Commemorating The Circassian Genocide
Time passes in days, weeks, months, years, and even centuries; but the memory of 21st of May, every year, shall remind of the well-known Russian history of inhuman, unexcused, criminally-persistent, unforgivable, unforgettable, inappropriate, aggressive, brutal, and savage colonial war that Russia waged directly opposite, and facing the Nation and the Country of Circassia, and all the other North Caucasus tiny Nations (comparatively describing), to control and annex the region so as to implement its imperial-colonial ambitious plans of oppressing and dictating the destiny of tens of nations of the North Caucasus and beyond.
Circassians and Adigas commemorate this sad occasion in Motherland and the Diaspora that is extended of 52 countries of the World to honor all of those heroes who devoted their precious lives to their beloved homeland with their valuable sweat and blood, while defending their nation, when the Russian Tsars recruited and hired ...
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