The Text of former President Yeltsin’s Telegram (Wire).
The following is a translation of the telegram (wire) "with no comments", that former Russian President Boris Yeltsin had sent to Circassians and North Caucasians on the memory of the 130 years of the end of the Caucasian / Russian War, which ended in 21-May-1864:
The Text of former President Yeltsin’s Telegram (Wire), to the peoples of the North Caucasus
Appeal to the peoples of the North Caucasus Regarding the elapse of 130 years since the end of the Caucasian/Russian war
Fellow citizens Esquires
The past events bring us back to more than one century, to the years of struggle for the Caucasus and the conflict between the interests of the Russian Empire, Britain, France, Iran, and Turkey, which all bear their shares of moral responsibility to the suffering of the Mountainous peoples(the Circassians).
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Justice And Legitimate Rights Are Needed…
It is worth reminding whoever would even think that it is possible to foul others, that it would be a voluntary admittance of swimming against the stream of equity and truth, when meeting or satisfying certain suspicious agendas.
So many media establishments and nowadays many Websites were established to deal with people's problems, worries, common interests and wellbeing of Mankind. Most of them were founded for the purpose of justice, fairness, truth, obtaining legitimate rights and highlighting all issues and questions concerning direct and indirect dangers, effects and capabilities.
Circassians and other nations of the North Caucasus Region that are controlled by the Russian state, got no way out yet from the situation that the Russian colonial and occupational authorities had cornered and encircled them with. Those nations got no one to defend them except some Human Rights organizations or individuals in a ... >> >> Click Here For Full Article...
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posted by EAGLE on October 16, 2007 10:25 PM as IMPERIALISM
FSB Agents Are Orchestrating All Anti-Freedom Activities
A comment was posted on one of the Adyga Group’s Websites, and signed by “Adigha Story”, criticized the recent protests that Circassians who are not under the influence of the Kremlin’s rulers in the North Caucasus Region, voluntarily and with truthfulness, sincerity, honesty, and faithfulness. The so-called “Adigha Story” did not show any criticism against the celebrations of 450 yearsof “false” association with thecolonialRussian State, and the SochiWinter Olympic Games - 2014, which are going to be held on the Cemeteries of perished Circassians who were trying to defend their Homeland against the barbaric Tsarist Russianinvaders!
It is worth mentioning the reply to that comment, that was also posted on “Adiga Pulse”, which stated the following: “With all respect to your point of view, I would like to indicate my opinion which refers to many similar ideas like yours during the Soviet ... >> >> Click Here For Full Article...
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posted by EAGLE on October 14, 2007 10:40 PM as IMPERIALISM
Comments On Imperial Mentality
One of the great and sincere supporters to their Circassian Nation in particular and Human dignity for "all nations alike" in general, had translated an article in the title of: They Are Calling Circassians To The War Against Russia that was originally published on the KavkazWeb.netSite, and signed by "Osman Mazukabzov", who wanted to appear more Russian than the Russian colonialists themselves.
Unfortunately, if the mentioned name is assumed to belong to Adyga, or the Circassian Nation in a way or another, I would take the opportunity through this post to tell all concerned, and even the writer himself that the idea and/or ideas presented in the post are not acceptable at all in any measure or scale of ethics, logic, norms, or decency.
It is worth outlining though that the points that the writer "Osman Mazukabzov" wanted to rush to the readers to push ... >> >> Click Here For Full Article...
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posted by EAGLE on October 02, 2007 10:30 PM as IMPERIALISM
Sadism Of Winter Olympic Games Equals Farce Colonial Claims
Only sensible Human Beings would look at matters and facts in a way that respects dignity and admires values which should be endured by all live-conscious people and individuals, without yielding or quitting, while positively presenting their action with objective reality. It is obvious though that self-deceived people and/or individuals always assume the lack of awareness, knowledge, education, cleverness, and intelligence of others.
The political games that managed to evolve and derive the immoral announcement of selecting Sochi to host the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, with the patronage, acknowledgement, and presence of the present Russian President Vladimir Putin, and he was presented to the audience and described by assumingly to be a member of the Olympic Committee, who said in his presentation that “Sochi could not be where it is now, without support, vision, and passion of one man, ... >> >> Click Here For Full Article...
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