A Reply To Nafen Presse Article In Regard To Radio Adiga
This is a reply for the indecent and inappropriate article wording that was published in Nafen presse, in Arabic Language dated, 7, August, 2006, concerning the impolite, rude and vulgar comments against the great Circassian site, "Radio Adiga".
Our brothers and sisters, who happened to be living where ever they are living, in Diaspora, did not choose to do so by themselves, but was a compulsory deportation the way that Palestinians were forced out of their homes in Palestine, and they did not invite the Jews to occupy Palestine and occupy the land to establish the State of Israel.
What does he want you to do? At least you have a noble cause, and you are presenting the Circassian Language, and trying to connect all Adiga minorities in Diaspora with Circassians and Adigas in the North Caucasus.
you are presenting all of this ...
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