posted by EAGLE on January 03, 2008 2:50 AM as IMPERIALISM
Tricky Maneuvers Connecting Santa Clause With Christmas Holidays
Russian imperial motivation of suppression, burden spiritually and mentally, abuse of authority and power, extending the “beast of burden” on those who are stricken by misfortune and ordeal, of being the victims who had to suffer disastrous consequences of colonial wars that were waged against them.
The title of this article sounds strange for the first glimpse, but when looking around for the fishy and suspicious intentions of tyrannical and repressive authorities that rule the North Caucasus in addition to tens of subjugated and demoralized nations that are occupied and colonized at the present time by one of the most obsessive and filled with avidity remaining colonial power in the world.
Imperial Russianswere never satisfied of what imperialism and colonialism had brought to their greed and ambition desires, but also took the advantage of the power and strength of their advanced weapons ... >> >> Click Here For Full Article...
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posted by EAGLE on December 11, 2007 7:00 PM as IMPERIALISM
The Mini-Soviet Union
The Soviet Unionthat had collapsed and had to get out of existence due to many internal and external factors and effects, left a complicated legacy that ranged and varied between the special paralyzed special services that used to be called KGB, which used to run the whole country inside-out, and at the same time had decided the fate and destiny of all citizens in the buried Soviet Union and what was called the Soviet Block which included the Eastern European States that were ruled officially by the Communist Parties that were essentially connected with the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party in Moscow, under the supervision and exclusive domination of the KGB that used to be dominated by the Russians who consisted of the vast majority of the population, and at certain time the direct and indirect influence that extended between Cuba, Angola, Ethiopia, South ... >> >> Click Here For Full Article...
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posted by EAGLE on December 02, 2007 2:05 PM as IMPERIALISM
Motherland Keeps Looking For Its Exiled People
Circassians being one of the oppressed nations that were occupied by the Tsarist Russian forces that left them with no sovereign state, which was officially occupied by the Russian state in 21, May, 1864. That was the date that Circassia had fallenin the hands of the Russian colonial empire, and was fully concurred and controlled alongside with other North Caucasian nations.
A painful memory that Circassians celebrate with tears and pain, when they remember the millionswho perished, wounded, displaced, or had to immigrate by force to other countries of the world, for a basic reason which was the Russian ambitious plans of reaching the warm waters of the Black Sea, the greed of controlling the natural resources of the North Caucasus, and to establish strategic ports and imperial influence in the North Caucasus and beyond.
After the long time that elapsed, which did ... >> >> Click Here For Full Article...
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posted by EAGLE on November 28, 2007 1:55 AM as IMPERIALISM
Circassians Are Hiding Behind Their Pride
The Circassian Nation like any other nation that is colonized by Russia, had suffered for hundreds of years and until today, of continuous Russian aggressive actsand policies that varied in magnitude and brutality, but all analyzed in total occupation with consequences of irresponsible violent behavior and all victimized nations and individuals that happened to be on the way of the barbaric forces of well-equipped and trained soldiers and mercenaries.
Thegenocidethat was largely practiced against Circassians who were a target for this inhuman action that consequently leads for total occupation and destruction of the country of Circassia.
The devastated Circassian nation fell victim and was subjected to the Russian imperial controlwhich is considered one of the most brutal colonial occupations in the history of Mankind.
Circassians were slaughtered, displaced, and forced to exile and were forced and pushed to leave their Homeland ... >> >> Click Here For Full Article...
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posted by EAGLE on November 04, 2007 8:55 PM as IMPERIALISM
A Questionnaire About Russian Imperial Contradictory
This is a questionnaire that is presented and delivered to those who followed and still following the contradictions of the Russian politics and policies, while Russia is still occupying and colonizing tens of nations against their well and/or their wishes.
The same authorities try to present falsely and mistakenly that the Russian state is considered as a state to all its citizens who happened to be living there, while connected with a union that no one of those oppressed nations wanted to be united or considered with; but at the same time ignoring the fanatic “Russists” calls for getting rid of all of those nations that are not considered of their blood!
What does it mean then, when official state celebrations and commemorations are carried out, when solely and only the Russian Orthodox Church is assuming the lead by attending ... >> >> Click Here For Full Article...
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