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KC: Always Lying Russians Increased 2.5 Times The Number Of Martyred Mujahideen In Ingushetia

posted by eagle on April, 2011 as INGUSHETIA

Always lying Russians increased 2.5 times the number of martyred Mujahideen in Ingushetia

Publication time: 5 April 2011, 12:27 

On the photo: bodies of the martyrs (Insha'Allah)
Sources of the Kavkaz Center reported updated information on the number of martyred Mujahideen as a result of air attacks by the Russians on a Mujahideen base near the village of Upper Alkun in Ingushetia.

According to specified data, only 7 Mujahideen (6 men and one woman) martyred (Insha'Allah). The Russian claims of the death of 17 Mujahideen are absolutely false.

It is to be recalled that on early March 28, 2011, 2 Mujahideen martyred during a storming of a private house by Russian terrorist troops in the village of Upper Alkun. Two other Mujahideen martyred near the village. It is assumed that the two Mujahideen were going to the base in a reconnaissance mission.


We would like to point out in this connection that indirect evidence of the reliability of the KC information sources was confirmed by leaked publications by some Russian news agencies that only 12 Mujahideen had martyred in total.


The martyrdom of Emir Supyan (see a photo of the martyr, Insha'Allah, taken after the Russian terrorist air attack), has been confirmed by the Mujahideen Command.



The base in Upper Alkun was under the responsibility of Emir Supyan and was only one of the centers for training ordinary new recruits, and had nothing to do with the Martyr Brigade Riyad-us-Saliheen which is responsible for martyrdom attacks in Russian enemy heartland.


We recall in this connection that the infidels previously claimed that the location of the Mujahideen base near the village of Upper Alkun had been allegedly betrayed by the captured CE Military Emir, Magas, who is now being tortured by the Russians.


The Russians lied also in that case. The Upper Alkun base, according to sources of the KC, was built only in late November 2010, i.e. 7 months after the capture of the CE Military Emir.

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