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NatPress: In Adygeya Adyghe Djegu appeared to be under hush-hush interdiction

posted by circassiankama on January, 2010 as ADYGEA

In Adygeya Adyghe Djegu appeared to be under hush-hush interdiction


09 January 2010 – NatPress.Net

Adygs did not managed to celebrate the New Year holiday having organized Adyghe Djegu at the New Year’s night of December, 31st on the main square of Maykop. In 0:30 am of January, 1st when near the accordion player and his audience a people’s circle approximately from 100 men gathered, employees of militia from the town public security department interfered.

As the journalist of the republican newspaper “Adyghe mak” (“Adyg’s Voice”) Nurbiy Emtyl told NatPress, on the square there were gathered approximately 30 festively dressed girls, about 50 young guys, and the other contingent was formed by their parents who also led their children of the preschool age.

On the platform, the journalist described, there had been no actors, but it was not empty - from the dynamics music flew, and the townspeople with bottles of champagne were drinking and dancing there. The Adygeyan circle gathered a little aside so that its own folk music was more audible to the participants.

“Employees of militia, - N. Emtyl explained, - not just came up, introduced, and so on. They rushed with automatic guns, and right there and then with shouts and abuse ran up to those who, in their opinion, were the organizers of the action. The sense of their actions and statements was in that it was impossible to dance there”.

Employees of militia were specified that there were dances on the platform; townspeople were indignant with that such interdiction could not be lawful, and asked about which order for such interdiction was. And all that was accompanied by a fuss that was about to turn into direct fights. The last question - under whose order - one of the guards of the public order reacted: he pointed his finger upwards.

“Who is concrete from those who are on the top”, - the gathered asked to bring specification.

They were answered: “From the high top”.

They asked him again, whether there was some written instruction.

“That was an oral order”, - he said.

“I told that militiaman that Adygeya president Aslan Tkhakushinov could not have given such order, - the journalist continued his story, - Then I was said that they mean the highest top”.

“Only one of the militiamen was ashamed by the gathered, and he introduced himself, - Nurbiy Emtyl explained, - That was captain of militia of public security of Maykop Arthur Metov”.

“If in the circle of the gathered there were the local Adygs, - the journalist also commented, - I think the conflict would have been completely different. But they were basically repatriates and their children. They only cried, and not only girls, but also guys, and adults”.

“Here, I have taken with myself my phone on which I speak with my girlfriends from Turkey, - one of the girls told the journalist, - I had wished to call them during Djegu to let them hear the music. I have wished to show, how we are cheerful here on our native land. Now I do not know what to do …”

Nurbiy Emtyl explained NatPress that was not the first case of dispersal of Adyghe Djegu on the main square of Adygeya capital. He became a witness of similar situation during carrying out of the international festival “Asterisks of Adygeya”. Then basically repatriates tried to gather the dancing circle, too, as to participate in the festival not only the local actors gathered, at there were many representatives of Circassian Diaspora.

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