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IA ´´DAYMOHK´´: Chechen President Is Well Informed

posted by FerrasB on August, 2005 as CHECHNYA

Chechen President is well informed
31.07.2005 - 00:53:44

´´My colleagues and I always manage to keep up to the mark legitimacy of our President, the Government and Parliament, that is our State, being on a political arena of Europe. I think, that it is the most important result of our work abroad...´´

´´In my opinion, the most important factor is a gradual recognition of a political solvency of top management CHRI...´´


President of CHRI is up-to-date with all events occurring outside the country


President of CHRI is in a rate of up-to-date with all events occurring outside the country

Interview IA DAYMOHK to the general representative of the President of the Chechen Republic Ichkerija in foreign countries, Minister of Health CHRI , Umar Khanbiev

- Assalamu Alaikum, Umar!

It would be desirable to hear your estimation of a political situation in Europe. What we Chechens expect from Europe in an immediate prospects?


Wa Aleykum Assalam! If you remember my last interview in which I have noted, how the major moment in world politics is - reactions to attempts to create monocentristic world, I meant, first of all, the political processes taking place now in Europe, - in reply to geopolitic claims on the part of USA. Two conducting countries of Europe - France and Germany - consider to be their historical mission to unite the states of Europe in an uniform of European commonwealth, and through the help of it, play the role of a geostrategic figure.

For last years, not having real influence on the rough geopolitic processes going in the world, reacting to them as reflector, what is already deliberate, but thus, not leaving with illusory dreams of the domination, these countries have made vain attempts to reconstruct and unite societies and economy of the European countries. Today it is obvious, that nothing will come of it yet.

In my opinion, this is because, that power structures in these countries do not have heads of those political scales who with their authority could unite these countries practically.

It is most indicative in this context, the relation of political managements of France and Germany to a political mode of Russia. Here we obviously see, how France , Germany or less significant Italy , to the detriment of the common policy of the Eurounion, without regard to Russian infringements of laws and principles that was fundamental for Europe, compete among themselves in zealous gravitation to the Kremlin regime.

You, probably, remember, how the president of France Jacque Shirak traditionally representing interests of Europe, has taken a demonstrative anti-war position towards Putin right at the beginning of the second Rassian-Chechen war?

And in the meantime, the prime minister of Italy has taken advantage of a cold snap of attitudes between Paris and Moscow for expansion of economic relations of the country with Russia. Whereupon, to Jacque Shirak did not remain anything, except for how to, not convenient for the head of such rank, change a pose to the leader of the Kremlin with a curtsey, not only publicly forgiving him the war in the Chechen Republic, but also even starting to operate as his lawyer in Europe.

Certainly, to build a strong European politics with partners at which skills of the businessman prevail of political thinking and culture, is simply impossible. Therefore today we have Europe where there is no prevailing politics, but there are economic interests of politically weak heads - businessmen, that is useful for Russia .

It is created an impression as if the Eurounion consists of some sort of favourites, and the only thing, that else somehow keeps him from disintegration is the NATO. In such conditions it is difficult to expect from Europe an uniform policy concerning the war in the Chechen Republic .

Almost all countries of the Eurounion, which entered earlier into the Warsaw contract, well-understand an inaccuracy of tolerant positions of Europe in connection with a military-political situation in the Chechen Republic. However it does not disturb much to the heads of leading European countries who are in searches of a counterbalance of US hegemony, one more headache of Europe, is search for friendship with Russia, losing the remaindes of political influence even on the processes occuring in the Europe.

If the Eurounion considers it possible to postpone discussion of a situation in the Chechen Republic and gives preference to problems of social reforms, from what it has built a shelter to protect itself against the sharp questions concerning genocide war in the Chechen Republic, so, naturally, it should forget about the geostrategic illusions.

It is unconvincing, when heads of France and Germany,not having paid appropriate attention in Europe to the most bloody and unfair genocide war in the Chechen Republic, in the union with Russia which conducts this colonial war, USA rush to explain what is good and is bad.

Before someone begins to teach intellect, itself it is necessary to operate reasonably. Today it is very difficult to name a policy of leading European countries reasonable.

Structures of EU in conditions of political crisis of leading countries of Europe still mechanically continue to simulate political activity. But in their actions there is no sober calculation upon perspective, they as though spontaneously are floating on a current.

On this basis, it is also possible to explain the last decision of the Eurounion in connection with Chechen Republic where it with closed eyes votes for the political concept of the Kremlin: ´´Reconstruction and restoration of the Chechen Republic. The purpose - struggle against terrorism through the decision of social problems.´´

Certainly, the EU knows well, that the purpose of this concept does not correspond to reality. It understands, that the reason of the tragedy of Chechen people appears to be not social problems, but the aggressive war launched by a governing bodies of Russia in response to realization of the legitimate right for self-determination by Chechen people .

And acts of terrorism are consequence of mass state terror of Russia against civilians of the Chechen Republic and other methods, forbidden by international law, which the Kremlin uses for suppression of freedom of Chechen people .

But fear to lose the whimsical ally, with petroleum and gas, with which the Eurounion feels like more confidently, pushes the last on even more disreputable steps, aggravating thus moral and political crisis.

The Eurounion is not able to understand, that absence of effective levers of influence on a situation in region, first of all, wounds its prestige and causes psychological uncertainty.

The eurounion which compromises Russia in such fundamental questions as democracy and human rights, loses the political face, with what, it seems, it has already reconciled.

Today it is difficult to imagine Shiraque and Shroder on roles of head of the countries playing a geostrategic role in a politics even within the limits of Europe. From here is a divergence of opinions of the European countries in relation to Russia because of a situation in the Chechen Republic - from adequate at Poland and of some other new members of the Eurounion and shamefully conciliatory at France, Germany and Italy.

While Europe does not find in itself will to self-critically look at realities and does not stop practice of easy bargains with Russia in exchange for conscience of Europe, the Eurounion will remain an amorphous mass without the face and policy.

Simply we still do not give ourselves the report as far as the important change appeared to be Chechens in the political bargains, that are going in the world. But also political shopkeepers do not till give themselvess report, about what fatal may appear ringing of this coin for this world in the future, being pleasant for them today.

Look, with what has turned out an inadequate, treacherous attitude to war in the Chechen Republic for the United Nations. Full discredit! We see, that the United Nations as the international institute, has ceased to influence a situation in the world, the same we observe with the Eurounion. And these are already obvious symptoms of the future chaos which will wrap up the big trouble for all.

Certainly, it will be, for any period, negative influence upon the Chechen issue and the tragical events which were taken place in London. If the Great Britain, which stays the chairman of the Eurounion for the nearest months, will not be kept, to please Kremlin friend, from traditional duty ranking of the Chechen Resistance to a network of global terrorism Russia will it apprehend as the justification of hundreds of thousand victims of a genocide in the Chechen Republic and will strengthen repressive actions against peoples of Northern Caucasus. But it, I think, will not last for a long time.

What we are supposed to do under these conditions? persistently continue the policy by using those levers of influence on a situation which, by virtue of circumstances, we did not manage to connect to the full. First
of all, it concerns the all-European institutes of protection of human rights with which help we should create demonstrative legal base to that chaos, which is happaning now in the Chechen Republic, so that neither the Eurounion and the United Nations, nor anybody else could not do without with us by using the general on duty phrases. It will be possible to us,in case if we will be united under our aspiration.

- There are doubts about unity of those who today politicizes our state. A lot of criticism is heard to Your address from different sources.


Healthy criticism, just, as far as I know, is not present at those sources about which you speak. There is a slander, gossips and irrepressible rage due to reasons which can only be guessed. I so understand things: if someone has decided to disagrees with a state policy he should offer, except for the stereotyped slogans, the
alternative program of an outcome from crisis. Having armed with marxist thinking and with the naked law of denying, as 74-years practice has shown, to achieve progress it is impossible.

To put it briefly, if my work had no due effect, nobody would remember me. Whosoever speaks whatever, it does not matter, my colleagues and I always manage to keep up to the mark legitimacy of our President, the Government and Parliament, that is our State, being on a political arena of Europe. I think, that it is the most important result of our work abroad.

And as for those who have hidden in holes and are put out the refrom in order to sting someone, and even in most cases, under assumed names, I simply do not respect them. Slander and gossips - the weapon of powerless people, they deserve to themselves indulgence and pity.

And the application of ´´defence counsels of sovereignty Ichkeria´´ from the city of Dzhohara , strangely coincided with press conference of governmental delegation CHRI in Europarliament, on the contrary, has pleasantly surprised me. Imagine our citizens in Djokhar which, despite of the hardest conditions of occupation, keep determination and inflexibility in protection of sovereignty of CHRI. I was admitted not only the ethical mistakes by them in the application, but on the contrary, a little amused their hastiness. I am happy, the new generation which will continue duty of the heroic fathers and mothers has grown up!

It is necessary to explain to these people patiently and without emotions, in what they are mistaken and in what the basic sense of the Concept of the stipulated independence and in general our policy. In addition - is popular to tell, that any state has tactical and strategic missions.

I understand well our warriors, being on the war where they with the weapon in hands resist to invaders. In such conditions it is difficult to understand political subtleties of prevailing processes, and their emotional failure I have percepted, as adequate reflex reaction to hearings and to the conjectures circulating in some layers of the Chechen society, designed situations for destabilization.

If they protected the sovereignty not known from whom, sitting in Baku or in Istanbul, naturally, my reaction would be other, adequate. And up to those who is in Djokhar, is necessary to finish, that the Concept of the stipulated independence is not whim of Umar Khanbiev, and a state policy developed in walls of Ministry for Foreign Affairs CHRI and maintained by the President, the Government, Parliament and GKO - Madjlisul Shura.

Until the President and Government CHRI is not present, and GKO-MSH is not approving other political direction, the given Concept will remain a general political line of the Chechen State, and all politics, who respects our state and its sovereignty, should follow this line.

Let our compatriots from the city of Djokhara which are protecting our Fatherland from aggressors with the weapons in their hands, know, that I as a genuine Chechen, true to my duty in the eyes of Supreme God and Chechen people, defend as well the sovereignty of CHRI on a world political arena as the integral property of the Chechen State. Although, what kind of methods I am using and what kind of Concept I have armed with - these are prerogative of President CHRI, Amir GKO-MSH CHRI and Supreme commander in chief VS CHRI Abdul-Khalim Sadulaev.

- Last months political activity of our state has appreciablly increased. There were information on activity of governmental delegation CHRI from Brussels, Hague, Paris and Strasbourg. Last messages have arrived recently - official meetings of delegation CHRI in the Bundestag of Germany and press conference at session of Europarliament in Strasbourg. How it is possible to explain such activity of our government?


I would not name it any activization. It is usual work which is carried out by us constantly. Other question, whether it was shined always? No, certainly. Here are a lot of reasons, about which I have spoken earlier. For example, both Said-Khasan Abumuslimov, and Apti Bisultanov act on different forums, conferences.

They have lot of interviews in the foreigh press. But they modestly are silent, do not communicate with our journalists, they consider, that it is not important. The main thing - is to work fairly and constantly , that is basically right, but not for public politicians.

The Chechen MASS-MEDIA also should be used directly by us. In that case there will less occasions for squabbles and, it is not known for what made, applications.

As you know, after destruction of President Aslan Maskhadov, the Russian propagation has hurried with conclusions about radicalism the Chechen political management. Abdul-Khalim sadulaev, new President CHRI, have begun to present almost fundamentalist, Vakhabist etc.

To dispel these myths and to state the political program of new political management ? it is necessary to meet many politics and intellectuals who are interested in our heads and in the personal relationship.

For example, many questions were aroused to the European politicians in connection with assignment of A.-KH. Sadulaev vice-president of CHRI Dokki Umarov.

When you finish up to their data, that Dokki Umarov the person who plays the important role in the Chechen State, and in due time he was the secretary of Security Council CHRI many questions disappear automatically.

Our MASS-MEDIA very poorly cover these sides of life of our leaders, and little amount of information about them is translated into other languages of the world .

I, nevertheless, think, that alive dialogue with politics and diplomats - is the major factor in popularization of a policy of our management. Therefore there are very many meetings and press conferences which have not time to show.

For example, while we carried out work in Europarliament and in the Bundestag, individually met tens of politicians and intellectuals of Europe, including with known French philosopher Andre Gljuksman and the deputy of France Nowell Mamer - the mayor of city of Bugle, where the street is named in honour of Aslan Maskhadov. There are specific proposals and wishes of these people to our new President Abdul-Halimu Sadulaev.

So, work in such mode was an is always conducted.

- What plans do you have on immediate prospects? Are there hopes, that the question of the war and peace in the Chechen Republic will manage to be lifted on a due level of a political arena?


Certainly, to plan any essential break in this question today it is very difficult. Though really rough events on Northern Caucasus with obvious expansion of a range of operations, of which in reality the Chechen side warned, brings updating on vision of an objective situation of the majority of politicians.

I do not exclude also spontaneous break, which will be connected to real processes in region of operations. There are still x many more encouraging factors which are noticed by them who constantly keeps an eye upon the current political processes in the world.

In my opinion, the most important factor is a gradual recognition of a political solvency of top management CHRI.

Second, not less important factor is an appreciable political activity of movements and parties in support of the Chechen question in structures of the European institutes. We actively discuss a question on a serious political forum under aegis of Europarliament where discussion of a situation in the Chechen Republic and on Northern Caucasus is planned.

The liberal group of Europarliament led by deputies Kenbendit and Bart Stas organize the subcommission on hearing a situation in the Chechen Republic .

Appreciable change undergoes also political view SE on a situation in CHRI, after our long cold mutual relation.

It is intended to be arranged many other important meetings with diplomats and politics about which it is early to speak.

- Is it difficult to be kept from pessimism after your disorder of a political situation in the Eurounion. Are you the optimist?


Yes, I am the most firm optimist, and sure in that, by the highest standards, Chechens have already defended freedom and the state sovereignty. Their politic-legal registration needs only time. What have afforded to reasonings on the Eurounion does not have any reference to my mood.

The human society is too big organism where phenomena - symptoms specify illnesses. And I, as the doctor, have got used to catch symptoms, on their basis to diagnose and argue on methods of treatment of the patient. I speak about sick Europe which as old jade, is tired out and groans from inept management of the horseman. If the Eurounion will manage to look fairly and self-critically at this situation Europe can restore the important geostrategic role in the world and, as a rahabilitation method, we offer the correct and strong-willed approach to a situation in the Chechen Republic. That is the matter.

- Have you met chechen deputies in Strasbourg ?


Yes, I meet them each time when I am in Europe. There is nothing more grievous picture than to contemplate absence of unity in the environment of elected representatives of people. As if everyone is sorry for Chechen people, speaking on behalf of its name.

I can not understand those deputies in any way which remain on positions of the Chechen statehood and at the same time give the persons convicted of treachery of interests of people, quietly to sow discord, accepting them at myself. In general, I can´t stop to be surprised to our deputies. They are people in the essence, not only elects of people, but also a nonsense of a nature. They are absolutely not similar to other mortal Chechens.

For example, one of them has turned, almost in UFO - ´´UFO´´between France and Russia. Another holds a pose of the great martyr, with insult, that unfairly underestimate its enormous superiority over all other Divine creations. And the third, in general, do better than all, also has straight come in any league sacred. Involuntarily, I began to think of validity of saying that there is no prophet in the Fatherland.

Certainly, despite of my comic tone, a problem here is very serious. Conversing with those deputies who remain true to our people, has noticed their concern in connection with becoming ripe provocative situation on the part of the collaborators continuing actively to serve to enemies of Chechen people.

As is known, an autumn of the current year the occupying-puppet mode prepares for a farce of elections so-called parliament of the Chechen Republic. With performance of reconciliation and recognition again elected national-traitors a part of Parliament CHRI - participants of Moscow will do the impeachment to Maskhadov on toilet bowl of Iastrjembski in the Kremlin and those who is ready to them to adjoin.

Certainly, it is useless game in execution of puppets already known to us. But a question in the one who from the European actors supervises over this performance? Therefore it is very important, that SE and the PASS unequivocally, even before end of this Kremlin show under the name Elections of parliament of the Chechen Republic, have named its farce.

In this direction our deputies should be focused. It is time them even itself to protect from encroachments of national-vermins, having rejected all insults and squabbles aside, having rallied in movement to an overall objective of Chechen people.

President CHRI and GKO-MSH in a rate of all events occuring outside the country. I think, that our deputies soon will receive from them concrete orders.

IA ´´DAYMOHK´´, 22.07.05


310705 Umar Khanbiev

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