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Ahmed Zakaev: A.Zakaev

posted by FerrasB on February, 2006 as CHECHNYA

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 1/24/2006 12:46 PM
January, 23, 2006

A.Zakaev: "We have a password with which we can know each other"

CHECHENPRESS, the Department of interview, 23.01.06.


- Akhmed, what would you tell about the Chechen public organizations which in recent times even more often appear in the centre of information scandals?

- If we analyse a situation and engage in calculations, we will find out a huge quantity of the Chechen public organizations and their associations working in the territory of Chechnya (quasi-legally and illegally), as well as abroad. Basically, sure, abroad as well as in occupied Chechnya their activity is fraught with fatal risk.

Each of these organizations and their associations is engaged in public activity - political, humanitarian, right protecting. This is quite normal phenomenon for people battling against the foreign aggression, and the more such organizations - the better, because they, in a measure of the forces and opportunities, maintain everywhere round the world, the right of Chechens, tell the world community about the hardest situation in which our fellow citizens are. And their activity, ‰ certainly, less often, than we would like to be, - but nevertheless brings important positive result. And naturally, our opponents do not like it very much it, and they are not in the idle state.

- What you mean under the words, that our enemies are not in the idle state?

- We have the trustworthy information about the fact that, on this, 2006-th year, the Kremlin allocated one and a half billion dollars for the work against those public organizations which are working on the legislative base of the Chechen state. Also the creation of new public organizations which are going to engage in their activity on behalf of the Chechen state and "for the welfare of Chechen people" is stipulated. According to the script of the Kremlin political technologists, their activity will be directed on discredit of legitimate CHRI authority and on split in vainakh Diaspora which structurally is being organized and recently has loudly claimed itself on a political arena.

- Everything is clear about the attempts to discredit the Chechen authority. But why in the Kremlin they began to attach so important value to the vainakh Diaspora in Europe?

- The vainakh Diaspora in Europe creates huge problems for Russia, because vainakh in Europe are free in their statements about the events occurring in Chechnya. Besides, with their law-abidance, work and study, vainakhs in Europe have destroyed the image of "nation-robber", "nation-terrorist", which had strenuously been created by the Russian propagation since the beginning of 90th. And Putin's announcement about the fact that the war had finished several years ago, and Russia, supposedly, freed Chechen people from "the occupation of international terrorists" does not sound convincingly on a background of a proceeding massive stream of refugees from Chechnya. Because all of them motivate their escape from Chechnya with the war and genocide. And the European public pays attention to it, and the authority of the European countries is compelled to pay attention either.

And that is why in the Kremlin it is made the decision to change this situation with the hands of the same Chechens, that is, as I said above, there will be created "public organizations", "informational centers", "parliamentary faction", "authority in exile" and so forth. And the entire activity of these organizations will be directed on creation of new image of Chechen people as people, incapable of being united even in most tragical times, the image of the people - anarchist, incapable of being independent to arrange their destiny.

- Is it Probably, that exactly these Kremlin provocations have caused the creation of the Operative Commission at Administration of President of CHRI and last Decrees of President of CHRI?

- Undoubtedly. The operative Commission on investigation of provocative activity of the given groupings, created at Administration of the President, and Decrees of the President about registration and re-registrations of the Chechen public organizations are directed so that antistate forces undermining bases of the Chechen statehood, might not mask under "Ichkerjia masks", could not confuse our compatriots. Let them engage in subversive activities against our state under other "masks", but not with Ichkerjia ones. Let them take the lawful place in a number of other enemies of our independence, our sovereignty.

- There is an opinion, and it openly was expressed in the Chechen MASS-MEDIA, that the last presidential Decrees are caused by activity of Assembly of Protection of Sovereignty of CHRI(APS of CHRI). Is not it so?

- Certainly, not. Generally, this Assembly for the first time has appeared yet in 1995, during the First war, in its structure there were such known our politicians as Said-Khasan Abumuslimov, Dik Altemirov and other authoritative persons heading more than 20 Chechen public organizations. The assembly of Protection of Sovereignty of CHR at that time completely answered its name, it did the work huge and very useful to our independence. The Assembly carried out the activity, observing full solidarity with the state authority and coordinating its actions with it.

And today we have war and, in my opinion, the Assembly of Protection of the Sovereignty should correspond to its name, that is, should support the state institutes of CHRI. Whoever and however it might call itself, The Sovereignty of CHRI is being protected today by Chechen people, its Armed forces and the authority of the country elected by people. And the mission of APS of CHRI is to help the authority of CHRI ideologically and politically.

- And how, in your opinion, does the APS cope with this mission?  

- The impression today is created, that this Assembly is in severe opposition to the Chechen authority, and its activity (I quote the Announcement of Administration of President of CHRI) "is the political diversion directed on substitution of state systems". Exactly this caused the reaction of Administration.

I know almost all people who are included into this structure. These are patriots to the core, past through many tests, and in their hardness and fidelity of our independence nobody has rights to doubt. The impression is created, that someone purposefully tries to put the great Chechen patriots, the most devoted supporters of our independence in opposition of the Chechen authority . And to understand it - a mission of that Operative Commission which is created at Administration of President of CHRI.

- However the heads of APS refer to the democratic right to criticize the activity of the government and its individual representatives. Is there someone who can deprive them with this right?

- In a peace time such criticism is useful and necessary. But during war which enters and establishes more rigid laws and more severe responsibility, criticism or the protest are allowable only in one case - if by the state institutes and representatives of authority it is betraid or discredit the idea of the sovereignty. Nobody is insured from the mistakes, we study in many things, as they say, on the move, mastering difficult mechanisms of a modern policy and seizing art of diplomacy. But on mistakes if they are, it is necessary to specify in the working order to help, instead of to subject public obstruction on pages of MASS-MEDIA that is unequivocal on a hand to our enemies.

But the main thing, certainly, not in it. On the part of our vigilant comrades we have learned to perceive public criticism as due, and it at all does not irritate us. Only and we may have requirements to vigilant comrades, and the first among them - to observe objectivity, elementary validity. But that it is interesting: during several months of analytics and ideologists write some ours and publish volumetric works in which by the open text it is called "to throw on history rubbish" Constitution of CHRI, and the Chechen state on which guard like there would be a vigilant APS, contemptiously name "political corpse".

How the Assembly of Protection of Sovereignty of CHRI should react to these direct antistate attacks? After all it not fine "mistakes" like that makes (in a reality or in imagination of vigilant comrades) authority of CHRI, on each of which gas station bursts in the whole stream of applications and protests. It - a straight line and nothing the covered diversion against the Chechen state, against the sovereignty of Chechen people. But during many months of the gas station has not responded on these antistate attacks even an easy reproach, even soft fatherlike manual. Than it to name: a policy of double standards or simply hypocrisy - leave to judge to readers.

- What you would want to tell readers of Chechenpress in the end of our conversation?

- An idea is difficult, and it would like to be properly comprehensible. Became a platitude of the statement, that Chechen people and its State are in heavy and tragical conditions. Weight and tragic element of our situation is expressed first of all that Chechen people continues to test extreme torments and sufferings, ceaseless neither in the afternoon, nor at night the terror on the part of Putin's fascist regime. However there is one more circumstance which aggravates our position. The matter is that also some our colleagues opposing of legal base of CHRI, and the Chechen traitors serving invaders, and even the executioner of Chechen people Putin - all to some extent appeal to an islam, justifying each way and a method of destruction of the Chechen state.

What we should oppose this? To enter with them religious discussions? This fruitless occupation because positions were already defined also the religious sermon hardly will transform our opponents into our allies. In this case there is a unique way of check who there is who, the unique banners under which everyone who sincerely wants for Chechen people of freedom and independence - may be going is idea of the Independent Chechen State, CHRI. And these words - the Independent Chechen State, CHRI, can begin those "password breaker", or as our ancestors said, that "word of trust" ("temashe dosh") on which we learn who for us is the friend and who the enemy.

Let we see a post-war political system of our state differently, let we with different intensity use a secular or religious terminology, let we even in something are angry against each other at a personal level, but I think, that all of us, supporters of Independence, should be rallied on this idea of Independence and stop contentions, fine injections and attacks against each other, to not bring split in our numbers and to not complicate to themselves and without that difficult way to a victory over the enemy, to liberation from invaders our common Fatherland.

Saikahn Umarov conversed with vice-premier of Chechen government Ahmed Zakaev.

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