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Russian Analytical Digest No. 70: The North Caucasus Crisis

posted by circassiankama on December, 2009 as North Caucasus

Russian Analytical Digest
No. 70: The North Caucasus Crisis
21 Dec 2009
This paper addresses the situation in Russia's Northern Caucasus 10 years after the beginning of the second Chechen War and Vladimir Putin's subsequent rise to power. It explores the situation in Chechnya after the official end of the counterterrorist operations, discusses social-political instability in Ingushetia and looks at the relations between Dagestan and the Russian state. One of the authors argues that after the lift of the counterterrorist operations regime in Chechnya in spring 2009, the situation in the Caucasus deteriorated dramatically.

by Aleksei Malashenko, Sergey Markedonov, Arbakhan Magomedov

Chechnya After the Cancellation of Counter-Terrorist Operations, by Aleksei Malashenko, Moscow
Ingushetia: on the Road to Overcoming Social-Political Instability? by Sergey Markedonov, Moscow
Dagestan and the Russian State: “Stable Instability† Forever? by ...

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comments (0) Tbilisi Unveils Draft of its S.Ossetia, Abkhaz Strategy

posted by circassiankama on as North Caucasus

Tbilisi Unveils Draft of its S.Ossetia, Abkhaz Strategy
Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 25 Dec.'09 / 02:41

Tbilisi is against of “isolation of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali/South Ossetia” and aims at fostering ties between the communities “separated by dividing lines,” according to a draft strategy paper laying out Georgia’s intended policies towards its two breakaway regions.
The 9-page document, which has yet to be endorsed by the government before becoming an official paper, includes measures through which Tbilisi says it wants to foster engagement with the breakaway regions including through economic, education, healthcare and cultural projects, as well as through public diplomacy and people-to-people contacts.

The document has a working title “State Strategy towards Occupied Territories” and a subtitle “Engagement through Cooperation”. During the series of discussions of the paper between the government officials and Georgian political analysts ...

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New York Times: Russia and Georgia Agree to Reopen Major Border Crossing

posted by circassiankama on as North Caucasus

December 25, 2009

Russia and Georgia Agree to Reopen Major Border Crossing

MOSCOW — Russia and Georgia have agreed to reopen their major border crossing, officials said Thursday, signaling the first thawing of ties between the countries since they went to war last year over a separatist enclave.

The crossing, at the Upper Lars checkpoint in the Caucasus mountains, has been closed since 2006, when relations began growing tense, in part because of efforts by the Georgian president, Mikheil Saakashvili, to align himself more closely with the United States.

Russia also banned imports of Georgian products, including popular wines, and cut air transportation links. In August 2008, war broke out after Georgia tried to retake South Ossetia, a separatist enclave that has close ties to Moscow, and Russian troops responded by invading Georgia.

The countries have not ...

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comments (0) Lavrov: Georgia’s Leadership Threat to Regional Security

posted by circassiankama on as North Caucasus

Lavrov: Georgia’s Leadership Threat to Regional Security
Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 24 Dec.'09 / 23:45

Russia’s Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, said on December 24 that Georgia’s “current leadership represents threat for the regional peace and security.”

This threat posed by the Georgian leadership “has once already grown into war against South Ossetia, against the Russian peacekeepers, against the Russian Federation.” he said at a joint news conference with foreign minister of breakaway Abkhazia, Sergey Shamba, in Moscow.

“So we are doing everything in order to prevent its [last year’s war] reoccurrence and we hope that those who continue rebuilding the Georgian army, understand what they are doing and they will restrain Georgia from new adventures,” Lavrov said.

He also said that security of Abkhazia and South Ossetia was “reliably protected” after Moscow signed with these two “new ...

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RIA: World Belarus parliament shelves recognition of S.Ossetia, Abkhazia

posted by circassiankama on as North Caucasus

Belarus parliament shelves recognition of S.Ossetia, Abkhazia

©  Сollage by RIA Novosti

The Belarusian parliament will not hold hearings on recognizing the former Georgian republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia before spring 2010, a senior lawmaker said on Friday.

The two regions formally requested ex-Soviet Belarus to recognize them a year ago, but Minsk has delayed its decision, torn between traditional ally Russia and the EU, which backs Georgia's claim to sovereignty over the republics.

"Today is the last day of the fall session, and the issue of Abkhazia and South Ossetia has not been included in the agenda," said Sergei Maskevich, head of the lower house foreign relations and CIS affairs committee.

Russia recognized the republics in August 2008 after repelling Georgia's assault on South Ossetia in a five-day war. Only Nicaragua, Venezuela and Nauru have followed suit.

Belarus sent members of parliament to the regions and to Georgia in November ...

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