by the republican TV. Under that version the cross had stood on the mountain - but not Tkhach, and Fisht (the main top of Adygeya).

“News about it had informed in the beginning of August from the tourist whom for many years worked in the Caucasian reserve, and now on the regular basis accompanies tourists’ groups to the top of Fisht”, - it was spoken in the message.

That tourist told the following by phone: ‘The cross at Fisht’s top I had seen for the last time on July, 31st, 2009. On 5-th or 6-th of August (now I do not remember precisely) when I had climbed there with a group of people including representatives from Adygeya and Sochi, the cross was absent on its place. There could be seen a fresh ...

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