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NatPress: Russian Newspaper: “Officials’ Hunting – Scandal”. NatPress’ Comments

posted by eagle on July, 2009 as ADYGEA

 Russian Newspaper: “Officials’ hunting – scandal”. NatPress’ Comments  

 The Head of the Adygeya Government,

 Murat Kumpilov

The federal minister of natural resources and ecology charged to investigate the fact of the high-ranking officials’ poaching

Yesterday the minister of natural resources and ecology Jury Trutnev gave orders to his subordinated employees to find out the details of the incident happened on the eve in the Caucasian biospheric reserve.

According to the minister, in the reserve a group of persons with fire-guns had been detained. "The fire-gun in the reserve is an attribute of hunting", - the minister noted.

And that was illegal hunting, to be more exact - a poaching. The piquancy of the situation was connected with the circumstance that the poachers appeared to be high-ranked officials as already happened often for the last time, they were - this time - from Adygeya Republic.

The high-ranked officials were taken red-handed. The officials were found casually at unsuccessful coincidence of circumstances. Hardly the fact of so stately hunting would have become known, though the officials were going to hunt not at home, and in the next Krasnodar region. As it is informed in the mass-media, among them there were the head of the Adygeya government Murat Kumpilov and his close relatives. So, if to their hunting was stopped by all the Krasnodar huntsmen, the poachers would have some trumps against the huntsmen’s legal requirements.

But the poachers approached to a regime territory of one of the federal state objects. Therefore they were detained under all the laws of the pulp fiction by the employees of the Federal guard service.

The poachers from the next republic, probably, did not know that. Therefore you can imagine the surprise and simultaneously distress of the employees of the Federal guard service when near the special object a group of 14 armed persons on horses appeared. The whole situation in Caucasus is disturbing, therefore the horsemen were taken by special troops on a helicopter. At their detention three poachers managed to escape, but Kumpilov had to speak.

To hush up the scandal was not possible. As the minister Jury Trutnev declared yesterday, according to results of the investigation organized by the ministry of natural resources and ecology they would address to the law enforcement bodies.

“I have charged to lead investigation the most carefully and essentially. If the law was broken by the workers of the regional administration, we should demand from them more rigidly, than from average citizens”, - Trutnev emphasized.

The Russian Newspaper (central release) #127 (4951), 7/14/2009


Good fellows these federal journalists are! They already have known that the employees of the Federal guard service - and no huntsman - had stopped “mean poachers”. They have already mentioned that FGS-employees protect “a special state object”. They just hesitate, to tell the truth what “a special state object” was indeed. However, NatPress has not named it by name, too. But only because in it, this name, there are many different special shades - basically euphemistic. And it sounds the next way: the Scientific Centre "Biosphere" – and that is its official name. Actually, on Lunar Glade the mountain-skiing complex attributed to the prime minister - but not to Murat Kumpilov, and to Vladimir Putin - was constructed.

In Adygeya about this "summer residence", about its location everyone, who knows in what side there is Internet, is very well informed. Probably, federal journalists do not know about it. But it could not be that such information remained a secret to the prime minister of Adygeya. Now about the coordinates of the riding of the horsemen from Adygeya Cabinet. Their way ran on the 30th tourist route, trambled down since the Soviet times and not covered not only by a wood, but even by a grass. In this forestless part of the reserve it is absolutely impossible to meet a bear, a wild boar or a Caucasian noble deer. There it is possible, if to try, to shoot down only a tourist, by the way to tell, too noble, but not so much. Or maybe a jackal ransacking in searches of food rubbish this tourist had left.

And probably, eventually, journalists understand that respecting people do not go for hunting on horses with a group of 11-12, and even 14 persons with just two carbines, only one of which at the moment of their detention appeared to be charged.

Further. Though it should happen much later, journalists will understand that the group of horsemen could not, knowing about “special state object” to ride into the territory (another euphemism) of Krasnodar region. What for should they do that, probably, those journalists should ask themselves – or in Adygeya really there are no places of rich and unpunished hunting? Obviously, all the same there are such places, they would think.

And so gradually they, probably, will be insighted - why Murat Kumpilov had intruded into the territory protected by the FGS at all?. Is he insane?

And the logic, apparently, will prompt them, he had not intruded anywhere. He is not insane, but rather a normal (if not to tell ordinary) official. And if his sin was only such "poaching" he would just apply for the rank of the most not corrupted official of Russia.

And if this our imagined journalists gets in their hands a map of the area they will find out that the shelter “Fisht” is located on one parallel with Lunar Glade, but on the underside of the mountain top named Fisht. And to reach operatively from one point (protected by the FGS) to another (not protected by the FGS) a helicopter is needed. It is far enough, and on foot they should go not simply in a mountain district, and in such one which is cut up by deep canyons.

So, it turns out, the nonplused journalist would think, to stop a group of the tourists it was given the order personally by Vladimir Putin? Absurdity - Putin can dismiss such as Murat Kumpilov from the post just by a phone call. Why should he conceive a loud scandal - as the journalists can start talking again about his "summer residence"?

“Aha!” - the most advanced journalists would exclaim, having come to such conclusions. Probably, the prime minister of Russia did not know for the time being about the conceived scandal. Then it turns out, that the directors of the ‘plot’ about hunting sit very quietly in Maykop and observe the event from the outside. Who are these directors, the journalists would ask.

But to ask that it should take should certain time. And NatPress would not hurry that time, as the plot is so interesting. There should be in fact any intrigue though. We shall remind, NatPress had written about that incident on July, 9th:

“It is a pity, - it was spoken in that note, - that is far not all are detained in this reserve. For example, on Lunar Glade, in the territory of the reserve - near to the same Fisht - such “tourist” had constructed a mountain-skiing complex. There is a part of the road there, constructed with “method of explosion”, and not with a shot from one or even two fire-guns. However this circumstance is outside of the sphere of the official interests of “Office of Public Prosecutor of Adygeya Republic and Khostinsky area department of inner affairs of Sochi”. However, as well as the other law-enforcement services”.


Murat Kumpilov (photo)

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