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 AUG 11

 It Cannot Be Worse…

  posted by EAGLE on August 11, 2007 11:20 PM as GENERAL

It Cannot Be Worse…

A dear brother sent me some information, which drew my attention to a painful fact about “Shame and dishonor on the Official Web site of the President of the KBR” for the so-called: “450 years with Russia (!), while the announcement on the site didn’t specify that the real thing is (as all people with common sense would be able to recognize), which is the contrary of what those puppets are trying to behave and “450 years with Russian occupation and colonial rule that was and still the worst of the colonial and imperial rules in the world of today”, and the occupational control of the Circassian great nation, the nations and peoples of the North Caucasus and furthermore, the tens of colonized nations across the so-called Russian Federation.

Normally, when a disaster occurs with any nation, or even with groups and individuals, the trend would ...

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 AUG 11

 A Reply About Russian Imperialism

  posted by EAGLE on August 11, 2007 10:25 PM as IMPERIALISM

A Reply About Russian Imperialism

A kind reply was posted on some of the Internet sites for an article in the title of “It Cannot Be Worse”, and as a re-reply, it should be stated that what should be done, should come from the efforts and good intentions of all concerned, who are involved and at the same time, effected from the “Circassian and Caucasian Disastrous Aftermath Dilemma”, that had occurred as a result of the foreign Russian invasion and total occupation of the North Caucasus.

All will be fully agree with the “questioning opinion” about who is responsible to act first and/or to have the courageous initiative of doing something right in regard to correcting all mistakes and consequences that Russian colonial occupational forces and authorities had inflicted on the people and on the land of Circassia and the North Caucasus.

It is believed that both the Circassian, and ...

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